if he could get some on target shooting/poaching skills to go with his work ethic, we would have something there, but that subject is old - time to move on for him unless he has had a miraculously transformative holiday...
He's had a year to settle into the Valley. I can see him getting 20 goals this coming season.
As he came from the valleys surely he should have hit the ground running............oh hang on a minute that was his strong point but failed score that many :-0
he seems a genuinely top chap and not without some footie spirit, so i would absolutely love it if he had acknowledged his shortcomings and worked tirelessly during the close season - or do you actual witnesses feel it is beyond him?
Sunday morning....
I'll get me coat.
Hold on it's ok, he won't be able to find the "on" switch on his laptop!
carry on...
Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi Eglwys. Rhif un yng Nghymru!!
I can see him getting 20 goals this coming season.
edit: he can't push the button hard enough to shoot so not that
2% shooting ability