Btw, I watched JFK doc and it is pretty much a fact that a CIA agent killed him due to the angle of the shots which are impossible for Oswald to have shot him three times.
"pretty much a fact" - how does that work?
The only facts that everyone agrees on are that Kennedy was shot along with Connolly and Kennedy died. After that the experts beg to differ over how many shots, how many shooters, who/if/ he/they were operating on behalf lone nut/CIA/MIC/Cubans/Anti Castro/Russians/Mafia etc.
The Diana is a hard one, I don't see how's he was a huge threat as she was very polite and wasn't causing huge problems for the. Royal family. Moon landings are just people who are extreme skeptics then just spread it and some people believed it. I think there is no secret, the conspiracies that are more believed and more widespread are because they are more credible. No one believes that the inside of earth is a different world.
She was a divorcee rumoured to be carrying Al Fayed's child and about to marry a Muslim. I'm not saying I buy into any conspiracy but I can't imagine that going down well with the Royals.
Turn it up, please!
You are talking about a bunch of in-bred chinless wonders who can't get out of bed in the morning without the help of the servants - does anyone seriously think that Phil the Greek and Charlie the Tampon would be capable of setting up a death-squad for Diana? Charles can't even put his own toothpaste on his toothbrush!
Bottom line was that Diana was well out of the Royal loop and had taken up with Dodi - after rogering James Hewitt, half the Royal College of Surgeons & Will Carling - and she only had a single security guard looking out for her who did not know or did not act on the fact that the driver was pissed as a newt and an accident waiting to happen.
Diana is pretty much the only conspiracy story that I consider may have an element of truth to it. Just never felt like the full story ever come out.
Pretty hard for the "full story" to come out mate, the three principals all died and the poor bastard bodyguard was concussed so badly he could not remember anything about it!
I know, just seems there is an element of convenience coupled with unknowns
I appreciate what you are saying - but you could say the same thing whenever anyone high profile dies suddenly in an accident.
Hansie Cronje would be one good example and for a while Bob Woolmer's death looked very suspicious too given the timing, but sometimes people die in accidents at strange times, there does not always have to be any more to it than that.
A lot of this culture comes from the US, think back to the Clinton years when poor Vince Foster shot himself because he could not handle the pressure of life in DC - within days the nutbag fringe were speculating that the Clinton's had killed him because he had discovered they were involved in smuggling cocaine! Utter madness - and yet books and TV programs were made that put this theory as a 'fact.'
Bit closer to home: Did Rover deliberately design the cylinder head gasket of their K series engines badly in order to generate lots of business for their franchised dealers (fixing them)?
The Diana is a hard one, I don't see how's he was a huge threat as she was very polite and wasn't causing huge problems for the. Royal family. Moon landings are just people who are extreme skeptics then just spread it and some people believed it. I think there is no secret, the conspiracies that are more believed and more widespread are because they are more credible. No one believes that the inside of earth is a different world.
She was a divorcee rumoured to be carrying Al Fayed's child and about to marry a Muslim. I'm not saying I buy into any conspiracy but I can't imagine that going down well with the Royals.
Turn it up, please!
You are talking about a bunch of in-bred chinless wonders who can't get out of bed in the morning without the help of the servants - does anyone seriously think that Phil the Greek and Charlie the Tampon would be capable of setting up a death-squad for Diana? Charles can't even put his own toothpaste on his toothbrush!
Bottom line was that Diana was well out of the Royal loop and had taken up with Dodi - after rogering James Hewitt, half the Royal College of Surgeons & Will Carling - and she only had a single security guard looking out for her who did not know or did not act on the fact that the driver was pissed as a newt and an accident waiting to happen.
I'm sure he doesn't mean the royal family themselves were personally plotting the murder... I would wager a lot of money that they have some very capable chaps on their payroll!
Personally I'm not so sure about Diana. Predicting her own demise was very peculiar; but when you look at the facts it becomes to look less so..
According a BBC article citing a 2006 study, around 5% of people express paranoid thoughts - specifically about plots to cause harm to them. So approximately 3,000,000 out of a population of 60m. It stands to reason that some of those 3,000,000 people will be famous.
However, that rate would surely be higher for someone such as Diana;
- Public figure, so constantly living under the impression that her every move was being scrutinised - Adjusting to life without such a large security detail? - Making adjustments elsewhere in life, security detail aside. - If she had been keeping secrets, then this would undoubtedly start to warp her perceptions somewhat.
Now with that in mind, her chances of being in the 3,000,000 people mentioned in the study would be surely be significantly higher...?
If you discount the premonitions about her death, then actually you have a rather tragic incident whereby a woman needlessly dies under the care of a drunk driver (not that rare...) whilst being pursued by the press for photographs (making an already dangerous situation even more so) - very sad, but not so peculiar any more.
