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Immigrants? We sent out search parties to get them to come and made it hard for Britons to get work

Hmmm, find it hard to comment on this one but.............................

Former minister admits Labour deliberately engineered mass immigration
Between 1997 and 2010 net migration to Britain totalled 2.2million
PUBLISHED: 01:10, 14 May 2013 | UPDATED: 19:14, 14 May 2013

'We were sending out search parties for people': Former Labour Cabinet Minister Peter Mandelson has admitted that his party actively encouraged immigration to the UK while in government
Labour sent out ‘search parties’ for immigrants to get them to come to the UK, Lord Mandelson has admitted.
In a stunning confirmation that the Blair and Brown governments deliberately engineered mass immigration, the former Cabinet Minister and spin doctor said New Labour sought out foreign workers.
He also conceded that the influx of arrivals meant the party’s traditional supporters are now unable to find work.
By contrast, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said his party got it wrong on immigration but has refused to admit it was too high under Labour.
Between 1997 and 2010, net migration to Britain totalled more than 2.2million, more than twice the population of Birmingham.
The annual net figure quadrupled under Labour from 48,000 people in 1997 to 198,000 by 2009.
Lord Mandelson’s remarks come three years after Labour officials denied claims by former adviser Andrew Neather that they deliberately encouraged immigration in order to change the make-up of Britain.
Mr Neather said the policy was designed to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’.
He said there was ‘a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural’.
Senior Labour figures have been reluctant to concede they deliberately engineered the influx of migrants who have transformed communities over the past decade.
But, at a rally for the Blairite think-tank Progress, Lord Mandelson said: ‘In 2004 when as a Labour government, we were not only welcoming people to come into this country to work, we were sending out search parties for people and encouraging them, in some cases, to take up work in this country.’
He said: ‘The problem has grown during the period of economic stagnation over the last five, six years.’

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When Labour encouraged new arrivals ‘we were almost ... a full employment economy’ but, he admitted: ‘The situation is different obviously now.
‘We have to just realise... entry to the labour market of many people of non-British origin is hard for people who are finding it very difficult to find jobs, who find it hard to keep jobs.
‘For these people immigration tends to loom large in their lives and in their worlds, now that is an inescapable fact, and we have to understand it, address it, engage with people in discussion about it.’

Mr Mandelson's admission that New Labour sought out foreign workers is a stunning confirmation that governments led by Tony Blair, left, and Gordon Brown, right, deliberately engineered mass immigration
His words are far franker than Mr Miliband’s. Asked earlier this month whether ‘too many people were allowed to come’, he replied: ‘I wouldn’t put it that way, no.’
'I think we have to realise that the entry of migrants to the labour market is hard for people who are finding it very difficult to get jobs, or to keep jobs'
Lord Mandelson yesterday

'Migrants are filling gaps in our labour market that Britons are not available to fill or unwilling to fill. There has not been an adverse effect on employment of British nationals'
Mandelson in March 2009
Tory chairman Grant Shapps said: ‘Peter Mandelson’s candid admission that Labour were purposefully letting immigration spiral out of control when in government is yet another damning indictment on their record on immigration.’
Sir Andrew Green of Migration Watch said: ‘This is an astonishing admission from the highest level that Labour’s mass immigration policy was entirely deliberate.
‘It will be a very long time before their own working class supporters forgive them for the enormous changes that have been imposed on their communities.’
Gordon Brown yesterday accused the Tories of emulating Enoch Powell by using immigration to head off the growing electoral threat from UKIP.
Mr Powell’s 1968 ‘rivers of blood’ speech ignited huge controversy in the debate on immigration.
Former prime minister Mr Brown – who once called for ‘British jobs for British workers’ – told a pro-union rally in Glasgow: ‘A party that was anti-Powellite on immigration is now becoming very close to being Powellite on that issue.’

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  • sensationalist headline from the daily fail but can't help but think the mass immigration excercise was labour's attempt at "breeding out" their opposition.
  • The single reason I will probably not vote for them again in my lifetime.
  • Mendelson is a rat---always has an agenda.

    Blair`s speach writer puts it better THE POLICY was actually attacking ENGLISH working class.
  • edited May 2013
    What a load of nonsense.

    Why are you reading the Daily Mail in the first place ?
  • and the houses ---hospital beds----the copper cables----nicked the sun-----and my seat on the 89 bus in the morning---bastards !
  • se9addick said:

    What a load of nonsense.

    Why are you reading the Daily Mail in the first place ?

    What part do you think is nonsense?
  • edited May 2013
    If the immigration figures quoted are even half near true then I guess it makes sense now why 800,000 extra people were employed in public sector work under Labour, it was always going to end in tears at some point.
  • Perhaps the Daily Mail could round up a few thousand of their readership to go and work for Britain's fruit picking businesses. According to this evening's Standard (on a par with the Mail anyway), many will be forced to close unless there is a "new wave of migrant workers from outside Europe" allowed into the country.

    Bulgarians and Romanians previously allowed in to fill these jobs are likely to switch professions when restrictions on them are lifted and Britons are unlikely to fill the void!
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  • TelMc32 said:

    Perhaps the Daily Mail could round up a few thousand of their readership to go and work for Britain's fruit picking businesses. According to this evening's Standard (on a par with the Mail anyway), many will be forced to close unless there is a "new wave of migrant workers from outside Europe" allowed into the country.

