"Mr.Duchatelet employed me because he liked my can-do attitude and ability to think outside the box. I’m going to be proactive in taking a helicopter view of the best practises at each football company in the group and make action items from my learnings. With buy-in from the leadership we can get a win-win situation by synergising the results of the blue sky thinking across the network to create a holistic strategy focusing on low hanging fruit as well as keeping an eye on the metrics to determine the next stage going forwards and keeping the high priority items on the radar."
Good to hear he is communicating with fans and in such detail. And he clearly isn't one of those people who use lots of jargon such as "sweating the asset".
Missed out on running ideas up a flag pole and see how they fly.
Synergies could be financial savings or improved service etc that are only possible as a result of the different businesses/teams now working together as one.
I.e. when a company takes over another company, the value the acquiring company pays over and above the actual value of the company it is purchasing is based on the future potential synergies.
Whether they are realised or not is another matter.
Like Weegie I am surprised. Sure you didn't make it up, but would like to get a link to the info. Apart from anything else it is evidence that The Network is not just Staprix owned clubs. Struggling also to figure out why they would park him there. Ujpest have an average gate of around 2000.
I'll take your 'synergy' and raise you to a "whole bunch of strategic geometric synergies" that I was verbally confronted with today in a meeting today.
I have checked the Dictionary and the conveyor of this tosh - an American MBA (natch) - was talking complete bollocks. Again, natch.
Net efficiency gained from improving the connectivity of separate parts of a composite structure.
Thats my definition not the dictionary..its literally defined as "connected system" ... .and a jolly good word it is outside of PR (sorry PA! .
Mate even people in advertising think people in PR talk total bollocks. I used to laugh my head off at that Siobhan from Perfect Curve in "2012", but partly because I have met people like her in real life.
Like Weegie I am surprised. Sure you didn't make it up, but would like to get a link to the info. Apart from anything else it is evidence that The Network is not just Staprix owned clubs. Struggling also to figure out why they would park him there. Ujpest have an average gate of around 2000.
No he's not. He's said it on twitter and said he is operating on a network level.
Net efficiency gained from improving the connectivity of separate parts of a composite structure.
Thats my definition not the dictionary..its literally defined as "connected system" ... .and a jolly good word it is outside of PR (sorry PA! .
Mate even people in advertising think people in PR talk total bollocks. I used to laugh my head off at that Siobhan from Perfect Curve in "2012", but partly because I have met people like her in real life.
Let me paint you a picture of a slice of of a better life and I will draw me a line
Would have loved to have worked in Advertising. Would also probably be dead now.
So who's got love for Amaury?
Is he a good communicator or is he good at Communications?
Which one matters more? (the latter for me actually)
Most of our best platforms are fan generated. Official CAFC content is getting better and broader but we could do much more. But do people want that? Am sensing a pushback from older fans against continued Media evolution in football. People are very nostalgic when it comes to football.
DO we really want ithermos...gets the tea ready when it senses optimal blanket temperature?
For me, the role should be about what he does to make fans feel special, involved and when he has done that, clean emm out as much as possible without them noticing it. The remit is fan communication and interaction.
Unique part is the network element. Cross-pollenisation. Interaction between fans. Leffe at Charlton and maybe we could try and teach the Belgians about humour? Ok lets stick with the Leffe. I guess what I really mean by that is some scrote from Woolwich meeting his future wafffely-versitile Belgian wife at the round robin tournie and the offspring being more coveted than Adnan Janujaz.
and no...its far too early for me to have been drinking.
Oh God - he used the dreaded word 'synergies' in his opening tweet. Anyone that uses that word should be lowered slowly from a great height into a pack of slobbering, starving foxes.
I.e. when a company takes over another company, the value the acquiring company pays over and above the actual value of the company it is purchasing is based on the future potential synergies.
Whether they are realised or not is another matter.
Hope that makes sense.
Or is that a big WOOSH...
@killerandflash - really? Lucky guy then, if what Prague says above is right...
Like Weegie I am surprised. Sure you didn't make it up, but would like to get a link to the info.
Apart from anything else it is evidence that The Network is not just Staprix owned clubs.
Struggling also to figure out why they would park him there. Ujpest have an average gate of around 2000.
I have checked the Dictionary and the conveyor of this tosh - an American MBA (natch) - was talking complete bollocks. Again, natch.
Net efficiency gained from improving the connectivity of separate parts of a composite structure.
Thats my definition not the dictionary..its literally defined as "connected system" ... .and a jolly good word it is outside of PR (sorry PA!
Would have loved to have worked in Advertising. Would also probably be dead now.
So who's got love for Amaury?
Is he a good communicator or is he good at Communications?
Which one matters more? (the latter for me actually)
Most of our best platforms are fan generated. Official CAFC content is getting better and broader but we could do much more. But do people want that? Am sensing a pushback from older fans against continued Media evolution in football. People are very nostalgic when it comes to football.
DO we really want ithermos...gets the tea ready when it senses optimal blanket temperature?
For me, the role should be about what he does to make fans feel special, involved and when he has done that, clean emm out as much as possible without them noticing it. The remit is fan communication and interaction.
Unique part is the network element. Cross-pollenisation. Interaction between fans. Leffe at Charlton and maybe we could try and teach the Belgians about humour? Ok lets stick with the Leffe. I guess what I really mean by that is some scrote from Woolwich meeting his future wafffely-versitile Belgian wife at the round robin tournie and the offspring being more coveted than Adnan Janujaz.
and no...its far too early for me to have been drinking.
Amaury, woah
He follows The Red Robin,
His tweets will leave us sobbing.
please feel free to come up with something better for the final line!