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Players Marks: Charlton v Burnley



  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 6
    Dervite 7
    Wiggins 5
    Green 5
    Poyet 8
    Cousins 5
    Jackson 5
    Church 5
    Obika 5

    Ajdarevic 4
    Reza 3
  • Options
    edited March 2014
    Hamer 7
    Wilson 6.5
    Morrison 5.5
    Devite 6
    Wiggins 5
    Green 6
    Poyet 8
    Cousins 7.5
    Jackson 7
    Church 6.5
    Obika 6.5

    Ajdarevic 6
    Reza 6

    Sordell n/a

  • Options
    Hamer 6 (seemed to be aiming for the touchlines today but one truly fantastic save in the first half)
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 6
    Dervite 7
    Wiggins 5 (got into some dangerous positions, mucked around, lost the ball... rinse and repeat)
    Green 6
    Poyet 8 Man Of The Match - but I think taking him off was sensible - why waste him on a game so crap?
    Cousins 6 (if he would just TRY a cross or even a shot we'd have had some chances, he just passes the responsibility on to another player)
    Jackson 7
    Church 6
    Obika 6.5 (if he had service the guy would be lethal. He doesn't, he's not.)

    Ajdarevic 6
    Reza 5
  • Options
    Hamer 6 (seemed to be aiming for the touchlines today but one truly fantastic save in the first half)
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 6
    Dervite 7
    Wiggins 5 (got into some dangerous positions, mucked around, lost the ball... rinse and repeat)
    Green 6
    Poyet 8 Man Of The Match - but I think taking him off was sensible - why waste him on a game so crap?
    Cousins 6 (if he would just TRY a cross or even a shot we'd have had some chances, he just passes the responsibility on to another player)
    Jackson 7
    Church 6
    Obika 6.5 (if he had service the guy would be lethal. He doesn't, he's not.)

    Ajdarevic 6
    Reza 5
  • Options
    Hamer - 6.5
    Wilson - 6
    Morrison - 6.5
    Devite - 7
    Wiggins - 4.5
    Green - 5
    Poyet - 7.5
    Cousins - 6.5
    Jackson - 6
    Church - 5
    Obika - 5

    Ajdarevic - 5
    Reza - 4.5
  • Options
    edited March 2014
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 6.5
    Devite 6.5
    Wiggins 6
    Green 5.5
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 6
    Church 5
    Obika 5

    Ajdarevic 4 Looks overweight & slow
    Reza 4 Anonymous
  • Options
    Hamer - 6
    Wilson - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Dervite - 6
    Wiggins - 4
    Green - 4
    Poyet - 7.5
    Cousins - 6
    Jackson - 6
    Church - 2.5
    Obika - 5.5
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5. Great save at 0-1 which kept us in the game. No chance with the goals
    Wilson 6. Never seemed to get beyond the halfway line today
    Morrison 6
    Devite 5.5 - strangely indecisive today.
    Wiggins 4.5 - one of these days he will corkscrew himself into the pitch. Awful performance
    Green 4.5 -
    Poyet 7 - best player on the pitch. As far as CAFC are concerned today, alas that wasn't hard
    Cousins 6 - kept running but to little avail
    Jackson 5 - tried but struggled to keep up
    Church 4.5 - demonstrated today that he isn't a goalscorer, probably at any level
    Obika 6.5 - against two tough centrebacks he kept trying but with little suppport

    Ajdarevic 5 - very skillful but plays at a pace which slows any attack
    Reza 5- busy but with no end product

    For those who wondered about Powell's strategy on substitutions, then Rega's were surely bizarre.
  • Options
    Hamer 5
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 6
    Devite 7
    Wiggins 5
    Green 4
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6.5
    Jackson 6
    Church 4.5
    Obika 5.5

    Ajdarevic 5
    Reza 5
  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wilson 6.5
    Morrisn 6.5
    Dervite 6.5
    Wiggins 6
    Green 5
    Poyet 8
    Cousins 7
    Jackson 6
    Church 5
    Obika 5

