A (JJ): We'll try ! Credit must go to Guy Luzon. He has had us working tirelessly. And it is good because we required a lot of work. He is very structured and sure of what he wants from different players. Saturday was the first time we played how he wants us to play.
Buyens should've been there instead
What's that all about?
This must be very confusing for you Colin. It's a comment in favour of one of Roland's decisions, but by posting it you're praising Johnnie Jackson. I understand this must be a difficult time. If you want to talk I'm here for you.
For the captain to say that now is s big statement and maybe Guy is winning the players around
Anyway if Jackson is happy with GL then so am I, I have faith in our skipper
They may be obvious to us but Luzon hasnt been here to see them, surely he is allowed time to look at the players he has available, watch them, access their strengths and weaknesses and then work out a style of play that suits them and which they can then practice in training. Hopefully he keeps it up.
Credit could also be extended to Roland, Dudu Dahan, the Luzon on the Israeli FA, and the Israeli blogger.
I have to fully admit I dislike Luzon, particularly because of his provenance, but he gets credit from me if we win.
(Sorry whose side are we on this week?)
"To be honest, he's a bit of an arrogant tosser. All the lads are taking the piss out of him crouching down all the time and nobody understands most of what he says in training. If he's still about on 5th November we'll probably burn an effigy..."
As if JJ is gonna come out and slam him in a press conference! I have however got a good feeling about Wigan if we play the team from Sat, even though they won last night. First manager to stick Cousins through the middle from the start (I think?) which for me is a great decision.
They may be obvious to us but Luzon hasnt been here to see them, surely he is allowed time to look at the players he has available, watch them, access their strengths and weaknesses and then work out a style of play that suits them and which they can then practice in training. Hopefully he keeps it up.
Fair comment
Little anecdote - JJ for a future CAFC manager?
The general malaise about being part of a rich man's 'plan' and the loss of identity resulting from that remains.
The reason Luzon is regarded with scepticism is 1) that he is the fourth head coach in ten months, 2) the botched presentation of his appointment by Katrien Meire, 3) he was already on the payroll, therefore appointing him had the advantage of saving money which may have been a key factor and 4) his cv is open to interpretation. If we win matches he will be accepted, if we get relegated he won't. But either way it's hard to see him becoming the next Alex Ferguson, a rod crafted for his back by Ms Meire herself.
Cousins going central is facilitated by Bulot playing 90 minutes on the left. He has been with us since October (?) but hardly played.
Luzon is making the most of what we have available but one win is too early to make any kinda call. I look forward to the Wigan game - if it was a Saturday I'd be there!
As for Luzon's introduction to CAFC? It could have been presented as a decisive appointment made as a consequence of an appalling run that saw us fall from 7th to 18th.
It wasn't! That has been covered already but it suggests to me that we need a stronger board for the challenges of re establishing CAFC necessitate more gravitas, more experience and more ability to read situations / deliver a credible narrative.