Unfortunately I have no opinion on the matter because I can only picture him kneading Katy Perry's soft luscious boobs whilst licking double cream off of her taught youthful nether regions!
Nope sorry, still thinking about the above... whats did the twat say?
Something about not liking the political status quo but having no alternative. I'd remember better if you hadn't shifted my focus...
I'd like to think that most people can stretch themselves enough to see right through the over-simplistic and unrealistic nonsense that this particularly wealthy attention seeking hypocrite spouts.
The political parties in this country are NOT the same. Our political system is not perfect but it's probably about as good as it gets. The rich do NOT get richer at the expense of the poor.
If Mr Brand is so fascinated with wealth re-distribution he ought to read up on the Cultural Revolution in China (30 million dead, economic paralysis) or the efforts of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (15% of population dead, economic paralysis).
The bloke is a Muppet. He's just saying exactly what everyone already knows to be true, and has done for years. Why does he get the opportunity to glorify his ego with an interview with Paxman? Prat.
Everytime I see someone on Facebook post a link to a video or article where Brand is giving his opinion on society, with a comment like 'Brand is a genius' or 'Brand is so right about everything, open your eyes', it takes an enormous amount of restraint to not immediately unfriend them.
Literally the worst kind on pseudo-intellectual whose barely intelligible diatribes are crack for hipsters and people who think they know about politics when all they want to to is justify having a Che Guevara poster hanging next to their port and champagne.
He seems to like attention, but I suspect his ideas, which might be diverting on the surface, are as shallow as the ideas of Farage, another person who loves the attention.
Everytime I see someone on Facebook post a link to a video or article where Brand is giving his opinion on society, with a comment like 'Brand is a genius' or 'Brand is so right about everything, open your eyes', it takes an enormous amount of restraint to not immediately unfriend them.
Literally the worst kind on pseudo-intellectual whose barely intelligible diatribes are crack for hipsters and people who think they know about politics when all they want to to is justify having a Che Guevara poster hanging next to their port and champagne.
Or hip for crackheads..not sure which way round you meant that.
Brand was on Radio 4, Start the Week today .. why does the BBC give this spoilt, childish buffoon so much air time? .. perhaps the dickhead public school educated, divorced from reality programmers/managers think that Brand is street cred and down with the kids, instead of recognising him as the horrible little ponce that he really is.
Hey, Lincs, don't hold back, tell us what you really think!
Definitely the least funny person making a living out of comedy that I have ever had the misfortune to listen to. I'm including Ricky Gervais and Miranda Hart in this.
Hey, Lincs, don't hold back, tell us what you really think!
Definitely the least funny person making a living out of comedy that I have ever had the misfortune to listen to. I'm including Ricky Gervais and Miranda Hart in this.
He seems to like attention, but I suspect his ideas, which might be diverting on the surface, are as shallow as the ideas of Farage, another person who loves the attention.
I read the bit about all companies with over circa £35m turnover being forced to close while he was in the background on radio 5 celebrating West Ham's win while Sam Allardyce was being interviewed. Wonder what West Ham's turnover was last year...
I think behind Brand's bluster and ranting and 'mateyness' lurks a totalitarian mindset which attempts to crush any opposition or any attempt to question his views or attitudes by refusing to listen or allow the other person the chance to state an alternative viewpoint - so, yes, I think he's sinister. It's the kind of unlistening demagoguery that every tyrant employs.
I think behind Brand's bluster and ranting and 'mateyness' lurks a totalitarian mindset which attempts to crush any opposition or any attempt to question his views or attitudes by refusing to listen or allow the other person the chance to state an alternative viewpoint - so, yes, I think he's sinister. It's the kind of unlistening demagoguery that every tyrant employs.
"democracy is a great and wonderful thing, but only when it produces the results that exactly fit my personal politics" more like. Which is what makes his political ramblings about fairness utterly infuriating.
As far as I can tell brand is a manifestation of pissed offness, and his solution seems to be varied localised direct actions, which he presumably thinks might be all part of the same aspirations, ideals and philosophies. Unfortunately for Brand he will soon come to realise that the devil is in the details, however his 'bollocks to the lot of 'em' attitude is shared by many.
I love him and can listen to him all night. But that comment irked.
I will get in trouble for this comment I know but far too many idiots are breeding!
The political parties in this country are NOT the same. Our political system is not perfect but it's probably about as good as it gets. The rich do NOT get richer at the expense of the poor.
If Mr Brand is so fascinated with wealth re-distribution he ought to read up on the Cultural Revolution in China (30 million dead, economic paralysis) or the efforts of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia (15% of population dead, economic paralysis).
Literally the worst kind on pseudo-intellectual whose barely intelligible diatribes are crack for hipsters and people who think they know about politics when all they want to to is justify having a Che Guevara poster hanging next to their port and champagne.
{EDIT} plus he has pounded Katy Perry
Definitely the least funny person making a living out of comedy that I have ever had the misfortune to listen to. I'm including Ricky Gervais and Miranda Hart in this.
Unfortunately for Brand he will soon come to realise that the devil is in the details, however his 'bollocks to the lot of 'em' attitude is shared by many.