Charlton Athletic FC @CAFCofficial 5m 14' Chance! Wiggins' deflected cross is headed goalwards Church but Darlow gets in the way to force a corner. (IL) #cafc
Charlton Athletic FC @CAFCofficial 1m 19' Close! Wiggins again the supplier, to the near post, where Sordell's effort is blocked. (IL) #cafc
Charlton Athletic FC @CAFCofficial 33s 21' Save! Gower's crosses to Church, who chests down into the path of Stephens... but his shot is saved. (IL) #cafc
Charlton Athletic FC @CAFCofficial 42s 26' Penalty shout at the ball bounces up in the area to hit Cohen. Nothing given. Cousins standing out so far with his energy. (IL) #cafc
Charlton Athletic FC @CAFCofficial 1m 29' Off the line! Defensive slip at the back and Lawrie Wilson slides in to clear off the line! Great defending. (IL) #cafc
Richard Cawley @RichCawleySLP 22s Wilson clears off line after Hamer partially stops Mackie's shot. 2-0 would have been ultra harsh on #cafc. Unlucky deflection in build-up.
14' Chance! Wiggins' deflected cross is headed goalwards Church but Darlow gets in the way to force a corner. (IL) #cafc
Charlton Athletic FC @CAFCofficial 1m
19' Close! Wiggins again the supplier, to the near post, where Sordell's effort is blocked. (IL) #cafc
Wiggins sounds involved and dangerous.
21' Save! Gower's crosses to Church, who chests down into the path of Stephens... but his shot is saved. (IL) #cafc
26' Penalty shout at the ball bounces up in the area to hit Cohen. Nothing given. Cousins standing out so far with his energy. (IL) #cafc
29' Off the line! Defensive slip at the back and Lawrie Wilson slides in to clear off the line! Great defending. (IL) #cafc
Richard Cawley @RichCawleySLP 22s
Wilson clears off line after Hamer partially stops Mackie's shot. 2-0 would have been ultra harsh on #cafc. Unlucky deflection in build-up.