    Ajdarevic 5
    Reza 5
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  • Options
    Hamer - 7 One good save, couldn't have prevented any of the goals.
    Wilson - 6 Looked tired.
    Morrison 6 No up to usual standard.
    Dervite - 6 As Morro
    Wiggins - 6 Burnley had him sussed.
    Green - 5 Shows how weak our squad is when he starts a game
    Poyet - 8 MOM our only class player, Ref gave him no protection from Elbowing Burnley defenders. Too good for us!
    Cousins - 5 Seems over shadowed by DG,
    Jackson - 6 Looked tired after 3 games in a week.
    Church - 4 That's being generous. Just what does he do to merit a start in these games? How we miss Yann!
    Obika - 6 No help from Church, struggled throughout, but at least can show effort.

    Ajdarevic - 5 Disappointing, just doesn't look fit.
    Reza - 4 World Cup Striker, you cannot be serious!
  • Options
    Hammer ----6
    Green----5 -------------are we keeping for Div 1 next season ?
    Poyet-----7 easy MoTM subbed when JR new it was all over.
    Church---5 ------------wow never seen a forward with a weeker shot , most pass backs are hit harder.
    Obika----6 ----to deep and to far away from what was supposed to be our Cf.

    AA----5 ---never a CF not sure what JR is thinking
    Rezza---5---- fly weigh

    JR ----5 ----- set up wrong,subs wrong,
  • Options
    edited March 2014
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 5
    Dervite 6
    Wiggins 4
    Green 5
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 5
    Church 5
    Obika 5

    Reza 4
    Ardarevic 4
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 5
    Dervite 5
    Wiggins 4.5
    Green 4
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 5
    Church 4
    Obika 5

    Reza 4
    Ardarevic 4
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wilson - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Devite - 7
    Wiggins - 6
    Green - 5
    Poyet - 7.5
    Cousins - 7
    Jackson - 6
    Church - 5
    Obika - 5

    Ajdarevic - 5
    Reza - 5
  • Options
    Hamer. 7.5
    Wilson. 7
    Morrison 6.5
    Devite 7
    Wiggins 6
    Green 5
    Poyet 8
    Cousins 7.5
    Jackson 4
    Church 4
    Obika 7

    Ajdarevic. 5
    Reza 5
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 6
    Dervite 6
    Green 5
    Jackson 5.5
    Poyet 6
    Cousins 6
    Church 5
    Obika 5

    Reza 5
    AA 5
  • Options
    edited March 2014
    I am not too despondent. I said to a few others outside the Toolbox last week that we needed to be out of the bottom three and above the Spanners at 5pm the following Saturday and we are.

    Hamer 7 I am still full of Hamer love , still not convinced by him but he was not at fault for the goals and made a crucial save which earns him the extra point.
    Wilson 6 Average game ,love to see Nego at RB and Lawrie moved to RM
    Morrison 5 Not so good yesterday
    Dervite 6 Better than Morro
    Wiggins 5 Looks tired.Don't think he will play 2 games a week.We need to use Fox in a few games
    Green 5 Surprised he started. He has got good delivery,but is rarely in a position to use it.
    Poyet 7 Our best Youth product ever ?
    Cousins 6 Kept going plays well with Poyet
    Jackson 6 Kept going , needs to be rotated with his fellow leftie Ardarevic over the next few games
    Church 5 A bad miss if he had scored the 1 on 1 it could have changed the dynamics of the game
    Obika 6 Needs better service.

