I wonder what she is thinking now. We were told at Meire’s PowerPoint meeting that she would start in Feb. Since then including the Power Point itself, there have been all number of PR gaffs, Dublin being a classic, culminating in a car park full of protesters and Minty’s effort in the Standard. She must have followed events, would she have handled things differently. Is she still looking forward to starting?
Or did she start early, and make contributions while not yet officially in post?
If she's started already then she isn't doing too well; unless you mean by this weeks releases?
Understand they've got an interim from the PL advising them.
If they have had advice regarding the statement and the Fraeye revelations over the past couple of days then the Premier League employ chite staff.
I wonder what she is thinking now. We were told at Meire’s PowerPoint meeting that she would start in Feb. Since then including the Power Point itself, there have been all number of PR gaffs, Dublin being a classic, culminating in a car park full of protesters and Minty’s effort in the Standard. She must have followed events, would she have handled things differently. Is she still looking forward to starting?
Or did she start early, and make contributions while not yet officially in post?
If she's started already then she isn't doing too well; unless you mean by this weeks releases?
Understand they've got an interim from the PL advising them.
If they have had advice regarding the statement and the Fraeye revelations over the past couple of days then the Premier League employ chite staff.
As far as we know she's not started yet so we can't blame her for this week. It will be a difficult enough job regardless.
I share AB's concerns about the lack of editorial experience but let's wait and see.
Agree. In my experience (from on the other side of the fence) the best communicatons/PR people I dealt with as a journalist were those who came from a similar background. They generally understand how the media works and what the demands are. That fosters a good working relationship based on mutual trust. Where it goes wrong is when the Head of Communications see themselves as a barrier rather than a facilitator, there to protect rather than filter, and to demand without offering anything back.
That said, the last few weeks have clearly shown there is a chronic need of some expertise inside the club. Some of the PR gaffs have been so obvious that a trainee could have spotted them and headed them off ...
The new head of comms, due to start at the beginning of February, is from a marketing background, it seems. She doesn't have football or substantial related editorial experience, as far as I understand from multiple sources.
Let's not make an issue out of her being a woman, though. We've had some excellent women press officers at Charlton and I'm sure one of them would have made a good head of comms (and might take offence if I imply otherwise).
Considering most of the clubs' comms seem over recent months seem to have been directed by a panicky KM, I wish the new head of comms the best of luck as she attempts to tell the boss to keep her beak out.
They could appoint Alistair Campbell - though he might want a tad more than 40K - and it would not make any difference whatsoever.
The "message" in football is delivered from 1500-1645 every Saturday and for the last couple of years we have been receiving it loud and clear.
The team needs substantial investment to make it competitive or all there is no way in the world you can even begin to sell the good stuff RD is doing such as with the training ground development.
I think the new head of comms is in an extraordinarily strong position. Assuming that she is competent and has down her own due diligence, particularly in light of the recent press attention, any advice that she gives and is not taken leaves her in a position where she exits stating that she is wasting her time there. Only time will tell about her competence and whether she is listened to
Just as a slightly amusing aside. The new Head of Comms for the large well-known entity I used to work for rang me up and she asked "so, what's the difference between a private warning and a public warning"? My reply, was "okay, a private warning is, well, private; a public one isn't." I hope the club's new employee is a little more astute.
As far as we know she's not started yet so we can't blame her for this week. It will be a difficult enough job regardless.
I share AB's concerns about the lack of editorial experience but let's wait and see.
That said, the last few weeks have clearly shown there is a chronic need of some expertise inside the club. Some of the PR gaffs have been so obvious that a trainee could have spotted them and headed them off ...
The "message" in football is delivered from 1500-1645 every Saturday and for the last couple of years we have been receiving it loud and clear.
The team needs substantial investment to make it competitive or all there is no way in the world you can even begin to sell the good stuff RD is doing such as with the training ground development.
My reply, was "okay, a private warning is, well, private; a public one isn't." I hope the club's new employee is a little more astute.