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Space Exploration



  • Fascinated by all things space related, but ended up watching another crappy documentary the other day debunking the moon landings saying they never happened.

    To save me trawling the internet I'd like to know is there definitive proof they happened, like for example a probe picking up the landing marks or flag in the moon surface?

    Secondly, why has no one gone back there since 1969?? 51 years since man last stepped on the moon. Surely money can't be the only reason, billions are wasted everyday on this planet and think of the kudos for going there again now? I wondered (while drunk) if actually it was all fake and it's never happened after all.....or did they discover something up there that meant it was decided never to take man back to the moon again? 

    For a start apparently there is gold up there, which i know would cost too much to mine currently but nonetheless 51 years!!! Why!!?
    There are mirrors we placed on the moon and that scientists still use to shine lasers off for various measurement reasons.

    In terms of why we haven't gone back, there's not much point, we learnt a lot more spending the money sending people up to live on the ISS.
  • edited October 2020
    Fascinated by all things space related, but ended up watching another crappy documentary the other day debunking the moon landings saying they never happened.

    To save me trawling the internet I'd like to know is there definitive proof they happened, like for example a probe picking up the landing marks or flag in the moon surface?

    Secondly, why has no one gone back there since 1969?? 51 years since man last stepped on the moon. Surely money can't be the only reason, billions are wasted everyday on this planet and think of the kudos for going there again now? I wondered (while drunk) if actually it was all fake and it's never happened after all.....or did they discover something up there that meant it was decided never to take man back to the moon again? 

    For a start apparently there is gold up there, which i know would cost too much to mine currently but nonetheless 51 years!!! Why!!?
    1. It wouldn't be possible to have such a monumental hoax involving so many people with none of them feeling the need to blab. Every argument put forward in favour of a hoax has been explained or discredited. 

    2. It's bloody expensive. The real motivation (for the paymasters) has for a long time been to be able to control communications technology and the resulting military capabilities,  you don't need to go to the moon to do that.
  • Thought this site might be of interest to those interested in the final frontier.

    The site depicts the planets, space probes and other points of interest in real time.  Zooming in and out gives a real impression of distance.  Every depicted item is clickable for more in depth data. 
    Great site, thanks for posting.
  • If you listen to podcasts the link below will take you to "13 minutes to the moon" if you have not listened to these you will enjoy them. Scroll down to the bottom and start with Episode 1 "We choose to go"
  • Worth going on the NASA website and looking at the plans - in advanced stages now - for returning to the Moon in 2024 & beyond - inspiring & sustainable stuff! the next ten years are going to be amazing 
  • This 'fake moon landings' shit was started when Capricorn One came out. Eerie parallels between that & 'Utopia' and our current pandemic. Some plums literally can't tell the difference between reality and fiction (although I've yet to be convinced we're not *actually* living through season 5 of Black Mirror...) 
  • edited October 2020
    Fascinated by all things space related, but ended up watching another crappy documentary the other day debunking the moon landings saying they never happened.

    To save me trawling the internet I'd like to know is there definitive proof they happened, like for example a probe picking up the landing marks or flag in the moon surface?

    Secondly, why has no one gone back there since 1969?? 51 years since man last stepped on the moon. Surely money can't be the only reason, billions are wasted everyday on this planet and think of the kudos for going there again now? I wondered (while drunk) if actually it was all fake and it's never happened after all.....or did they discover something up there that meant it was decided never to take man back to the moon again? 

    For a start apparently there is gold up there, which i know would cost too much to mine currently but nonetheless 51 years!!! Why!!?
    The last crewed mission to the Moon was actually in 1972. There were six lunar landings between July 1969 and December 1972, with 12 different astronauts walking on the lunar surface across those missions.

    The reason there hasn't been a crewed mission to the Moon since 1972 is that no one wants to meet the enormous costs involved in making a seventh trip there.

    There have, however, been various orbiters, probes and rovers that have travelled to the Moon in the intervening 48 years.

