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Immigrants? We sent out search parties to get them to come and made it hard for Britons to get work



  • rananegra said:

    Labour did it to win votes. If Labour let you in then, the immigrants are more likely to vote Labour.
    Labour denounced anyone as racist, who so much as wanted to discuss the matter.
    Labour won. The situation can never be reversed.

    Not a fan of Labour, but immigrants can't vote unless they've become citizens, so I can't quite see the electoral advantage. It's annoying as well as a lot of funds are given out to the country based on electoral roll, and where i live in Lewisham loads of people aren't on it.
    not so ..
  • edited May 2013
    seth plum said:

    Britain has had wave after wave of immigrants for millenia.

    I don't think that is the case to be fair. There were, of course, large scale Roman, Anglo Saxon and Danish/Viking settlements in Britain at various periods during the first millenium AD (or CE as some people prefer to call it) and then the Normans arrived in 1066. But after that there was very little immigration - the Huguenots mainly and some Jewish settlers- until the 1950s. So about 900 years of stability as far as the composition of the British population was concerned.
  • A cracker of an article for the frothers. Here's hoping the blood vessels of the ignorant are popping left right and even further right down in the shires...
  • seth plum said:

    Britain has had wave after wave of immigrants for millenia.

    I don't think that is the case to be fair. There were, of course, large scale Roman, Anglo Saxon and Danish/Viking settlements in Britain at various periods during the first millenium AD (or CE as some people prefer to call it) and then the Normans arrived in 1066. But after that there was very little immigration - the Huguenots mainly and some Jewish settlers- until the 1950s. So about 900 years of stability as far as the composition of the British population was concerned.
    Granted. I suppose for years The British were the immigrants elsewhere due to colonisation, and the British sea power, and the temptations of the slave trade.

  • The problem is that we are a very small country and our resources are being stretched to the limit with the population increase.

    We haven't got enough houses so our countryside is being built over. The birth rate has increased dramatically in the last 10 years and now we haven't got enough school places to cope. Water companies are having to re-think where our water supplies are coming from as there won't be enough to satisfy the growing population. NHS usage is growing massively and we are soon going to have an energy crisis as old power stations are shut down and insufficient capacity is being considered to replace them.

    We don't have zero unemployment so people out of work can do those fruit picking jobs without the need to bring in immigrant labour. If they don't want to do that sort of work then they should lose their benefit.

  • Blame it all on immigration. Easy target, gets people's blood boiling even if they don't really have a clue why and deflects the blame from the real culprits.
  • ME14.
    One problem is that with the notion of 'we' and 'our' we create the tensions between groups that say this is ours and that is not...or not your entitlement. Does this land and water and sky belong to a segmented group or the world?
    There is an old Native American story about how the white man one evening asked if they could lay their blanket down, and have that space to sleep on. The natives who thought ownership of land was as absurd as owning a piece of the Ocean, said 'OK'.
    However by the morning they woke to find the white man had unravelled their blanket to one long piece of thread and had corralled off several acres of land which they then said was 'theirs', and they would kill to keep.
  • I was at Stansted aiport a couple of weeks ago and if you closed your eyes you would have thought you were in an East European country as nobody was speaking English. I make no comment other than this was an observation but it did pull me up short a bit.

    Yes, but Dave, you were flying to Bucharest.

    Had a good example with my 8 year old son at Passport Office in Victoria a couple of weeks ago, where,because he wasnt born in the UK, they wouldnt give him a British passport , however, in the next cubicle was a lady with a Burkha on who couldnt speak English walking away with her said British Passport.Needless to say, i voiced my 'opinion' and had to be 'escorted' from the building.
  • Work in barking. You can walk the entire High street ( about 10 mins) and not hear an english person. Its not the fact we have immigrants but i Find it annoying when children are speaking other languages before english.

    "Multi cultural society" is a load of bollocks. Most other ethnic groups don't want anything to do with white/ black english People. We are a multi tolerant country but thats about it because if you speak about the state of the country you are called a racist or short sighted.

    I would now say that the Rise of ukip is a sign of things to come as People still have the right to vote even if the right to speak has now gone due to every one being offended about everything.
  • The only people who are pro multi-culturism are those who hardly have to deal with it. Take a walk through west croydon at night and then let me know if you think it works. Us white brits will be a minority in our own country by 2066 if the statistics are to be believed and there are actually people who are ok with that?!

