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Can we discuss "Severe Terror threats"



  • This...
    Stig said:

    1. It doesn't work as a deterrent (that's not me speaking, it's Albert Pierrepoint)

    ...and this...
    Stig said:

    2. I don't think it is necessarily as bigger punishment as life imprisonment (providing that means life) - especially if your dealing with idiot wannabe martyrs.

    ...and this...
    Stig said:

    3. I don't think you can take the moral high ground on killing, if you yourself are prepared to kill.

    But not all of this...
    Stig said:

    I would literally set up some sort of prison island, somewhere cold and inhospitable and, most importantly thousands of miles from any civilisation. No food and no amenities at all.

  • edited May 2015
    Nah he's right. There should be a camera crew in a helicopter following him 24/7 (obviously the helicopters take it in shifts) and the whole thing can be sold to primetime cable. Every few days they can introduce a new large predatory mammal to Murderer Island just to keep things lively. Pukka!
  • Leuth said:

    Nah he's right. There should be a camera crew in a helicopter following him 24/7 (obviously the helicopters take it in shifts) and the whole thing can be sold to primetime cable. Every few days they can introduce a new large predatory mammal to Murderer Island just to keep things lively. Pukka!

  • The Albert Peirrepoint drama with Timothy Spall is worth a watch (I think it's on YouTube).

    Got a question; when was the last time the French used the guillotine? Try and have a guess and not Google it
  • brogib said:

    The Albert Peirrepoint drama with Timothy Spall is worth a watch (I think it's on YouTube).

    Got a question; when was the last time the French used the guillotine? Try and have a guess and not Google it

    1900 ?
  • se9addick said:

    brogib said:

    The Albert Peirrepoint drama with Timothy Spall is worth a watch (I think it's on YouTube).

    Got a question; when was the last time the French used the guillotine? Try and have a guess and not Google it

    1900 ?
    Nowhere near maye
  • Mate*
  • Earlier today when some teaching assistant had to trim some coloured paper for Year 2 Arts & Crafts
  • 1977
  • I think if I could choose a method of execution, I'd choose guillotine or firing squad.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Yeah but if I was given the death penalty I'd pick guillotine or firing squad.
  • I wouldn't, I'd choose execution by natural causes
  • Sorry, that was a bit dark...

    I'll go back to making stupid observations on threads.
  • Went to have a dump at work today saw some muggy nerd walk out looking pleased with himself.. 3 seconds later I heave open the door to the gents and the nostrils are assaulted in a smell that caused gagging, but near touching cloth I opened one door a giant floater still patrolling the toxic waters so I storm the other cubicle sit down and realise I didn't check, stand up glance into what I pray are neutral waters and see that the smell encompassing the toilet block was that the nerd had tactically nuked and napalmed the entire inner bowl. Flushing didn't help it just raised the sea level in an ocean of shit. I couldn't leave as I was crowning so tried to control the pace of it but boom out comes a long firm torpedo, the torpedo seemed to explode on impact with the debris in the bowl splashing all over me.

    After admitting a terrorist had sabotaged the loo, I decided safest bet was to clean up quickly and evacuate. To my astonishment as I swing open the loo door, there's the cleaner laughing her face off.

    Bitch Must've listened into the whole thing!
  • I'm speechless...........
  • Instead of bringing back hunting with dogs, why don't we just hunt

    All hate preaching bstds
    All peado bstds
    All nonce bstds
    All terrorists
    All murderers
    All burglary bstds

    With dogs and horses and rejoice as their blighted skin is ripped from the bone

    Kill them remove them from breathing the air I do
  • se9addick said:

    limeygent said:

    I think that as radical Islam escalates it's war on innocents, and it appears they will, many will change their minds on what is appropriate punishment.

    I don't intend to lower my standards or change my understanding of civilisation due to "radical Islam" - I suggest you don't either.
    Didn't plan to.
  • Sponsored links:

  • It's a sure fire winner
  • brogib said:


    Interesting! Was that actually in France or some overseas territory?

    The only thing I know about it is that Joseph Guillotin, who the device is named after, was opposed to capital punishment and only proposed it's use as a less painful method of dispatch. His family were so embarrassed they petitioned the French Govt to change its name. There were reports that he himself had been executed by Guillotin, but it turned out to be another person called J Guillotin.

    Anyone remember the furore when the Spanish were garrotting people (1980's ?)
  • edited May 2015
    Stig said:

    brogib said:


    Interesting! Was that actually in France or some overseas territory?