    There's a detailed entry on Wikipedia that covers all of this:

    In terms of evidence, I'd argue the testimony of the astronauts that went there is pretty conclusive, but there is other evidence, too. From the above Wikipedia entry:

    "Many conspiracists hold that the Apollo Moon landings were a hoax;[74] however, empirical evidence is readily available to show that human Moon landings did occur. Anyone on Earth with an appropriate laser and telescope system can bounce laser beams off three retroreflector arrays left on the Moon by Apollo 11,[75] 14 and 15, verifying deployment of the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment at historically documented Apollo Moon landing sites and so proving equipment constructed on Earth was successfully transported to the surface of the Moon. In addition, in August 2009 NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter began to send back high resolution photos of the Apollo landing sites. These photos show the large descent stages of the six Apollo Lunar Modules which were left behind, the tracks of the three Lunar Roving Vehicles, and the paths left by the twelve astronauts as they walked in the lunar dust.[76]Indeed, in 2016, then President of the United States, Barack Obama, acknowledged that the moon landing was not a hoax and publicly thanked the members of the television show Mythbusters for publicly proving as much in season 6 episode 2.[77]"
  • Very good Raith, thank you.  The In Our Time podcasts on BBC sounds with Melvin Bragg also have some good stuff on them re: space, physics and all things science.  Listened to one about Venus the other day.  Mind blowing how it takes 200 odd days to spin once on its axis 
  • The Japanese space probe Hayabusa 2 is due to drop off a sample gathered from the asteroid Ryugu in capsule form tomorrow at Woomera, Australia.  

    The Mothercraft will then set off to visit a further three asteroids arriving 2026 - 2031. The total journey consists of tens of billions of miles and is powered by just 66 Kg of solar electric ion thrusters. 

    How people put projects together like this is literally beyond my comprehension.   
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  • Dave2l said:
    Fascinated by all things space related, but ended up watching another crappy documentary the other day debunking the moon landings saying they never happened.

    To save me trawling the internet I'd like to know is there definitive proof they happened, like for example a probe picking up the landing marks or flag in the moon surface?

    Secondly, why has no one gone back there since 1969?? 51 years since man last stepped on the moon. Surely money can't be the only reason, billions are wasted everyday on this planet and think of the kudos for going there again now? I wondered (while drunk) if actually it was all fake and it's never happened after all.....or did they discover something up there that meant it was decided never to take man back to the moon again? 

    For a start apparently there is gold up there, which i know would cost too much to mine currently but nonetheless 51 years!!! Why!!?

    I don't know enough about this.

    All I know is, they stuck a US flag on it didn't they?

    Due to the moon's alternate environmental structure... that flag should still be present and in the exact same spot.

    Surely a very good rather expensive out of this world telescope, could identify this flag?
    It is from YouTube, but here is quite a a good explanation why we can’t see them from earth:
  • We have Photoshop now so it would be easy to fake make fake pictures of the flags on the moon so no one would believe it.

    What is amazing is that they somehow managed to fake the moon landings in 1969 without any aid from computers. I've no idea how they did this and suspect that some sort of alien technology was involved.
    This is a joke, right?
  • I am sure the Russian's would have mentioned it, if it had been faked.....
  • Hopefully they make it this time. Only 53 years between attempts.
  • Borrowing from the Pub Landlord...

    "Why would a country that invented gravity, want to go somewhere where there is no gravity?

    No, the moon was never going to be part of the British Empire!"

    Fascinating stuff though.  More oomph than the Saturn Five and the technology on board will revolutionise what humans can achieve up there.  Hope i see us on the moon again one day.
  • Borrowing from the Pub Landlord...

    "Why would a country that invented gravity, want to go somewhere where there is no gravity?

    No, the moon was never going to be part of the British Empire!"

    Fascinating stuff though.  More oomph than the Saturn Five and the technology on board will revolutionise what humans can achieve up there.  Hope i see us on the moon again one day.
    Given up on the Peninsula then?

  • Dimethyl suflide has been discovered, outside Earth 

    So what? 

    Well, as we all know, Dimethyl sulfide (DMS), (also known as methylthiomethane), is an organosulfur compound represented by the chemical formula (CH3)2S. This flammable liquid has a boiling point of 37C (99°F) and is characterised by a distinct disagreeable odor. Notably, it serves as a contributing factor to the smell emanating from the cooking of specific vegetables like maize, cabbage, beetroot, and various seafood. In addition to its role in culinary aromas, DMS can act as an indicator of bacterial contamination in malt production and brewing processes. It is a byproduct resulting from the breakdown of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and is produced through the bacterial metabolism of methanethiol. This multifaceted compound plays a role in various contexts, from the culinary world to industrial processes, reflecting its diverse origins and applications. 