    It baffles me that people think we should be paying for foreigners to have a better life in our country when we have English families living below the poverty line. If the tables were turned would be treated so well? I don't think so.
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  • some of you should experience living,in a country that was closed to the world for x years.

    we should be proud england is so accepting
  • edited May 2013
    I am pro multi-culturalism, but I suppose I hardly have to 'deal with it' (!) as I have married a foreigner and I am the father of a mixed race child! The Nazis would have condemned me for contaminating racial purity or something, but then again nobody on here is remotely fascist are they?

    Croydon what about Welsh families below the poverty line? To say that this place is the country of 'white Brits' is wrong. We have had a significant population of NON-white 'Brits' ever since Roman times. Is it really about the colour of a persons skin Croydon?
  • edited May 2013
    It's not about colour to me, it's about numbers. Any sane person must agree that there is a realistic limit, to how many people can move to one area (country) at similar times.

    To over exaggerate, if 5 million people of whatever colour/origin etc, even let's say ex-pats, returned to Britain, in the next year, the country would have massive problems.

    Surely everyone can see that ?

    Therefore, the issue is what is the maximum amount of people that should be accepted over a certain period of time.

    This is the discussion, that has not been permitted by the previous government, without being called a racist or a bigot.

    PS you can let 500,000 people into The Valley next season spread over a 23 game period. But if you let in 500,000 on the 1st game ........ It doesn't matter where they come from or what colour they are, it's just common sense.
  • Covered End I absolutely get your point which is about practicalities and details as well as numbers. I see it as about the global population more than only the population in these islands. There is an element of pulling the drawbridge up by those who got here first: 'we're the kings of the castle, get down you dirty rascals' as it were.
    If some people are genuinely honest and say, 'we got here first, the rest of you can bugger off we're having it all, if you want it you have to get past me first' then I understand their position which is about might is right. A bit like how carnivores justify taking the life of other creatures.
    What I don't get is those who invoke any moral or historical justification for being anti-immigrant. There are questions of practicalities yes, but the 'I'm a true Englishman, and this is my country' stance is wrong in my view...especially when said by citizens of a country that has grown rich and fat on the back of the slave trade and colonisation.
  • Drowning in froth...
  • seth plum said:

    I am pro multi-culturalism, but I suppose I hardly have to 'deal with it' (!) as I have married a foreigner and I am the father of a mixed race child! The Nazis would have condemned me for contaminating racial purity or something, but then again nobody on here is remotely fascist are they?

    Croydon what about Welsh families below the poverty line? To say that this place is the country of 'white Brits' is wrong. We have had a significant population of NON-white 'Brits' ever since Roman times. Is it really about the colour of a persons skin Croydon?

    Perhaps I should have worded that better. I meant british families,I wasn't implying that those in Wales,Scotland and NI should be ignored. My view Britain is for british people,regardless of their colour but I was trying to make the point that white brits will be a minority by 2066,and that does worry me.

    It's not about skin colour,it's about the mentality of those who come here and do not embrace our culture or even multi-culturism,but abuse it and try to force their culture upon others. I would not go to the middle east and force my way of life on their population, so why do we have kids getting beaten up because of sharia law over here?

  • It's not about colour to me, it's about numbers. Any sane person must agree that there is a realistic limit, to how many people can move to one area (country) at similar times.

    To over exaggerate, if 5 million people of whatever colour/origin etc, even let's say ex-pats, returned to Britain, in the next year, the country would have massive problems.

    Surely everyone can see that ?

    Therefore, the issue is what is the maximum amount of people that should be accepted over a certain period of time.

    This is the discussion, that has not been permitted by the previous government, without being called a racist or a bigot.

    PS you can let 500,000 people into The Valley next season spread over a 23 game period. But if you let in 500,000 on the 1st game ........ It doesn't matter where they come from or what colour they are, it's just common sense.

    Well said - I agree that it has nothing to do with race. We just cannot sustain the current increase in population without it causing massive problems.
  • Why do people say 'white british' and then claim they aren't racist...just use the term british.
    Immigration isn't a problem to me. I'd much rather kick out the 'white british' choosing to live on the dole because their perfect £50 an hour job hasn't turned up yet.
  • Why do people say 'white british' and then claim they aren't racist...just use the term british.
    Immigration isn't a problem to me. I'd much rather kick out the 'white british' choosing to live on the dole because their perfect £50 an hour job hasn't turned up yet.

    Assume this is aimed at me. I used the term because of the article I was referring to

    Anyway,I've filled in plenty of forms that I've had to tick 'White British' for my nationality. Didn't realise that was a racist act.
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