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Katie Hopkins slagging (and bizarrely from p.7 enneagram profiling of lifers)



  • edited February 2015
    red_murph said:

    Very very interesting. Between a 6 and 9. A lot of it was absolutely spot on.

    Interesting that it thinks you're either a 6 or 9. They have a relationship - a person not only has patterns of behaviour belonging to a specific Type but, in differing degrees, is influenced by the behaviour patterns of one or both of its 2 "Wings" (adjacent numbers). Also there are relationships to 2 specific other Types - these are called "Arrows". The rule of thumb is that when in good form one can display patterns of behaviour belonging to one of these arrows and when under stress the other.
    6 and 9 and 3 are connected by such arrows between them.
    For a Type 6, you would tend to display some patterns of behaviour of a 9 when feeling good or secure (of a 3 when under stress).
    For a Type 9, you would tend to display some patterns of behaviour of a 6 when under stress (of a 3 when feeling good or secure).

    So, not entirely a surprise that the tests could say you're either a 6 or a 9. To figure out which try reading the fuller description od each. I put an edited summary of a Type 9 above on P.9 of the thread.
    I'll post edited highlights of Type 6 from the Baron and Wagele book "The Enneagram Made Easy" below.
    See which one resonates more.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    What's a 6w5 mean? That's me!

    Means you are a Type 6 with a bias to your 5 wing. I have bad news - that's the same as Len and AFKA :smile:

    Edited highlights of a Type 6 - "The Questioner", one of the "Head" (thinking) types along with 5 and 7.

    "Sixes are motivated by the need for security. Phobic Sixes are outwardly fearful and seek approval. Counterphobic Sixes confront their fear. Both of these aspects can appear in the same person.

    Sixes at their BEST are loyal, likable, caring, warm, compassionate, witty, practical, helpful and responsible
    Sixes at their WORST are hypervigilant, controlling, unpredictable, judgmental, paranoid, defensive, rigid, self-defeating and testy

    How to Get Along with Me:• Be direct and clear. • Listen to me carefully. • Don’t judge me for my anxiety. • Work things through with me. •Reassure me that everything is OK between us. • Laugh and make jokes with me. • Gently push me toward new experiences. • Try not to overreact to my overreacting.

    What I Like About Being a Six: • being committed and faithful to family and friends • being responsible and hardworking • being compassionate toward others• having intellect and wit

    And What I Like About Being Counterphobic: • being a nonconformist • confronting danger bravely • being direct and assertive

    What’s Hard About Being a Six:• the constant push and pull involved in trying to make up my mind • procrastinating because of fear of failure; having little confidence in myself • fearing being abandoned or taken advantage of • exhausting myself by worrying and scanning for danger • wishing I had a rule book at work so I could do everything right • being too critical of myself when I haven’t lived up to my expectations

    Comments About Sixes: “Lieutenant Holmes never misses a thing! He’s been responsible for solving more crimes than anyone else in the department.” “He is the most reliable, trustworthy, and hardworking manager my company has ever had. And he keeps morale high with his terrific sense of humor.” “She was a great teacher. Her warmth and insight inspired me to work hard and get into a good college.” “She’s an intelligent, loyal, and lovable friend and has never failed to keep her word or to give me support when I needed it.”

    Wings: Your personality may blend into or be influenced by the types on either side of yours. A strong wing can make a big difference in your personality. Sixes with a more developed Five wing tend to be more introverted, intellectual, cautious, and standoffish. Sixes with a more developed Seven wing tend to be more extroverted, materialistic, active, and impulsive.

    Arrows: The Six moves toward Nine in one direction and toward Three in the other. Sixes move toward the positive side of Nine when they feel secure; they can also consciously cultivate these positive qualities. Sixes move toward the negative side of Three when in stress ; they can consciously try to avoid these negative traits.

    When Sixes Move Toward the Positive Side of Nine They • empathize more with others • see things from a broader point of view • take life less seriously and free up their energy • put more trust in their own inner authority

    When Sixes Move Toward the Negative Side of Three They • avoid feeling anxious by always being busy; may become workaholics • become reluctant to try anything new if there is any possibility of failing • take on a role or image in order to feel more secure • tell lies about themselves in order to cover up or get ahead"

    From - Baron, Renee; Wagele, Elizabeth (2009-08-27). The Enneagram Made Easy (Kindle Locations 1229-1230). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    Much, much more about all this in the book. Strongly recommend it.
  • Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 2w3 or 6w7.