    Ardarevic 6 Shows good touches but still does not look fit.
    Reza 5 Didn't make an impact
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 5
    Morrison 6
    Dervite 6
    Wiggins 6
    Green 6
    Poyet 8 (MoM)
    Cousins 7
    Jackson 6
    Church 5
    Obika 6

    Ajdarevic 6
    Reza 5
  • Options
    Many stating that Ardarevic looks unfit. Well we've had for over a month now, what the ____ are the fitness coaches doing? It's about bloody time he was fit.
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  • Options
    Hamer 7 fabulous 2nd half save
    Wilson 6.5 fast becoming our second best player which is a worry for the rest
    Morrison 5.5
    Devite 6
    Wiggins 5 has he lost it?
    Green 4 please put the poor guy out of his misery
    Poyet 7.5 best player on the pitch by some distance
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 5.5 great leader but if he gets any slower he will have to kick off 5 mins earlier than the rest
    Church 4.5 please (just once) try kicking the ball hard towards their goal. Who knows what might happen.
    Obika 5 wrong position unless we are trying to destroy his confidence before he even gets going
    Ajdarevic 4 looks like one of the Dads trying to chase the kids around the park
    Reza 4 no point playing him on the right as he wanders off all over the place anyway.
  • Options
    Hamer - 6.5
    Wilson - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Devite - 6
    Wiggins - 5
    Green - 5
    Poyet - 7
    Cousins - 6.5
    Jackson - 6
    Church - 5
    Obika - 5.5

    Ajdarevic - 5.5
    Reza - 5.5
  • Options
    Hamer - 6.5
    Wilson - 7
    Morrison - 7
    Devite - 7.5
    Wiggins - 7
    Green - 6
    Poyet - 7.5
    Cousins - 7.5
    Jackson - 7
    Church - 6.5
    Obika - 7

    Ajdarevic - 6
    Reza - 5.5
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5
    Wilson 6.5
    Morrison 6.5
    Dervite 7
    Wiggins 5
    Green 5
    Poyet 7.5
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 6
    Church 5.5
    Obika 6

    Ajdarevic 6.5
    Reza 5.5
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 7
    Devite 6.5
    Wiggins 6.5
    Green 4
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6.5
    Jackson 6
    Church 3.5
    Obika 6

    Ajdarevic 6
    Reza 7
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5
    Wilson 6.5
    Morrison 7
    Devite 6
    Wiggins 6
    Green 5
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 6
    Church 5
    Obika 6

    Ajdarevic 5.5
    Reza 5
  • Options
    Hamer - 6.5
    Wilson - 6.5
    Morrison - 6.5
    Devite - 7.5
    Wiggins - 6
    Green - 5
    Poyet - 7.5
    Cousins - 6.5
    Jackson - 6
    Church - 5.5
    Obika - 5.5

    Ajdarevic - 5

    Reza - 4.5
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wilson 6
    Morrison 6
    Devite 6
    Wiggins 6
    Green 5
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 5
    Church 5
    Obika 6

    Ajdarevic 5
    Reza 5
    We where just out classed by them, never really looked like we could win.

  • Options
    Hamer 6 - Needs to stop taking free kicks. Just goes straight out of play
    Wilson 6.5
    Morrison 6
    Devite 6
    Wiggins 5
    Green 4.5
    Poyet 7
    Cousins 6
    Jackson 5.5
    Church 4
    Obika 6.5

    Ajdarevic 6
    Reza 5.5

  • Options
    Hamer 7 No Chance with any of the goals, up for it all game, unlike some others
    Wilson 5.5 Same comment for all of the back 4. Good at times, but also some really awful moments, not really at their best today, but I shouldn't be to critical as this is the area of our team that is giving us a fighting chance of survival
    Morrison 5.5 See Wilson
    Devite 5.5 See Wilson
    Wiggins 5 See Wilson, slightly shaker than the other three hence half less.
    Green 5 Better than Tuesday, but still not the answer.
    Poyet 7 Head and shoulders.
    Cousins 6.5 Not a bad effort, get back to his best
    Jackson 6 Head willing, body?
    Church 5 Sponge foot strikes again,
    Obika 6 Worked hard, our best option at the moment. He touch is poor, but that's why he is on loan in the Championship and not up front for Spurs.

    Ajdarevic 5 Really disappointing. Thought he should have started, may be not, shows how poor our options are
    Reza 5 Takes light weight to a whole new level
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