    Bulgarians and Romanians previously allowed in to fill these jobs are likely to switch professions when restrictions on them are lifted and Britons are unlikely to fill the void!

    Job no.1332 that just could not be done without foreign intervention.
    I'm not sure how,as a nation,we managed to survive for as long as we did before they parked up.

  • edited May 2013

    The single reason I will probably not vote for them again in my lifetime.

    I can't understand why people still do

  • Typical Mail. Not even worth giving the time of day.
  • Croydon said:
    Glad someone got the reference!
  • Croydon said:
    Glad someone got the reference!
    Don't worry, I got it as well but refrained from posting. Durkooderr!

    On the original post, as it's the Mail I'm not even gonna bother reading.

  • What do you lot think about UKIP?
  • RZA said:

    What do you lot think about UKIP?

    I've voted for them the last few times,I like their policies. I don't think they could run the country but they would be a good influence if they got some MPs into the commons. Farage is a gent,and doesn't feel the need to bullshit about his upbringing.
  • Croydon said:
    Glad someone got the reference!
    one of the best episodes imo!

  • The ironic thing is that although they would have liked to,I really don't think the Tories would have had the bollox to do what Labour did on the immigration front. "we won't get away with that" would have been the cries from the Westminster corridors.

    As it is,sh*t for brains Blair and his cronies have played this right into the Tories mits and they couldn't be happier! The rich get richer and the poor ....are just ferried in on the back of lorries.


  • I worked in the food business in the UK before becoming an immigrant myself, many places were run entirely on foreign, cheap & non-unionised labour. Whole bakeries staffed by immigrants, potato crisp factories with hardly an English speaker - but hey the firms could supply the big supermarkets at ridiculously low prices & you'd be able to get your BOGOFs all day long. Everything was fine as long as they didn't start sourcing the cheapest ingredients from dodgy suppliers to further cut costs.........

    I don't think you can point fingers at one particular side of the political line, everybody benefited - multiculturalism, cheap food all round, somebody else to do the generally miserable jobs on the production line, amazing profits for the big supermarkets & manufacturers. What could possibly go wrong....
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  • Labour did it to win votes. If Labour let you in then, the immigrants are more likely to vote Labour.
    Labour denounced anyone as racist, who so much as wanted to discuss the matter.
    Labour won. The situation can never be reversed.
  • Labour bastards
  • edited May 2013
    Daily Mail says it all. Tories losing in the polls, raise immigrant and EU horror stories instead of focussing on why the policies that this Government implement are designed to prevent growth, and have failed to meet their own targets. Lets blame the foreigners and forget that this Government has reduced taxation on the haves and increased it on the have nots, ignored, like all previous Governments, avoidance of tax by big businesses and multi millionaires, whilst those out of work owing minuscule amount are hounded by HMRC!
  • Labour did it to win votes. If Labour let you in then, the immigrants are more likely to vote Labour.
    Labour denounced anyone as racist, who so much as wanted to discuss the matter.
    Labour won. The situation can never be reversed.

    Not a fan of Labour, but immigrants can't vote unless they've become citizens, so I can't quite see the electoral advantage. It's annoying as well as a lot of funds are given out to the country based on electoral roll, and where i live in Lewisham loads of people aren't on it.
  • I was at Stansted aiport a couple of weeks ago and if you closed your eyes you would have thought you were in an East European country as nobody was speaking English. I make no comment other than this was an observation but it did pull me up short a bit.
  • J BLOCK said:

    se9addick said:

    What a load of nonsense.

    Why are you reading the Daily Mail in the first place ?

    What part do you think is nonsense?
    The thread title is "We sent out search parties to get them to come and made it hard for Britons to get work" if you genuinely think that was a government policy you're insane.
  • It amazes me that right wingers who believe in market forces, and then prices and such like will eventually find their own level, don't apply the same philosophy to our boarders. The whole world could be free of any boarders, and populations can find their own level wherever they end up. Right wingers believe in the free market as long as you exclude the threatening competition (from abroad), and then establish monopolies. They call it looking after their own, which is laughable in Britain which has had wave after wave of immigrants for millenia.
  • This is news? .. I assumed it was common knowledge. As Covered End has written, 1 immigrant = 1 vote for labour, and 1 immigrant often means the import of a lot of 'dependants'. We elect 'politicians' and 'governments' to carry out the will of the people. In immigration matters especially, we, the people have been let down, or perhaps it is our children and grandchildren who have been let down as in the future there will be fewer and fewer education and job opportunities for them. I write this of course as a white Englishman.
  • I am white, was born in Erith, but don't call myself an Englishman. In immigration matters I must be the only person in the country who doesn't feel 'let down'. I don't know why there may be fewer opportunities in the future for my decendants, they will be in the mix like everybody else.
  • This is news? .. I assumed it was common knowledge. As Covered End has written, 1 immigrant = 1 vote for labour, and 1 immigrant often means the import of a lot of 'dependants'. We elect 'politicians' and 'governments' to carry out the will of the people. In immigration matters especially, we, the people have been let down, or perhaps it is our children and grandchildren who have been let down as in the future there will be fewer and fewer education and job opportunities for them. I write this of course as a white Englishman.

    Why do the 'white Englishman' deserve a job ahead of anyone coming in from the EU? Or any other country for that matter?

    I ask this as someone who lives in a country, earning a far superior salary to most of the local people. I also take a lot of shit from the locals as a result, so I just wonder if you've ever sat on the other side of the fence.
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