many thanks to the 24 Lifers who gave their marks.
I have changed the cumulative stats and increased the cut off point from 5 to 10 games. I have also include a comparison between this and last season of our shooting and scoring abilities. With regard to the Demoter Noter I have listened to your suggestions and have scrapped it and replaced it with the A&E INDICATOR - hope you like it.
If the presentation of the stats is not up to its usual standard my apologies, it is because Apple have revamped the software I use and in doing so have ruined it (IMHO)
stats are here:
Cousins' stats look suspect: yellow cards 5, shots on 0, HW 4 ??
Cousins should be fouls 5 , no cards, then 3 shots on, 4 off, 1 HW
Yes the Indicator is a bit time consuming but the work can be done before match day.
I'd be interested to see the stats for other teams (not requesting that you do this!), but I'd be shocked if any other team scored fewer than 6% of their total shots.