    No idea what it means though

    It means you are either a Type 2 with a strong 3 wing or a Type 6 with a strong 7 wing. You'll either be one or the other. If you took both tests, the one with more questions seems (from a very small sample) to be the more accurate.
    Take a look at the summary description of a Type 6 above. See if that sounds like you. Alternatively:

    Type 2 is "The Helper", one of the "Heart" (feeling) types, as are Types 3 & 4.

    "2s are motivated by the need to be loved and valued and to express their positive feelings towards others.

    Twos at their BEST are loving, caring, adaptable, insightful, generous, enthusiastic and tuned in to how people feel
    Twos at their WORST are martyrlike, indirect, manipulative, possessive, hysterical, overly accommodating, overly demonstrative (the more extroverted Twos)

    What I Like About Being a Two: • being able to relate easily to people and to make friends • knowing what people need and being able to make their lives better • being generous, caring, and warm • being sensitive to and perceptive about others’ feelings • being enthusiastic and fun-loving, and having a good sense of humor

    What’s Hard About Being a Two • not being able to say no • having low self-esteem • feeling drained from overdoing for others • not doing things I really like to do for myself for fear of being selfish • criticizing myself for not feeling as loving as I think I should • being upset that others don’t tune in to me as much as I tune in to them • working so hard to be tactful and considerate that I suppress my real feelings
    Wings Your personality may blend into or be influenced by the types on either side of yours. A strong wing can make a big difference in your personality. Twos with a stronger One wing tend to be more idealistic, objective, self-critical, and judgmental. Twos with a stronger Three wing tend to be more self-assured, ambitious, outgoing, and competitive............"

    Baron, Renee; Wagele, Elizabeth (2009-08-27). The Enneagram Made Easy (Kindle Locations 499-504). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    Much, much more in the book.
  • Mine came back as

    You are most likely a type 9.

    Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w4.

    Whatever that means............
  • This is just a load of old tosh that personnel departments use to justify the ridiculous salaries HR 'professionals' pull down for pulling CVs out of a pile.
  • Mine came back as

    You are most likely a type 9.

    Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 5w4.

    Whatever that means............

    You'll either be Type 9 or a Type 5 with a string 4 wing. It will be one of the other. I'm a 5 myself so sympathies if you're a saddo like me Tango :smile:

    There's a description of Type 9 above - see if that resonates.

    If not, Type 5 is "The Observer" and is one of the "Head" (thinking) types, as are 6 and 7.

    "Fives are motivated by the need to know and understand everything, to be self-sufficient, and to avoid looking foolish.

    Fives at their BEST are analytical, persevering, sensitive, wise, objective, perceptive and self-contained
    Fives at their WORST are intellectually arrogant, stingy, stubborn, distant, critical of others, unassertive and negative
    What I Like About Being a Five: • standing back and viewing life objectively • coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects • my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure • not being caught up in material possessions and status • being calm in a crisis

    What’s Hard About Being a Five: • being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world • feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all • being pressured to be with people when I don’t want to be • watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or technical skill, do better professionally • having trouble expressing some of my thoughts succinctly
    Comments About Fives: “She enjoys her own company. I marvel at the hours she spends by herself reading, gardening, playing music, and analyzing the universe.” “His voice is soft, calm, and soothing. He has a different perspective on things, for example, regarding an insult from someone as an interesting event!” “She is full of information and innovative ideas. I also like her dry and whimsical sense of humor.” “I was always impressed by how much my Five friend could contribute to any conversation on any subject.”

    Wings Your personality may blend into or be influenced by the types on either side of yours. A strong wing can make a big difference in your personality. Fives with a more developed Four wing tend to be more creative, humanistic, sensitive, empathic, and self-absorbed. Fives with a more developed Six wing tend to be more loyal, anxious, skeptical, and cautious. They are more likely to be interested in the sciences.........."

    Edited highlights from Baron, Renee; Wagele, Elizabeth (2009-08-27). The Enneagram Made Easy (Kindle Location 1164). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

    Loads more in the book and a highly recommended read.
  • Excellent summaries those sadiejane.
  • 7 or 1.

    Not sure I agree with all of it but some of it yes.

    Will do again on a PC.
  • Excellent summaries those sadiejane.

    Just copied and pasted them, I'm not that clever ;-)
  • What type do we reckon Roland is then? Does it include one for Machiavellian dictator?
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  • This is just a load of old tosh that personnel departments use to justify the ridiculous salaries HR 'professionals' pull down for pulling CVs out of a pile.