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
what it helps people to understand is that here is an example of taking a lot of information retrospectively and cobbling it together to create a story which is not true. the reality is that there are military exercises and safety exercises going on all the time. choose any day of the year and you can identify a range of exercises happening. so those were the ones happening when 9/11 occurred.
these events are not related but someone has created a story of dark government forces by joining them together. it is the same clever trick that you can use logic for, so as to 'prove' black is white, or that carrying an umbrella causes rain, both of which are obviously nonsense but through proposition can make them sound true. These, like your random collection of unrelated items can be joined together and, using proposition, create a conspiracy story. This demonstrates a fallacy of logic. Each of your stories has some truth but when you put them together in this way you get a false statement.
i suspect you will not change your mind as it sounds like you really want to believe the conspiracy theories. belief is incredibly powerful at fixing people's views and it is very difficult to break regardless of the evidence. this is something I have been researching for the last 15 years in relation to why computer systems fail or are not accepted by users.
You can find conspiracy stories all over the place, including the most mundane parts of life. Everybody will change the stories surrounding their lives to create their own version of reality.
If you want to believe nonsense (and it is nonsense), then that is fine and doesn't harm anyone else. However, there are some people who deliberately put out false stories which cause harm and pain (e.g. MMR vaccine causes autism) and those need to be challenged.
I would be sceptical re Diana but the fact that Mohamed Al - Fayed has been treated so badly by the British Establishment does induce the odd doubt...
Not giving someone a British passport and letting him into 'the club' that gets invites to the 'summer season' is one thing - killing his son and mother of the future King is something else altogether!
This morning I couldn't care two shits about any of the stories mentioned then up pops DA9
And now I think elvis ain't dead, tomorrow I will research everything that you posted mate I am interested beyond belief that the king ain't gone
The tunes will be blaring and if nothing else you will ensure that my day will be blinding playing every single elvis song on my ipod
I hope he has duped the world
Google an author called Gail brewer-Georgio, also youtube Jon Cotner, who some say is Elvis, as an Elvis fanatic, I know a fake when I hear one, but this guy is scarily close if it isn't him.
Check out the link of Orion (Elvis impersonator, now dead) and Gail brewers book Orion, also Orion films, Elvis mentioned in most if not all of them (robocop for one)
Here's one people can look up, google/youtube "Elvis in Home Alone film" uncanny, and the little twitch the guy does is classic Elvis body language.
The Diana is a hard one, I don't see how's he was a huge threat as she was very polite and wasn't causing huge problems for the. Royal family. Moon landings are just people who are extreme skeptics then just spread it and some people believed it. I think there is no secret, the conspiracies that are more believed and more widespread are because they are more credible. No one believes that the inside of earth is a different world.
Bottom line was that Diana was well out of the Royal loop and had taken up with Dodi - after rogering James Hewitt, half the Royal College of Surgeons & Will Carling - and she only had a single security guard looking out for her who did not know or did not act on the fact that the driver was pissed as a newt and an accident waiting to happen.
Aah, but you left out the fact that an operative from MI5 forced all the occupants of the Mercedes to uncouple their seatbelts.
The Diana is a hard one, I don't see how's he was a huge threat as she was very polite and wasn't causing huge problems for the. Royal family. Moon landings are just people who are extreme skeptics then just spread it and some people believed it. I think there is no secret, the conspiracies that are more believed and more widespread are because they are more credible. No one believes that the inside of earth is a different world.
She was a divorcee rumoured to be carrying Al Fayed's child and about to marry a Muslim. I'm not saying I buy into any conspiracy but I can't imagine that going down well with the Royals.
Turn it up, please!
You are talking about a bunch of in-bred chinless wonders who can't get out of bed in the morning without the help of the servants - does anyone seriously think that Phil the Greek and Charlie the Tampon would be capable of setting up a death-squad for Diana? Charles can't even put his own toothpaste on his toothbrush!
Bottom line was that Diana was well out of the Royal loop and had taken up with Dodi - after rogering James Hewitt, half the Royal College of Surgeons & Will Carling - and she only had a single security guard looking out for her who did not know or did not act on the fact that the driver was pissed as a newt and an accident waiting to happen.
...which is why I said I don't believe in any conspiracy.
There are plenty of suspicious incidents linked to the Diana crash. Like many it seems the most believable of all these theories.
The bright light before their car entered the tunnel. The Car reported to be at the scene that has never ever been found. The obvious murders since of people involved. The bar bill that shows the driver had two drinks and the cctv footage.of him looking anything like being "pissed as a newt" The fact she was allegedly alive upon entering hospital, then the French medical team were forced out when the British services turned up and 45mins later she was pronounced dead.
