I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
Why does it matter what i think I'm just little me! i have already said i believe it was an inside job, there are lots i don't believe like the planes were bombs and all that trash, but again i will say 9/11 has been done to death, and most what has been said here is true, there are too many people that make up nonsense and pass it as evidence. we are all guilty of that, but that article that i pasted, is too much of a coincidence. and i done believe in coincidences in this world.
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
anyway this is all on deaf ears.
onwards and upwards!
only about 10% of that makes any sense, the rest is just gibberish and nothing to do with the cut and paste that as I expected you can't explain because it is also gibberish.
Yes, there are bad things, people, corporations and governments in the world.
Yes, people die of illnesses, in wars and other ways
All that is true and has pretty much always been the case but we, in the West, now live in a freer, more open and less oppressive world than every before in recorded history. Woman have almost equal rights, Gay people are free to marry and live their lives openly, signs like "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish" don't exist anymore, Germany is not run by a fascist dictator, there is no legal sanctioned slavery. I could go on.
Is the world perfect? No, of course not. Any view of the TV news will tell us that. Are crimes committed and covered up? Yes. Are they then exposed? Yes, sometimes ie Hillsborough, Saville, Rotherham (sorry AFKA). Is it worse outside the West. Yes, it sure is.
Is there a new world order or some Zionist Occupational Government that runs everything with the Masons? No.
Are the British Royal family running the world's drugs trade (yes, that is an actually conspiracy theory). No, they are not.
The shame and the real loss is that while people in America fret about this nonsense 9 year olds fire Uzzis which they think they need to protect themselves from "them".
Rather than pretending to be a soldier in a mythical war (I bet your shrink will have a field day with that) go and do some good.
Maybe the real conspiracy is that while you and thousands like you are being diverted with tall tales of aliens, men in black, CIA plots, etc etc you aren't actually "doing" anything about the many real and current injustices and inequalities that still exist.
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
Why does it matter what i think I'm just little me! i have already said i believe it was an inside job, there are lots i don't believe like the planes were bombs and all that trash, but again i will say 9/11 has been done to death, and most what has been said here is true, there are too many people that make up nonsense and pass it as evidence. we are all guilty of that, but that article that i pasted, is too much of a coincidence. and i done believe in coincidences in this world.
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
only about 10% of that makes any sense, the rest is just gibberish and nothing to do with the cut and paste that as I expected you can't explain because it is also gibberish.
Yes, there are bad things, people, corporations and governments in the world.
Yes, people die of illnesses, in wars and other ways
All that is true and has pretty much always been the case but we, in the West, now live in a freer, more open and less oppressive world than every before in recorded history. Woman have almost equal rights, Gay people are free to marry and live their lives openly, signs like "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish" don't exist anymore, Germany is not run by a fascist dictator, there is no legal sanctioned slavery. I could go on.
Is the world perfect? No, of course not. Any view of the TV news will tell us that. Are crimes committed and covered up? Yes. Are they then exposed? Yes, sometimes ie Hillsborough, Saville, Rotherham (sorry AFKA). Is it worse outside the West. Yes, it sure is.
Is there a new world order or some Zionist Occupational Government that runs everything with the Masons? No.
Are the British Royal family running the world's drugs trade (yes, that is an actually conspiracy theory). No, they are not.
The shame and the real loss is that while people in America fret about this nonsense 9 year olds fire Uzzis which they think they need to protect themselves from "them".
Rather than pretending to be a soldier in a mythical war (I bet your shrink will have a field day with that) go and do some good.
Maybe the real conspiracy is that while you and thousands like you are being diverted with tall tales of aliens, men in black, CIA plots, etc etc you aren't actually "doing" anything about the many real and current injustices and inequalities that still exist.
you are sane im insane well done you win!
Keep calm and carry on!
my question to you is why do you care so much? if you want to help people see the errors of there ways, why not join a conspiracy forum, and start debunking, many people have and realized what they were saying is actually incorrect, and turned into nutters like me
I was after all one of them! why don't you sit and watch one of David Ickes 10hour chats then make a conclusion, no one joins the dots like him. (i was also one of those who ridiculed him at first, but now it has all come true it is hard to)
he used to be a goalkeeper for Leicester so you can pass it off as football technically lol.
only about 10% of that makes any sense, the rest is just gibberish and nothing to do with the cut and paste that as I expected you can't explain because it is also gibberish.