    I'd say that as well, but my one is very accurate for me.

  • This is just a load of old tosh that personnel departments use to justify the ridiculous salaries HR 'professionals' pull down for pulling CVs out of a pile.

    I'd say that as well, but my one is very accurate for me.

    They're all accurate, for everyone. You just read into it what you want - exactly the same as horoscopes
  • This is just a load of old tosh that personnel departments use to justify the ridiculous salaries HR 'professionals' pull down for pulling CVs out of a pile.

    I'd say that as well, but my one is very accurate for me.

    They're all accurate, for everyone. You just read into it what you want - exactly the same as horoscopes
    Fine to be sceptical Leroy but it's simply not the case that all of them are accurate for everyone. I've looked into this pretty deeply and I can assure you the more you research it, the more astounding it is.
    But if it's not for you that's fine.
  • 7 or 1.

    Not sure I agree with all of it but some of it yes.

    Will do again on a PC.

    Could be that Henry is a 1 but that weirdo that masquerades as him from time to time is a 7 :smiley:

    As I said earlier.......

    TBH, a test based on answers to questions is never going to be 100% accurate because it depends upon the algorithm used (like my GN model, maybe 80% accurate - at its best!).
    The most accurate way of typing yourself is to read all 9 descriptions of patterns of behaviour and thinking (and the 3 sub-types for each if you look at Beatrice Chestnut's book - which can make a profound difference).
    I guarantee that you'll recognise your type (and that of those close to you) pretty readily from those descriptions - and if you don't you're probably a 6 :smile:

  • This is just a load of old tosh that personnel departments use to justify the ridiculous salaries HR 'professionals' pull down for pulling CVs out of a pile.

    I'd say that as well, but my one is very accurate for me.

    They're all accurate, for everyone. You just read into it what you want - exactly the same as horoscopes
    Typical Gemini
  • This is just a load of old tosh that personnel departments use to justify the ridiculous salaries HR 'professionals' pull down for pulling CVs out of a pile.

    I'd say that as well, but my one is very accurate for me.

    They're all accurate, for everyone. You just read into it what you want - exactly the same as horoscopes
    That isn't entirely true. Personality testing (of which, this is one of many) does have scientific underpinning. However, the point of reading what you want into it is not an unreasonable one.

    Horoscopes, clairvoyance, soothsaying, and other charlatan practice is either clever cold-reading (or less clever hot-reading), or made so general that it can mean anything to anybody. Whichever, it is a lie often used for financial gain and has little scientific support.

    Personality testing comes out of recognised scientific study and is based identifying a series of norms about different types of people. You then try to identify how a person fits into those norms. There are weaknesses in the process which most credible academics would acknowledge and these things should only ever be used with caution and as part of a wider set of measurement (interviewing, observation, etc). There is a chance that people lie, that the questions don't match the person's perception, or the questions are misunderstood. You can also get widely different results depending upon when the test is done and context. People genuinely do react differently in different places. So the type of person you are at work may be different to the type at home (or even on a football discussion board). You also react differently at different times of the day which might skew the results.

    In reality it is a crude measure of different things such as, are you more or less empathetic, are you social or prefer to be alone, are you a peace-maker or a divisive character, do you tend to want to lead or follow? These can then be mapped onto a matrix which gives an indication to others about who you are and how you think.

    Coming back to your point, most people are aware of the kind of person they are, so there will be a level of re-enforcement going on in the way the testing takes place. You answer a question "do you want to lead" with a yes, then the result says "you like to lead", you say "amazing! it has got me down to a tee". So in this sense it is much like cold reading. However, the norms of behaviour and understanding 'types' of people that underpin the testing is based upon scientific study and has some validity. They are not aimed at telling the person who they are, they are about telling others, in a very general sense, how someone might act or react.
  • 6w7, which seems pretty accurate for I actually have to go do some work :-1:
  • edited February 2015

    7 or 1.

    Not sure I agree with all of it but some of it yes.

    Will do again on a PC.