There are more that I can't remember off-by-heart. If someone can point me in the directon of answers to them all ill happily believe it was an accident.
Keef Richard nailed it when asked his thoughts about Diana's death. "She's just another chick who died in a car crash" Keef don't know what day it is half the time, if he can work it out I'm sure most of us can!
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
Why does it matter what i think I'm just little me! i have already said i believe it was an inside job, there are lots i don't believe like the planes were bombs and all that trash, but again i will say 9/11 has been done to death, and most what has been said here is true, there are too many people that make up nonsense and pass it as evidence. we are all guilty of that, but that article that i pasted, is too much of a coincidence. and i done believe in coincidences in this world.
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show.
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
Why does it matter what i think I'm just little me! i have already said i believe it was an inside job, there are lots i don't believe like the planes were bombs and all that trash, but again i will say 9/11 has been done to death, and most what has been said here is true, there are too many people that make up nonsense and pass it as evidence. we are all guilty of that, but that article that i pasted, is too much of a coincidence. and i done believe in coincidences in this world.
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
I hope the above helps some people understanding of 9/11 and the depth of the lies!
So rather than just cut and pasting why don't YOU explain what it is meant to mean.
No questions. Just tell us what YOU think happened.
Why does it matter what i think I'm just little me! i have already said i believe it was an inside job, there are lots i don't believe like the planes were bombs and all that trash, but again i will say 9/11 has been done to death, and most what has been said here is true, there are too many people that make up nonsense and pass it as evidence. we are all guilty of that, but that article that i pasted, is too much of a coincidence. and i done believe in coincidences in this world.
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
anyway this is all on deaf ears.
onwards and upwards!
Can I just point out that he TV show Utopia and the film V for Vendetta are not actually documentaries but are fiction designed for entertainment. Perhaps you should stop watching after the watershed until you are able to distinguish between T.V and real life.
Can I just point out that he TV show Utopia and the film V for Vendetta are not actually documentaries but are fiction designed for ntertainment. Perhaps you should stop watching after the watershed until you are able to distinguish between T.V and real life.
REALLY? well you just burst my bubble! my mind has just imploded! i feel sane again! i think i will send David Cameron a letter declaring my devoted servitude!
Can I just point out that he TV show Utopia and the film V for Vendetta are not actually documentaries but are fiction designed for ntertainment. Perhaps you should stop watching after the watershed until you are able to distinguish between T.V and real life.
REALLY? well you just burst my bubble! my mind has just imploded! i feel sane again! i think i will send David Cameron a letter declaring my devoted servitude!
The only facts that everyone agrees on are that Kennedy was shot along with Connolly and Kennedy died. After that the experts beg to differ over how many shots, how many shooters, who/if/ he/they were operating on behalf lone nut/CIA/MIC/Cubans/Anti Castro/Russians/Mafia etc.
You are talking about a bunch of in-bred chinless wonders who can't get out of bed in the morning without the help of the servants - does anyone seriously think that Phil the Greek and Charlie the Tampon would be capable of setting up a death-squad for Diana? Charles can't even put his own toothpaste on his toothbrush!
Bottom line was that Diana was well out of the Royal loop and had taken up with Dodi - after rogering James Hewitt, half the Royal College of Surgeons & Will Carling - and she only had a single security guard looking out for her who did not know or did not act on the fact that the driver was pissed as a newt and an accident waiting to happen.
Hansie Cronje would be one good example and for a while Bob Woolmer's death looked very suspicious too given the timing, but sometimes people die in accidents at strange times, there does not always have to be any more to it than that.
A lot of this culture comes from the US, think back to the Clinton years when poor Vince Foster shot himself because he could not handle the pressure of life in DC - within days the nutbag fringe were speculating that the Clinton's had killed him because he had discovered they were involved in smuggling cocaine! Utter madness - and yet books and TV programs were made that put this theory as a 'fact.'
Personally I'm not so sure about Diana. Predicting her own demise was very peculiar; but when you look at the facts it becomes to look less so..
According a BBC article citing a 2006 study, around 5% of people express paranoid thoughts - specifically about plots to cause harm to them. So approximately 3,000,000 out of a population of 60m. It stands to reason that some of those 3,000,000 people will be famous.
However, that rate would surely be higher for someone such as Diana;
- Public figure, so constantly living under the impression that her every move was being scrutinised
- Adjusting to life without such a large security detail?
- Making adjustments elsewhere in life, security detail aside.
- If she had been keeping secrets, then this would undoubtedly start to warp her perceptions somewhat.
Now with that in mind, her chances of being in the 3,000,000 people mentioned in the study would be surely be significantly higher...?