    But, most importantly, it is only ever found where there is life.  

    So, where has it been found?  

    In a groundbreaking development in exoplanet science, researchers have uncovered compelling evidence that brings us one step closer to the tantalising possibility of extraterrestrial life. The discovery revolves around a new class of habitable exoplanets known as "Hycean worlds," and the focus of attention is the candidate Hycean world, K2-18 b. 

    Unlike the challenges posed by the small size and thin atmospheres of traditional Earth-like exoplanets, Hycean worlds present a unique opportunity for exploration. These planets, characterized as temperate ocean-covered worlds with hydrogen-rich atmospheres, have larger sizes and extended atmospheres compared to their rocky counterparts. This distinction makes them significantly more amenable to atmospheric spectroscopy, a key tool for unraveling the mysteries of distant planets.

    The breakthrough comes from observations of K2-18 b using the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRISS and NIRSpec instruments, which collectively cover the 0.9-5.2 µm range. The resulting transmission spectrum has revealed robust signatures of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with confidence levels of 5σ and 3σ, respectively. These gases exist in high volume mixing ratios of approximately 1% each within a hydrogen-rich atmosphere, consistent with theoretical expectations for a temperate ocean-covered planet.

    What makes this discovery even more intriguing is the absence of ammonia (NH3) in the spectrum, aligning perfectly with chemical predictions for a Hycean world with an ocean under a temperate H2-rich atmosphere.

    Notably, the spectrum hints at the presence of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), a potential biomarker in Hycean worlds. This tantalising detail sparks considerations of possible biological activity on K2-18 b, raising the prospect of life beyond our solar system. 
    The detection of methane on K2-18 b resolves a longstanding puzzle regarding the missing methane problem for temperate exoplanets. This finding also dispels uncertainties in the atmospheric composition of the planet based on previous observations.

    Scientists are left with a three important questions.

    1. What are the implications of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of K2-18 b? 
    2. Could dimethyl sulfide be a key to identifying extraterrestrial life? 
    3. When is the White Whouse going to release details of the discovery (because, we can be absolutely certain, the US Government will have been given the full details of the discovery by NASA).  

    The discovery of Hycean worlds marks a turning point in our understanding of habitable planets and the potential for life beyond Earth. 
  • Addicted said:
    Eventually we'll need to expand beyond earth as a species for numerous reasons such as population, resources etc. We're talking hundreds if not more years into the future, way beyond our lifetimes but it will need to happen. This can be tough to comprehend, but then again people struggle to look past a players first game so that shouldnt come as a surprise. Stuff like space exploration doesnt just occur; you dont just go "right, we need to go to mars" and bam we have everything we need. You build up knowledge though many small steps. This is one of them. The guys that are working on this are not the same people that would cure cancer or ebola. Physicists and engineers are not biologists. The human race is going to need to be able to focus on more than one project at a time too. There are many things that budget could be taken away from to provide for more useful, humanitarian goals. This should not be one of them.
    Sooner than you thought, eh!
  • edited January 2024
    More fascinating data.  We may be able to detect life elsewhere in the galaxy, but I fear we are many decades from shaking hands, nibblets, fins or any other apendage with them.
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  • edited January 2024
    We may be able to detect a planet with life on it from its atmosphere but as for communicating with aliens, they don't only have to be intelligent enough, they have to be close enough and be able to communicate in the time period which is compatable with us. If you think how long we have been in a position to send out signals in terms of the age of our planet, and how many years we may exist for (probably not that many), it is a massive leap expecting to meet or hear from aliens. Of course it is extremely likely they existed, exist and will exist but not that we will know about them. I can't understand why some scientists say we will. It is more about odds than science at the end of the day.
  • We may be able to detect a planet with life on it from its atmosphere but as for communicating with aliens, they don't only have to be intelligent enough, they have to be close enough and be able to communicate in the time period which is compatable with us. If you think how long we have been in a position to send out signals in terms of the age of our planet, and how many years we may exist for (probably not that many), it is a massive leap expecting to meet or hear from aliens. Of course it is extremely likely they existed, exist and will exist but not that we will know about them. I can't understand why some scientists say we will. It is more about odds than science at the end of the day.
    Do we even want to communicate with aliens? They might just want to eliminate us, or even worse, probe us.
  • We may be able to detect a planet with life on it from its atmosphere but as for communicating with aliens, they don't only have to be intelligent enough, they have to be close enough and be able to communicate in the time period which is compatable with us. If you think how long we have been in a position to send out signals in terms of the age of our planet, and how many years we may exist for (probably not that many), it is a massive leap expecting to meet or hear from aliens. Of course it is extremely likely they existed, exist and will exist but not that we will know about them. I can't understand why some scientists say we will. It is more about odds than science at the end of the day.
    Do we even want to communicate with aliens? They might just want to eliminate us, or even worse, probe us.
    Some of us like a probing... AHEM!
  • We may be able to detect a planet with life on it from its atmosphere but as for communicating with aliens, they don't only have to be intelligent enough, they have to be close enough and be able to communicate in the time period which is compatable with us. If you think how long we have been in a position to send out signals in terms of the age of our planet, and how many years we may exist for (probably not that many), it is a massive leap expecting to meet or hear from aliens. Of course it is extremely likely they existed, exist and will exist but not that we will know about them. I can't understand why some scientists say we will. It is more about odds than science at the end of the day.
    Do we even want to communicate with aliens? They might just want to eliminate us, or even worse, probe us.
    It could be even worse than that.
    They could be Palace or 'Wall supporters...
  • Chizz said:
    Dimethyl suflide has been discovered, outside Earth 