Yes, there are bad things, people, corporations and governments in the world.
Yes, people die of illnesses, in wars and other ways
All that is true and has pretty much always been the case but we, in the West, now live in a freer, more open and less oppressive world than every before in recorded history. Woman have almost equal rights, Gay people are free to marry and live their lives openly, signs like "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish" don't exist anymore, Germany is not run by a fascist dictator, there is no legal sanctioned slavery. I could go on.
Is the world perfect? No, of course not. Any view of the TV news will tell us that. Are crimes committed and covered up? Yes. Are they then exposed? Yes, sometimes ie Hillsborough, Saville, Rotherham (sorry AFKA). Is it worse outside the West. Yes, it sure is.
Is there a new world order or some Zionist Occupational Government that runs everything with the Masons? No.
Are the British Royal family running the world's drugs trade (yes, that is an actually conspiracy theory). No, they are not.
The shame and the real loss is that while people in America fret about this nonsense 9 year olds fire Uzzis which they think they need to protect themselves from "them".
Rather than pretending to be a soldier in a mythical war (I bet your shrink will have a field day with that) go and do some good.
Maybe the real conspiracy is that while you and thousands like you are being diverted with tall tales of aliens, men in black, CIA plots, etc etc you aren't actually "doing" anything about the many real and current injustices and inequalities that still exist.
you are sane im insane well done you win!
Keep calm and carry on!
my question to you is why do you care so much? if you want to help people see the errors of there ways, why not join a conspiracy forum, and start debunking, many people have and realized what they were saying is actually incorrect, and turned into nutters like me
I was after all one of them! why don't you sit and watch one of David Ickes 10hour chats then make a conclusion, no one joins the dots like him. (i was also one of those who ridiculed him at first, but now it has all come true it is hard to)
he used to be a goalkeeper for Leicester so you can pass it off as football technically lol.
I thought he was actually a goalkeeper for Hereford.
Thinking about it if he was there might be a SAS connection.....
I think I've got my head around all that. Just a couple of points;
1) Where is the safest place to move to once the this totalitarian society moves in? 2) Can you please let us know when the next 'big event' is about to happen as it's all obviously planned years in advance. 3) Disappointed that you've not bought either astrology or Nostradamus into the equation.
The only conspiracy is based around whether Delort will ever sign. if not the Conspiracy Theorists will believe it was all a ploy to boosts Charlton Life's visitor count.
I thought he was actually a goalkeeper for Hereford.
Thinking about it if he was there might be a SAS connection.....
it was Coventry - he started as a kit at Leicester - sorry my bad. Hereford were later.
Some say he is a Mason
I was starting to believe everything you said on this thread and then you said that! I now assume you are about 9 years old and now you have lost all credibility!
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
Why does it matter what i think I'm just little me! i have already said i believe it was an inside job, there are lots i don't believe like the planes were bombs and all that trash, but again i will say 9/11 has been done to death, and most what has been said here is true, there are too many people that make up nonsense and pass it as evidence. we are all guilty of that, but that article that i pasted, is too much of a coincidence. and i done believe in coincidences in this world.
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
anyway this is all on deaf ears.
onwards and upwards!
only about 10% of that makes any sense, the rest is just gibberish and nothing to do with the cut and paste that as I expected you can't explain because it is also gibberish.
Yes, there are bad things, people, corporations and governments in the world.
Yes, people die of illnesses, in wars and other ways
All that is true and has pretty much always been the case but we, in the West, now live in a freer, more open and less oppressive world than every before in recorded history. Woman have almost equal rights, Gay people are free to marry and live their lives openly, signs like "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish" don't exist anymore, Germany is not run by a fascist dictator, there is no legal sanctioned slavery. I could go on.
Is the world perfect? No, of course not. Any view of the TV news will tell us that. Are crimes committed and covered up? Yes. Are they then exposed? Yes, sometimes ie Hillsborough, Saville, Rotherham (sorry AFKA). Is it worse outside the West. Yes, it sure is.
Is there a new world order or some Zionist Occupational Government that runs everything with the Masons? No.
Are the British Royal family running the world's drugs trade (yes, that is an actually conspiracy theory). No, they are not.