If you discount the premonitions about her death, then actually you have a rather tragic incident whereby a woman needlessly dies under the care of a drunk driver (not that rare...) whilst being pursued by the press for photographs (making an already dangerous situation even more so) - very sad, but not so peculiar any more.
That said, I'm on the fence to be honest!
these events are not related but someone has created a story of dark government forces by joining them together. it is the same clever trick that you can use logic for, so as to 'prove' black is white, or that carrying an umbrella causes rain, both of which are obviously nonsense but through proposition can make them sound true. These, like your random collection of unrelated items can be joined together and, using proposition, create a conspiracy story. This demonstrates a fallacy of logic. Each of your stories has some truth but when you put them together in this way you get a false statement.
i suspect you will not change your mind as it sounds like you really want to believe the conspiracy theories. belief is incredibly powerful at fixing people's views and it is very difficult to break regardless of the evidence. this is something I have been researching for the last 15 years in relation to why computer systems fail or are not accepted by users.
You can find conspiracy stories all over the place, including the most mundane parts of life. Everybody will change the stories surrounding their lives to create their own version of reality.
If you want to believe nonsense (and it is nonsense), then that is fine and doesn't harm anyone else. However, there are some people who deliberately put out false stories which cause harm and pain (e.g. MMR vaccine causes autism) and those need to be challenged.
And now I think elvis ain't dead, tomorrow I will research everything that you posted mate I am interested beyond belief that the king ain't gone
The tunes will be blaring and if nothing else you will ensure that my day will be blinding playing every single elvis song on my ipod
I hope he has duped the world
Check out the link of Orion (Elvis impersonator, now dead) and Gail brewers book Orion, also Orion films, Elvis mentioned in most if not all of them (robocop for one)
Here's one people can look up, google/youtube "Elvis in Home Alone film" uncanny, and the little twitch the guy does is classic Elvis body language.
Proves that they are out to get us
I'll sell my copy for £100
The man is alive and now I feel like a loon
How can I go around believing the king ain't dead
The bright light before their car entered the tunnel.
The Car reported to be at the scene that has never ever been found.
The obvious murders since of people involved.
The bar bill that shows the driver had two drinks and the cctv footage.of him looking anything like being "pissed as a newt"
The fact she was allegedly alive upon entering hospital, then the French medical team were forced out when the British services turned up and 45mins later she was pronounced dead.
There are more that I can't remember off-by-heart. If someone can point me in the directon of answers to them all ill happily believe it was an accident.
"She's just another chick who died in a car crash"
Keef don't know what day it is half the time, if he can work it out I'm sure most of us can!
The whole event stinks of crap to me, and it makes no logical sense, when that happens in my life i try to find answers, more and more we hear story's in the news that make no fecking sense at all - i investigate it - do i get mislead sometime maybe?
The world isn't as it seems, and the global population needs to change that.
The ultimate aim is the Georgia guide stones, and it is very close now.
The great thing about being mental like me and needing mental health - is one day i will be proven right and those that never fully understood the reality they experienced will be at a disadvantage.
Unfortunately this time it will be totalitarian slavery which is worse than death. although 6.5 billion will be exterminated by then anyway.
Don't believe me - think I'm mad? sit back and watch the show. make sure you have popcorn! it WILL happen - they have told us they are going to do it - and they have always delivered on there promises.
I'm happy that even the most closed mind, still is intrigued by this thread, as even if your brain wont accept it - when info goes in it cant come back out again.
One day you may be asked "Daddy what were you doing when the totalitarian society was being ushered in?"
I can answer with i fought it but failed. if it never happens then i have wasted my time fighting a lost cause - that is something I'm happy to accept. if it is all bullshit and I'm wrong then humanity will still be free which is what i want.
do you really feel like we are free though? i have just got back from Cardiff this week and it is a steel prison for NATO.
If democracy was so great why would the leaders need so much protection from the mass population?
Why do we need LAW ENFORCEMENT officers now instead of Public servant offices.
Why are the police being militarized?
Why are the terrorism laws being adapted to make EVERYONE a domestic terrorist
Why are we being survival on a mass scale
Why is finding only going to medicine that makes us ill.
Why is our food getting more expensive and less nutrients in it
Why are we having 26 jabs before we are 3 years old.
Why are thousands of children being abused everyday by people that run this country, police, councilors, lawyers, politicians, celebs.
Why do banks get bailed out, when they cause the problem in the first place?
Why are evil corporations rewarded more than company's that try and help the world?
I could go on and on. fact is the world is fucked and we are all to blame for giving someone else the power and responsibility's - if we take it back then they can no longer use and abuse the mass population for their own gains.
anyway this is all on deaf ears.
onwards and upwards!