As long as you have no palace connections as you say then i could find a way
Plus butcher is a hero of mine
No Palace connections at Inverness, we play in Red and Blue but thats about it, infact Sergei Baltacha works at your academy and he used to be our manager so there is a Charlton connection
Im sure you would be welcome where ever you go but the local OBill wont see it like that. There are doormen on both doors (Con /Lib clubs)and they will be instructed who can go in.
Im sure you would be welcome where ever you go but the local OBill wont see it like that. There are doormen on both doors (Con /Lib clubs)and they will be instructed who can go in.
The Lib looks like the best option for pre match beers, there are 5 or 6 in my group who will be there, other supporters may meet in there too but not sure of their plans yet.
Im sure you would be welcome where ever you go but the local OBill wont see it like that. There are doormen on both doors (Con /Lib clubs)and they will be instructed who can go in.
The Lib looks like the best option for pre match beers, there are 5 or 6 in my group who will be there, other supporters may meet in there too but not sure of their plans yet.
Im sure you would be welcome where ever you go but the local OBill wont see it like that. There are doormen on both doors (Con /Lib clubs)and they will be instructed who can go in.
The Lib looks like the best option for pre match beers, there are 5 or 6 in my group who will be there, other supporters may meet in there too but not sure of their plans yet.
Will you be wearing colours ?
yeah id imagine most of us will be wearing colours
Im sure you would be welcome where ever you go but the local OBill wont see it like that. There are doormen on both doors (Con /Lib clubs)and they will be instructed who can go in.
The Lib looks like the best option for pre match beers, there are 5 or 6 in my group who will be there, other supporters may meet in there too but not sure of their plans yet.
Will you be wearing colours ?
yeah id imagine most of us will be wearing colours
Deffo not Con then, Lib should be ok thoufh as long as you don't act like d***s (cough - Leeds).
Im sure you would be welcome where ever you go but the local OBill wont see it like that. There are doormen on both doors (Con /Lib clubs)and they will be instructed who can go in.
The Lib looks like the best option for pre match beers, there are 5 or 6 in my group who will be there, other supporters may meet in there too but not sure of their plans yet.
Will you be wearing colours ?
yeah id imagine most of us will be wearing colours
Deffo not Con then, Lib should be ok thoufh as long as you don't act like d***s (cough - Leeds).
The Lib is where we will be mate and we will be merry but very friendly so no worries there
Plus butcher is a hero of mine
Normally drink in cons club on match days but thats no away fans
Good test to see where we are at, especially as they start their season before us so should be a bit ahead of us
The lib is up the hill to the right. The lib is opposite the junction of Charlton Church Lane and Wellington St if you're looking at a map.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47883778,d.dmQ&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=the+Liberal+club+charlton&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=the+Liberal+club+charlton&hnear=0x47d8a00baf21de75:0x52963a5addd52a99,London&cid=0,0,11263339065163528078&sa=X&ei=Uj_AUdKEL6Xp0QGGpoHgCw&ved=0CIwBEPwSMAA