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Katie Hopkins slagging (and bizarrely from p.7 enneagram profiling of lifers)



  • This thread went in a weird direction
  • Sorry about that Garry. Feel free to keep the KH compliments/slaggings going.
  • Unfortunately I came out as an 8, like Hopkins (horrid cow). Specifically I was an 8w7 - whatever that is
  • LenGlover said:

    6 w 5 whatever that means

    Does that explain why my bets rarely win?


    That's exactly what my other half got.
    I'll be up in a minute dear
  • Unfortunately I came out as an 8, like Hopkins (horrid cow). Specifically I was an 8w7 - whatever that is

    I think we all know what you are! ;-)

    I'm a 3.
  • 6 w 5

    Whatever that means
  • edited February 2015

    6 w 5

    Whatever that means

    Same as Len, oohaah.

    Crude summary = Type 6, The Questioner, is a"Head" (thinking) type like 5&7 - specifically, 6 is motivated by the need for security. "Phobic 6s" are outwardly fearful and seek authority. "Counter-phobic 6s" confront their fear. It is possible to have aspects of both. Type 6 with a 5 wing bias tend to be more intellectual, introverted, cautious and standoff-ish. Those with a 7 wing bias tend to be more materialistic, extraverted, active and impulsive.

  • Unfortunately I came out as an 8, like Hopkins (horrid cow). Specifically I was an 8w7 - whatever that is

    Type 8 is "The Asserter", like 9s & 1s, is a "Gut" (instinctive) type. 8 is motivated by the need to be self-reliant and strong and to avoid feeling weak or dependent. Those with a 7 wing bias tend to be more extroverted, enterprising, energetic, quick and egocentric. Those with a 9 wing bias tend to be more mild-manered, gentle, receptive and quietly strong.
    The Baron and Wagele book "The Enneagram Made Easy" explains much more.
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  • You are most likely a type 1.

    Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 1w2
  • She is a vile horrible hypercritical nasty piece of work, the Daily Mail on legs. Gets off on making shock headlines on half truths that appeal mainly to Ukip supporters that are so frightened behind their twitching curtains. When it came to earning votes they don't really want to be associated with her and go back to their comfort blanket of Katie Price.

    She does a good double for Sam the Eagle though
  • edited February 2015
    I'm a 2 w 3 and a 3w2 on the other. Much crossover?
  • edited February 2015
    Wow, fascinating. just read my in depth description and it was me to a tee.

    Be genuinely interested what others (particularly who don't know me) would guess I am.
  • Seeing that this thread has gone way off tangent

  • I think she says what she feels because she's obviously been told by her agent to come over as controversial and a super bitch to get more coverage on the box and then maybe offered her own show at some point.
  • She is a vile horrible hypercritical nasty piece of work, the Daily Mail on legs. Gets off on making shock headlines on half truths that appeal mainly to Ukip supporters that are so frightened behind their twitching curtains. When it came to earning votes they don't really want to be associated with her and go back to their comfort blanket of Katie Price.

    She does a good double for Sam the Eagle though

    You keep on reading your Guardian and eating your lentils.
  • Wow, fascinating. just read my in depth description and it was me to a tee.

    Be genuinely interested what others (particularly who don't know me) would guess I am.

    1 1w2 (same as me pal) ; )
  • Type 1 with balanced wings whatever that means.
  • I see that as yet there are no 7s (too hungover) or 4s (too precious).
    OK, I really recommend (once again) the starter book: Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele's "The Enneagram Made Easy" but for seriously accurate typing (using 3 sub-types for each of the 9 Types), Beatrice Chestnut's “The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge”. Both available on Kindle.

    As a taster, here's edited highlights of the write up from Baron & Wagele of a Type 3, just for NLA:

    Type 3 is "The Achiever" and is one of the Heart (feeling) Types (along with 2s and 4s).

    "3s are motivated by the need to be productive, achieve success, and avoid failure.