    So what? 

    Well, as we all know, Dimethyl sulfide (DMS), (also known as methylthiomethane), is an organosulfur compound represented by the chemical formula (CH3)2S. This flammable liquid has a boiling point of 37C (99°F) and is characterised by a distinct disagreeable odor. Notably, it serves as a contributing factor to the smell emanating from the cooking of specific vegetables like maize, cabbage, beetroot, and various seafood. In addition to its role in culinary aromas, DMS can act as an indicator of bacterial contamination in malt production and brewing processes. It is a byproduct resulting from the breakdown of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and is produced through the bacterial metabolism of methanethiol. This multifaceted compound plays a role in various contexts, from the culinary world to industrial processes, reflecting its diverse origins and applications. 

    But, most importantly, it is only ever found where there is life.  

    So, where has it been found?  

    In a groundbreaking development in exoplanet science, researchers have uncovered compelling evidence that brings us one step closer to the tantalising possibility of extraterrestrial life. The discovery revolves around a new class of habitable exoplanets known as "Hycean worlds," and the focus of attention is the candidate Hycean world, K2-18 b. 

    Unlike the challenges posed by the small size and thin atmospheres of traditional Earth-like exoplanets, Hycean worlds present a unique opportunity for exploration. These planets, characterized as temperate ocean-covered worlds with hydrogen-rich atmospheres, have larger sizes and extended atmospheres compared to their rocky counterparts. This distinction makes them significantly more amenable to atmospheric spectroscopy, a key tool for unraveling the mysteries of distant planets.

    The breakthrough comes from observations of K2-18 b using the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRISS and NIRSpec instruments, which collectively cover the 0.9-5.2 µm range. The resulting transmission spectrum has revealed robust signatures of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with confidence levels of 5σ and 3σ, respectively. These gases exist in high volume mixing ratios of approximately 1% each within a hydrogen-rich atmosphere, consistent with theoretical expectations for a temperate ocean-covered planet.

    What makes this discovery even more intriguing is the absence of ammonia (NH3) in the spectrum, aligning perfectly with chemical predictions for a Hycean world with an ocean under a temperate H2-rich atmosphere.

    Notably, the spectrum hints at the presence of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), a potential biomarker in Hycean worlds. This tantalising detail sparks considerations of possible biological activity on K2-18 b, raising the prospect of life beyond our solar system. 
    The detection of methane on K2-18 b resolves a longstanding puzzle regarding the missing methane problem for temperate exoplanets. This finding also dispels uncertainties in the atmospheric composition of the planet based on previous observations.

    Scientists are left with a three important questions.

    1. What are the implications of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of K2-18 b? 
    2. Could dimethyl sulfide be a key to identifying extraterrestrial life? 
    3. When is the White Whouse going to release details of the discovery (because, we can be absolutely certain, the US Government will have been given the full details of the discovery by NASA).  

    The discovery of Hycean worlds marks a turning point in our understanding of habitable planets and the potential for life beyond Earth. 
    In other words, aliens, somewhere, have been caught cooking chips...
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