The shame and the real loss is that while people in America fret about this nonsense 9 year olds fire Uzzis which they think they need to protect themselves from "them".
Rather than pretending to be a soldier in a mythical war (I bet your shrink will have a field day with that) go and do some good.
Maybe the real conspiracy is that while you and thousands like you are being diverted with tall tales of aliens, men in black, CIA plots, etc etc you aren't actually "doing" anything about the many real and current injustices and inequalities that still exist.
Absolutely the best post yet I have read on this HI.
The 9 year Uzzi bit is such a telling comment. It's testiment to the pardoxical society that is the US. Risk management lessons to be learned apparently by the shooting club spokesman is that maybe they should be a bit more careful now this event has happened - not apparently how criminally negligent a society has become that actively encourages 9 year olds to learn how to fire automatic weapons.
The gun lobby in the US - that that my friends is a real conspiracy worth pursuing.
only about 10% of that makes any sense, the rest is just gibberish and nothing to do with the cut and paste that as I expected you can't explain because it is also gibberish.
Yes, there are bad things, people, corporations and governments in the world.
Yes, people die of illnesses, in wars and other ways
All that is true and has pretty much always been the case but we, in the West, now live in a freer, more open and less oppressive world than every before in recorded history. Woman have almost equal rights, Gay people are free to marry and live their lives openly, signs like "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish" don't exist anymore, Germany is not run by a fascist dictator, there is no legal sanctioned slavery. I could go on.
Is the world perfect? No, of course not. Any view of the TV news will tell us that. Are crimes committed and covered up? Yes. Are they then exposed? Yes, sometimes ie Hillsborough, Saville, Rotherham (sorry AFKA). Is it worse outside the West. Yes, it sure is.
Is there a new world order or some Zionist Occupational Government that runs everything with the Masons? No.
Are the British Royal family running the world's drugs trade (yes, that is an actually conspiracy theory). No, they are not.
The shame and the real loss is that while people in America fret about this nonsense 9 year olds fire Uzzis which they think they need to protect themselves from "them".
Rather than pretending to be a soldier in a mythical war (I bet your shrink will have a field day with that) go and do some good.
Maybe the real conspiracy is that while you and thousands like you are being diverted with tall tales of aliens, men in black, CIA plots, etc etc you aren't actually "doing" anything about the many real and current injustices and inequalities that still exist.
you are sane im insane well done you win!
Keep calm and carry on!
my question to you is why do you care so much? if you want to help people see the errors of there ways, why not join a conspiracy forum, and start debunking, many people have and realized what they were saying is actually incorrect, and turned into nutters like me
I was after all one of them! why don't you sit and watch one of David Ickes 10hour chats then make a conclusion, no one joins the dots like him. (i was also one of those who ridiculed him at first, but now it has all come true it is hard to)
he used to be a goalkeeper for Leicester so you can pass it off as football technically lol.
I thought he played played reserve team football for Coventry and the had an injury that cut short his playing days.
Anyway I do enjoy your posts, they are different, if a little wacky.
Well, if nothing else, I now know which posters to ignore in Charlton-themed discussions. Anyone who thinks the moon landings were faked, that Elvis is still alive or that Prince Philip ousted King Willy in the back streets of LA will not be able to convince me that they know which formation Bob Peeters should employ.
I think the qoute ;The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.' sums this whole thread up. Having suffered mental illness I can tell you that the crazy crackpot theories that used to go round in my head have not and will never come true.
I thought he was actually a goalkeeper for Hereford.
Thinking about it if he was there might be a SAS connection.....
it was Coventry - he started as a kit at Leicester - sorry my bad. Hereford were later.
Some say he is a Mason
Bloody hell, he was only a kit at Leicester and somehow became infused with the spirit, took corporeal form and secured a transfer. I might just have to rethink Mr Icke's theories if he has the power to animate a collection of sportswear in such a way as to become a footballer and a television personality before taking his place at the right hand of God.
Jimmy the evidence supplied by the link from DA9 is undeniable, I am searching for links to deny the info in that documentary
Reckon I will find elvis first though
Just went back to read the Elvis post. It's the same as most of the theories on here. Lots of questions. Lots of circumstantial... theories... I wouldn't even call it evidence. Yet in 37 years, not a single thread of genuine, irrefutable proof has been established. The only photo appears to be in Home Alone. For Christ's sake, if someone is capable of disappearing from the face of the Earth, why the hell would they be in Home Alone!? I know it's futile to argue with madcap theorists, so... I'll just stop doing it.