    3s at their BEST are optimistic, confident, industrious, efficient, self-propelled, energetic and practical
    3s at their WORST are deceptive, narcissistic, pretentious, vain, superficial, vindictive and overly competitive

    How to Get Along with Me:
    • Leave me alone when I am doing my work. • Give me honest, but not unduly critical or judgmental, feedback. • Help me keep my environment harmonious and peaceful. • Don’t burden me with negative emotions. • Tell me you like being around me. • Tell me when you’re proud of me or my accomplishments.
    Relationships: 3s at their best in a relationship value and accept their partners. They are playful, giving, responsible, and well regarded by others in the community.

    What I Like About Being a 3:
    • being optimistic, friendly, and upbeat • providing well for my family • being able to recover quickly from setbacks and to charge ahead to the next challenge • staying informed, knowing what’s going on • being competent and able to get things to work efficiently • being able to motivate people

    What’s Hard About Being a 3
    • having to put up with inefficiency and incompetence • the fear of not being— or of not being seen as— successful • comparing myself to people who do things better • struggling to hang on to my success • putting on facades in order to impress people • always being “on.” It’s exhausting.

    Comments About 3s: “She writes the clearest and most concise reports in my company and inspires us with her work habits, enthusiasm, and sunny disposition.” “He is charming and has a way of making everyone feel special and important.” “My friend is self-assured and confident, has a lot of drive, and does more in a day than most people can do in a week.” “She is the most focused and purposeful person I know. She has made such great improvements in our community that I hope she runs for president.”

    Wings: Your personality may blend into or be influenced by the types on either side of yours. A strong wing can make a big difference in your personality. 3s with a more developed 2 wing tend to be warmer, more encouraging, sociable, popular, and seductive. 3s with a more developed 4 wing tend to be more introspective, sensitive, artistic, imaginative, and pretentious."

    All courtesy of Baron, Renee; Wagele, Elizabeth (2009-08-27). The Enneagram Made Easy (Kindle Locations 712-716). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    .....but that's just the edited highlights. Same sort of explanation for all 9 Types.
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  • brogib said:

    I think she says what she feels because she's obviously been told by her agent to come over as controversial and a super bitch to get more coverage on the box and then maybe offered her own show at some point.

    Hardly saying what she feels, if she's saying what her agent tells her. Unless she really does feel that way, in which case...she doesn't need an agent to tell her to be a condescending, spiteful bitch!!

    Now trying to reconcile how I came out as a 2w1. :wink:
  • Sounds like the personality tests used to do on courses at work. About as much use as reading bumps on head or graphology
  • So, what's the Enneagram all about and is it just a bunch of hooey?

    General intro from Beatrice Chestnut’s book:

    “On the surface, the Enneagram is a personality type system of nine interconnected personality archetypes or types. Each of those nine types is connected to four others arrayed around a symbolic diagram….[2 of these are the adjacent Types, the “Wings”]….

    The Enneagram describes three “centres of intelligence” [Gut, Heart, Head], nine personality “types” and twenty-seven “subtypes” that provide an amazingly accurate picture of personality in terms of the patterns associated with the way we function. The main idea is that your personality—all of what you think, feel, and do—is made up of patterns. Even when you try to pay attention more carefully to what is going on inside you, these patterns can be hard to detect because you have been doing what you do for so long that the “patterning” in what you do has become invisible to you, in the same way a fish doesn’t “notice” the water he’s swimming in. The Enneagram helps you see these personality patterns in yourself. How does this process work? And how does it lead to positive change? It turns out that the many coping strategies we use to get along in life can be grouped into a finite number of categories, or personality types. By providing detailed descriptions of the typical thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that make up nine basic personality types (and the three subtypes of each of those nine types), the Enneagram highlights how these habitual patterns get enacted so you can start to see them for yourself.”

    Courtesy of Beatrice Chestnut’s book “The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge”. Kindle Edition.

    ….and, of course, you can better understand why those close to you do what they do – maybe getting more amused than riled when they do it.

    The Enneagram’s origins go back thousands of years but it was developed significantly over the last 100 years and most recently particularly by the likes of Don Riso and Russ Hudson (more spiritual bent) and Beatrice Chestnut, who specifically defined 3 sub-types for each of the 9 Types. Her 27 sub-types are astoundingly accurate and I promise you will be gob-smacked if you get into it.

