@Chizz Flagged a lot on this thread. Is it a topic particularly close to your heart? (Serious question)
Gender realignment isn't a topic particularly close to my heart. But I find thoughtless, unpleasant, uncharitable, offensive, uncaring, horrible, nasty, spiteful, ignorant discrimination a bit irritating. That's all.
@Chizz Flagged a lot on this thread. Is it a topic particularly close to your heart? (Serious question)
Gender realignment isn't a topic particularly close to my heart. But I find thoughtless, unpleasant, uncharitable, offensive, uncaring, horrible, nasty, spiteful, ignorant discrimination a bit irritating. That's all.
I watched the Madrid game last night and broke down. I realised that like Dear Frank I am also trapped in the wrong body. I would be much happier in Christiano Ronaldos.
Met Frank in a pub at chislehurst a few years ago, he was drinking with a few friends I went to meet. Was a nice enough bloke and we were having some good banter as he is a massive Millwall fan and has a box down there.
He must have some serious bottle to do what he has done and I take my hat off to the guy. Hope it all works out for him and he finds what he is looking for out of life.
I watched the Madrid game last night and broke down. I realised that like Dear Frank I am also trapped in the wrong body. I would be much happier in Christiano Ronaldos.
Met Frank in a pub at chislehurst a few years ago, he was drinking with a few friends I went to meet. Was a nice enough bloke and we were having some good banter as he is a massive Millwall fan and has a box down there.
@Chizz Flagged a lot on this thread. Is it a topic particularly close to your heart? (Serious question)
Gender realignment isn't a topic particularly close to my heart. But I find thoughtless, unpleasant, uncharitable, offensive, uncaring, horrible, nasty, spiteful, ignorant discrimination a bit irritating. That's all.
@Chizz Flagged a lot on this thread. Is it a topic particularly close to your heart? (Serious question)
Gender realignment isn't a topic particularly close to my heart. But I find thoughtless, unpleasant, uncharitable, offensive, uncaring, horrible, nasty, spiteful, ignorant discrimination a bit irritating. That's all.
Live and let live eh Chizz.
Totally agree
Totally understood the dig you were trying to have. But I also agree that unpleasant, nasty and spiteful comments ought not to have been made. "Live and let live" is right.
What does it matter? I'm guessing he/she has paid a damn sight more into the NHS in their lifetime than you have. In addition, surely it's better to be funding something that actually helps someone, rather than the millions STILL being spent on homeopathic bullshit?
What does it matter? I'm guessing he/she has paid a damn sight more into the NHS in their lifetime than you have. In addition, surely it's better to be funding something that actually helps someone, rather than the millions STILL being spent on homeopathic bullshit?
I have heard of Rhino horn etc, but never bullshit, what's it cure?
What does it matter? I'm guessing he/she has paid a damn sight more into the NHS in their lifetime than you have. In addition, surely it's better to be funding something that actually helps someone, rather than the millions STILL being spent on homeopathic bullshit?
I have heard of Rhino horn etc, but never bullshit, what's it cure?
What does it matter? I'm guessing he/she has paid a damn sight more into the NHS in their lifetime than you have. In addition, surely it's better to be funding something that actually helps someone, rather than the millions STILL being spent on homeopathic bullshit?
But no Govt dares to stop wasting the money whilst Queenie espouses its virtues and dippy son agrees. Heaven forfend that we dare to question the intellect of the royal lineage and bring medicine into the 19th Century.
What does it matter? I'm guessing he/she has paid a damn sight more into the NHS in their lifetime than you have. In addition, surely it's better to be funding something that actually helps someone, rather than the millions STILL being spent on homeopathic bullshit?
I would suggest that scarce NHS resources are better devoted to other causes than life style operations for rich people. I doubt this was the sort of thing that Lord Beveridge had in mind in 1942.
What does it matter? I'm guessing he/she has paid a damn sight more into the NHS in their lifetime than you have. In addition, surely it's better to be funding something that actually helps someone, rather than the millions STILL being spent on homeopathic bullshit?
I have heard of Rhino horn etc, but never bullshit, what's it cure?
He must have some serious bottle to do what he has done and I take my hat off to the guy. Hope it all works out for him and he finds what he is looking for out of life.
But I won't call him she. That's just silly to me.
I have heard of Rhino horn etc, but never bullshit, what's it cure?