Jimmy the evidence supplied by the link from DA9 is undeniable, I am searching for links to deny the info in that documentary
Reckon I will find elvis first though
Just went back to read the Elvis post. It's the same as most of the theories on here. Lots of questions. Lots of circumstantial... theories... I wouldn't even call it evidence. Yet in 37 years, not a single thread of genuine, irrefutable proof has been established. The only photo appears to be in Home Alone. For Christ's sake, if someone is capable of disappearing from the face of the Earth, why the hell would they be in Home Alone!? I know it's futile to argue with madcap theorists, so... I'll just stop doing it.
But if there were genuine irrefutable proof or evidence that something had happened, it wouldn't be called a theory any more, it would be a fact.
Whilst I disagree with a lot of the stuff that has been put forward on this thread, I think the reaction of some has been a little over the top and to just label all theories beyond what has been reported as "mad" and "crackpot" is just too easy. As I mentioned earlier, don't believe everything you read........
why would you want to discuss this? why is he thinking about this?
only about 10% of that makes any sense, the rest is just gibberish and nothing to do with the cut and paste that as I expected you can't explain because it is also gibberish.
Yes, there are bad things, people, corporations and governments in the world.
Yes, people die of illnesses, in wars and other ways
All that is true and has pretty much always been the case but we, in the West, now live in a freer, more open and less oppressive world than every before in recorded history. Woman have almost equal rights, Gay people are free to marry and live their lives openly, signs like "no dogs, no blacks, no Irish" don't exist anymore, Germany is not run by a fascist dictator, there is no legal sanctioned slavery. I could go on.
Is the world perfect? No, of course not. Any view of the TV news will tell us that. Are crimes committed and covered up? Yes. Are they then exposed? Yes, sometimes ie Hillsborough, Saville, Rotherham (sorry AFKA). Is it worse outside the West. Yes, it sure is.
Is there a new world order or some Zionist Occupational Government that runs everything with the Masons? No.
Are the British Royal family running the world's drugs trade (yes, that is an actually conspiracy theory). No, they are not.
The shame and the real loss is that while people in America fret about this nonsense 9 year olds fire Uzzis which they think they need to protect themselves from "them".
Rather than pretending to be a soldier in a mythical war (I bet your shrink will have a field day with that) go and do some good.
Maybe the real conspiracy is that while you and thousands like you are being diverted with tall tales of aliens, men in black, CIA plots, etc etc you aren't actually "doing" anything about the many real and current injustices and inequalities that still exist.
Keep calm and carry on!
my question to you is why do you care so much? if you want to help people see the errors of there ways, why not join a conspiracy forum, and start debunking, many people have and realized what they were saying is actually incorrect, and turned into nutters like me
I was after all one of them! why don't you sit and watch one of David Ickes 10hour chats
he used to be a goalkeeper for Leicester so you can pass it off as football technically lol.
Thinking about it if he was there might be a SAS connection.....
1) Where is the safest place to move to once the this totalitarian society moves in?
2) Can you please let us know when the next 'big event' is about to happen as it's all obviously planned years in advance.
3) Disappointed that you've not bought either astrology or Nostradamus into the equation.
it was Coventry - he started as a kit at Leicester - sorry my bad. Hereford were later.
Some say he is a Mason
Sounds to me like he was predicting pretty accurately the rise of the Islamic State developing on the Syria/Iraq borders.
The 9 year Uzzi bit is such a telling comment. It's testiment to the pardoxical society that is the US. Risk management lessons to be learned apparently by the shooting club spokesman is that maybe they should be a bit more careful now this event has happened - not apparently how criminally negligent a society has become that actively encourages 9 year olds to learn how to fire automatic weapons.
The gun lobby in the US - that that my friends is a real conspiracy worth pursuing.
Elvis Come home buddy we need you dude
Anyway I do enjoy your posts, they are different, if a little wacky.
Reckon I will find elvis first though
Whilst I disagree with a lot of the stuff that has been put forward on this thread, I think the reaction of some has been a little over the top and to just label all theories beyond what has been reported as "mad" and "crackpot" is just too easy. As I mentioned earlier, don't believe everything you read........