    In essence, the Types (and sub-types) describe different “coping strategies”, one of which we have adopted usually early in life and usually at some point of trauma or significant denting of confidence. The Type we “choose” we do so sub-consciously and is influenced by both genetics and environment. For the most part it tends to work for us to enable us to function and attempt to do the things we want to do in our lives. However, each Type has its particular drawbacks and weaknesses and less desirable patterns of behaviour (maybe your “buttons” that someone else always seems to push). The Enneagram, in enabling you to identify your Type (and that of those close to you), helps to make you aware of why this happens and, once aware, you can look upon it in a different light and try to modify those patterns. You’ll not likely stop being your Type but you may find you can moderate certain habitual reactions and behaviours.

    The Baron & Wagele book is the best starting place and has a lot of amusing illustrations contrasting the 9 Types.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some serious profiling to do on 98 entries for the Grand National.

  • edited February 2015


    I'd hazard a guess that you have a strong 5 wing MOG :smile:

    Type 4 is "The Romantic" and is one of the Heart (feeling) Types.

    "4s are motivated by the need to experience their feelings and to be understood, to search for the meaning of life, and to avoid being ordinary.
    4s at their BEST are warm, compassionate, introspective, expressive, creative, intuitive, supportive and refined
    4s at their WORST are depressed, self-conscious, guilt-ridden, moralistic, withdrawn, stubborn, moody and self-absorbed
    What I Like About Being a 4 • my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feelings at a deep level • my ability to establish warm connections with people • admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life • my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor • being unique and being seen as unique by others • having aesthetic sensibilities • being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me
    What’s Hard About Being a 4 • experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair • feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don’t deserve to be loved
    Wings: 4s with a 3 wing tend to be more extroverted, upbeat, ambitious, flamboyant, and image-conscious. 4s with a 5 wing tend to be more introverted, intellectual, idiosyncratic, reserved, and depressed."

    Baron, Renee; Wagele, Elizabeth (2009-08-27). The Enneagram Made Easy (Kindle Locations 939-941). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    Now, I really must get back to the gee-gees.
  • Wow, fascinating. just read my in depth description and it was me to a tee.

    Be genuinely interested what others (particularly who don't know me) would guess I am.

    I would guess 3w2 because I think you're the giving caring type but still with a work ethic and ambition.
  • 4.

    I'd hazard a guess that you have a strong 5 wing MOG :smile:

    Type 4 is "The Romantic" and is one of the Heart (feeling) Types.

    "4s are motivated by the need to experience their feelings and to be understood, to search for the meaning of life, and to avoid being ordinary.
    4s at their BEST are warm, compassionate, introspective, expressive, creative, intuitive, supportive and refined
    4s at their WORST are depressed, self-conscious, guilt-ridden, moralistic, withdrawn, stubborn, moody and self-absorbed
    What I Like About Being a 4 • my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feelings at a deep level • my ability to establish warm connections with people • admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life • my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor • being unique and being seen as unique by others • having aesthetic sensibilities • being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me
    What’s Hard About Being a 4 • experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair • feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don’t deserve to be loved
    Wings: 4s with a 3 wing tend to be more extroverted, upbeat, ambitious, flamboyant, and image-conscious. 4s with a 5 wing tend to be more introverted, intellectual, idiosyncratic, reserved, and depressed."

    Baron, Renee; Wagele, Elizabeth (2009-08-27). The Enneagram Made Easy (Kindle Locations 939-941). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    Now, I really must get back to the gee-gees.
    Its true.....fortunately/unfortunately (delete where applicable).
  • TelMc32 said:

    brogib said:

    I think she says what she feels because she's obviously been told by her agent to come over as controversial and a super bitch to get more coverage on the box and then maybe offered her own show at some point.

    Hardly saying what she feels, if she's saying what her agent tells her. Unless she really does feel that way, in which case...she doesn't need an agent to tell her to be a condescending, spiteful bitch!!

    Now trying to reconcile how I came out as a 2w1. :wink:
    That's my point Tell, the rest of the luvvies on TV media tow the line to keep their jobs. I think she's been told to go the other way and say what she thinks and even go a bit further by making some of it up. Lets face it, she was on The Apprentice, which is no different to the other talent shows imo. Most, if not all the contestants just want to be famous for one reason or another.. There's no such thing as bad publicity as they say (within reason). Ignore her and she'll go away

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