    The only thing I know about it is that Joseph Guillotin, who the device is named after, was opposed to capital punishment and only proposed it's use as a less painful method of dispatch. His family were so embarrassed they petitioned the French Govt to change its name. There were reports that he himself had been executed by Guillotin, but it turned out to be another person called J Guillotin.

    Anyone remember the furore when the Spanish were garrotting people (1980's ?)
    While Guillotin may not have succombed to the device he invented, Perillos of Athens did. He invented the "brazen bull". A bronze, hollow statue of a bull, into which a prisoner was placed. A fire was then set underneath the bull, gradually heating the bronze, with the prisoner inside, unable to escape. The bull was designed in such a way as to amplify the screams of agony of the prisoner as he slowly roasted to death; the screams seeming to emanate from the bull's mouth, much to the hilarity of witnessing. Not a very pleasant way to go.

    That's a real Greek tragedy.
  • Always thought the Iron Maiden was a nasty form of execution myself. And then only last week North Korea's Kim Jung-Un executes his Minister for Defence by anti-aircraft gun. I mean, ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN!!! Man's capacity for evil and pain knows no bound. As a species we don't deserve to go on.
  • edited May 2015
    Chizz said:

    Stig said:

    brogib said:


    Interesting! Was that actually in France or some overseas territory?

    The only thing I know about it is that Joseph Guillotin, who the device is named after, was opposed to capital punishment and only proposed it's use as a less painful method of dispatch. His family were so embarrassed they petitioned the French Govt to change its name. There were reports that he himself had been executed by Guillotin, but it turned out to be another person called J Guillotin.

    Anyone remember the furore when the Spanish were garrotting people (1980's ?)
    While Guillotin may not have succombed to the device he invented, Perillos of Athens did. He invented the "brazen bull". A bronze, hollow statue of a bull, into which a prisoner was placed. A fire was then set underneath the bull, gradually heating the bronze, with the prisoner inside, unable to escape. The bull was designed in such a way as to amplify the screams of agony of the prisoner as he slowly roasted to death; the screams seeming to emanate from the bull's mouth, much to the hilarity of witnessing. Not a very pleasant way to go.

    That's a real Greek tragedy.
    Reminds me of the Persion Scaphism, which was used against The Greeks - it made a public spectacle out of the execution whilst ensuring it was long winded and continued for as long as possible.

    It's very grim and you can read about it on wikipedia, although it's not for the faint of heart. Essentially, it involved binding the prisoners hands and feet, and placing their body in two hollowed out tree trunks with the head, feet and hands being left exposed but the torso contained inside the tree trunks. The prisoner would then be force fed sweet food (i.e Honey) and would literally crap themselves, the resulting infestation of insects would then eat them alive. Their hands, head and feet would also be prepared so as to attract bees, wasps and other insects. Death wouldn't come quick, often taking several days.

    I was absolutely stunned when I heard about it, I know it was a completely different time period, but man never ceases to amaze with the ridiculously cruel (yet truly imaginative) ways it finds to kill and hurt one another. Sadly, you look at the likes of the Deash in Syria and Iraq, then Boko Haram and various other factions involved in parts of the African continent, and you realise that certain sections of the world haven't actually developed all that far since.
  • One man decapitated in France, with Islamic scribings found at the scene.

    27 people murdered on a beach in Tunisia, reports suggesting two gunmen are responsible and Brits may be among the dead. No word on the motive behind this yet, but I can hazard a pretty good guess...
    edited June 2015
    15 killed in a suicide attack in a Mosque in Kuwait as well.
  • Absolute scum bags.
  • cafctom said:

    One man decapitated in France, with Islamic scribings found at the scene.

    27 people murdered on a beach in Tunisia, reports suggesting two gunmen are responsible and Brits may be among the dead. No word on the motive behind this yet, but I can hazard a pretty good guess...

    Radical Islam. You're allowed to say that.

  • Quite where IS gets any sort of justification for attacking a mosque (you know, the church of your purported religion) on a Friday (the holy day of your purported religion) during Ramadan (the holy festival of your purported religion) is beyond me.

    Mind you, anything those frothing lunatics do is beyond reason so I'm not sure why I should be surprised.

    There's a pretty devout Muslim girl at work and she is unbelievably angry at IS and other such scumbags for perverting her religion.
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