Why does Jacko get crowbarred I'm every time! Cousins and Poyet should be in the middle if they play and nowhere else. And looks soooo slow in midfield. Would rather Wilson at rm, cousins Poyet and Astrit with Jacko dropped to the bench. If we get beaten today CP hasn't done himself any favours with team selection. Let's hope it doesn't come to that as anything less than three points isn't an option.
Wasn't it Jackson who set up our goal last week? Hardly crowbarred in. Not much pace on the wings today so we'll be relying on some driving running from Reza and Sordell
Narrow midfield means full backs will be key today, defensively and going forward. Looking to see some good movement from the strikers, fed by a midfield that looks like it can pick a pass.
People criticising the team selection, who would you have picked instead? Genuinely interested.
Hopefully the fact that ceddy comes in for loic will finally put to bed the conspiracy theories about who is picking the team.
The right back on the bench at right back, Wilson right mid and Cousins in the centre with Poyet (if he persists with the outdated 4-4-2 formation!). Said on other threads I would like to see 4-2-3-1 and we have players to fit into that setup.
Fingers crossed we do get the win or CP will be crucified!
I think (hope) we line up in a narrow diamond because AA and JJ on the wings doesn't fill me with confidence, or even the uoungsters on the wing. Would of liked to have seen green start.
I guess Sordell is regarded as the link man - which sets us up for a passing game, with all 4 midfielders decent passes of the ball.
If it ain't working, on comes Green and Peter Parsley to provide an aerial threat.
Hopefully the fact that ceddy comes in for loic will finally put to bed the conspiracy theories about who is picking the team.
We need goals.
Pretty simple equation.
no width team unbalanced again. not impressed.
Seeing that we have 4 CMs in midfield and no wingers, I guess that part of the thinking is that Evina and Wilson will often get forward.
Wilson, cousins, adjarevic, harriot
Wilson, Poyet, cousins, adjarevic
5-3-2 with Wilson and Evina as wing backs and Astrit cousins and Poyet in the middle.
Fingers crossed we do get the win or CP will be crucified!