    The other point to make is that the Enneagram isn't a modern invention for HR departments. It's evolved a lot over the last 100 years and no doubt some people use it for screening candidates for various things but its origins go back to c. 350AD and it's principal purpose has always been self-awareness.
    Typing oneself and others can be amusing and, of course, doing so accurately is an essential starting point but it is about 10% of the exercise. What do you do with that information?
    The idea is to understand better the reasons for as well as the actual patterns of one's own behaviour and thinking. Thereby, you come to appreciate:
    a) that you're not a complete nut - there are plenty of others (on average 11% of the population) with broadly similar patterns (ave 4% with very similar if you go into the 27 sub-types);
    b) your nearest and dearest aren't always deliberately trying to push your buttons. There are explanations for their patterns of behaviour and thinking that might usually annoy the hell out of you but, maybe with some understanding of where it comes from, may do so less in the future: and
    c) you (and they) can work on moderating (not repressing) habitual responses.
    At its simplest, the essential benefit of the exercise is to cut yourself and those around you more slack.
    If you want to take it in a spiritual (not specifically religious) direction that's an option as well.

  • edited February 2015

    What type do we reckon Roland is then? Does it include one for Machiavellian dictator?

    Impossible to "type" accurately anyone but yourself and those you can observe very closely. However, it's always a hoot to have a stab.

    Given his business success, he could be a 3 ("Achiever" and seeker of efficiency) but that's a "Heart" (feeling) type (2,3,4) and they typically do what they do because it matters to them what image people have of them (what differentiates the 3 Heart types is the way they go about it). Caring about image doesn't seem to ring true for RD however.
    SO, I would hazard a guess, given his reticence and his liking for a plan, that he's a "Head" (thinking) Type, i.e. a 5, 6 or 7.
    My suspicion is he's either a 5 - motivated by the need to know and understand everything, to be self-sufficient and to avoid looking foolish or a Counter-Phobic 6 - motivated by need for security but nonconformist • confronting danger • being direct and assertive.
    Fuller descriptions of 5 and counterphobic 6 happen to be set out above in separate posts on P.10.
    Take your pick.
    Better hope I'm wrong though if the Trust hopes to get anywhere with him :confused:

  • stonemuse said:

    Type 1 apparently, the Reformer

    As others have said, it gets a lot right - I am quite surprised.

    Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
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  • Worked for a company that hired a psychologist to analyse our personalities in order to get the right balance of personalities in each team. More importantly each team knew what each others traits were to recognise where team cohesion might break down. For example it was explained that one individual involved in a team discussion might leave the meeting believing a decision had been made, whilst another thought the team was only part way through the discussion.

    In practice was forgotten in about 3 weeks and everyone carried on with the normal office politics and in-fighting - "I'm the number 8 round here so shut the f**k up and listen".
  • stonemuse said:

    stonemuse said:

    Type 1 apparently, the Reformer

    As others have said, it gets a lot right - I am quite surprised.

    Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
    Of course it gets it right. It is just repeating back at you the answers you have given. 'Do you like leading?' Yes 'Do you like partying?' yes 'Do you like to argue?' Yes - you are a natural leader who is good in social settings. You like to challenge convention and you strong believe in your own ideas.

    The point is that these tests are, broadly, not for the individual answering but for others to understand the type of person they are.
  • stonemuse said:

    stonemuse said:

    Type 1 apparently, the Reformer

    As others have said, it gets a lot right - I am quite surprised.

    Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
    Peanuts said I was a 1 but "critical" "Impatient","perfectionist"

  • stonemuse said:

    stonemuse said:

    Type 1 apparently, the Reformer

    As others have said, it gets a lot right - I am quite surprised.

    Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
    Peanuts said I was a 1 but "critical" "Impatient","perfectionist"

    ....there will be a touch of sloth as well from your rather obvious 9 wing Henry :smiley:
  • This is all very well but what type is Katie Hopkins?
  • I think the useful thing about these personality tests is not what type you are, but what type other people are, how those types react to certain situations, and what the relationship is between different types.

    I don't pore through his interviews and actions, but I get the impression Duchatelet would be a 5... like me......
  • This is all very well but what type is Katie Hopkins?

  • stonemuse said:

    stonemuse said:

    Type 1 apparently, the Reformer

    As others have said, it gets a lot right - I am quite surprised.

    Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience.
    Peanuts said I was a 1 but "critical" "Impatient","perfectionist"

    ....there will be a touch of sloth as well from your rather obvious 9 wing Henry :smiley:
    That bit is very true
  • This is all very well but what type is Katie Hopkins?

    Completely agree. A classic 8 (with a strong 7 wing) - 8s with a more developed 7 wing tend to be more extroverted, enterprising, energetic, quick, and egocentric.
  • RD and me are both threes we discussed this over a few belguim beers and buns this afternoon,

    I knew he was alright from the beginning
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Roland Out Forever!