Had evenings where I've done the shopping on the way home, got in, cooked, washed up while she's sat back watching Hollyoaks, put the washing on, taken the bins out, put the finished washing out and the dry stuff away, made lunches (for both of us) for the next day, cleared that all up, but then I've got in trouble for "Just sitting there watching her hoover without helping".
Same here, although I was cracking one off while watching her.
You're the reason we have to have our curtains shut all the time now?
I went out with a complete mental case some years back. We were going to a party and had both agreed to put £20 each in the card, when she arrived I had put £40 in out of my wallet and would just take her £20. She went mental and said she wanted it to be her money, so wanted me to rip open the card and put her £20 in. I stood there in amazement and asked her if she was joking...said £20 is £20. Nope we had a blazing row and were late to the party.
She had also pointed out an expensive dress she liked, so as a surprise I got it for her to wear to this party (she said she wanted it for this party). I find out after we split up that she told my family at the party that I forced her to wear a dress she hated and always picked her cloths. You seriously could not make this up
My ex wife regularly went cold on me after meals out - I'd ask her what she wanted, she'd order but would ask for salad instead of chips. Then want some of my chips, every time. So I started ordering extra chips for her which apparently was my way of making her fat.
We were going to a party and had both agreed to put £20 each in the card, when she arrived I had put £40 in out of my wallet and would just take her £20. She went mental and said she wanted it to be her money, so wanted me to rip open the card and put her £20 in. I stood there in amazement and asked her if she was joking...said £20 is £20. Nope we had a blazing row and were late to the party.
I've read a lot of this and it's great - i know that's how they are and i've weighed up the pros and cons of breaking the not speaking to each other thing that has been going on since monday but i really can't find a lot to put in the pros list. The only thing that keeps popping into my head is when will i run out of clean shirts for work? I can't think of any other benefit in breaking it, which just about sums it up really. Sad but true.
I've read a lot of this and it's great - i know that's how they are and i've weighed up the pros and cons of breaking the not speaking to each other thing that has been going on since monday but i really can't find a lot to put in the pros list. The only thing that keeps popping into my head is when will i run out of clean shirts for work? I can't think of any other benefit in breaking it, which just about sums it up really. Sad but true.
Pop them into a dry cleaners and go and get a brass.
Once helped the exes mum put up a picture. A few days later I'm getting it in the ear for causing an argument between the exes mum and brother as he was supposed to help her put it up. I was then instructed to buy a new picture, take down the one I put up so the brother could put this one up. Guess who got days of abuse for the massive holes in the wall the brother managed to make because I didn't help him. MENTAL. Had to do my own washing and cooking for days!!
I've lost a cookbook she bought me a couple years ago when I left for uni,now she wants to use it and I've explained that I donated it to a housemate of mine who can't cook to save his life. Cue huge arguement about how this book is a symbol of our relationship and that I should have treasured it. It's a cookbook ffs!!
Getting the cold shoulder as we speak. Been together for almost a year, lived together for about 2 months now, went out with a few old work colleagues last night and got in a bit late: "you're a bit late" is all that was said last night. Too drunk to argue, went to bed and she's still ignoring me!
She's out for the next two nights so expecting some revenge. We're both very stubborn but we all know it'll be me who caves in first. I reckon this one could go on for a while!
I once had a girlfriend, we lived together, and believe me this is true, she announced one morning 'I've decided to be nice to you today', as opposed to moody, critical and uncommunicative which she was very often for no discernable reason. To be nice for her was a 'decision'.
Getting the cold shoulder as we speak. Been together for almost a year, lived together for about 2 months now, went out with a few old work colleagues last night and got in a bit late: "you're a bit late" is all that was said last night. Too drunk to argue, went to bed and she's still ignoring me!
She's out for the next two nights so expecting some revenge. We're both very stubborn but we all know it'll be me who caves in first. I reckon this one could go on for a while!
Ridiculous! You need to choose you're women a bit more wisely some of you.
Anyway after last night I reckon Tavern might be talking to me by Friday if im lucky...
Another thing with the female pysche (sic), why, when they meet a bloke, they are attracted to him, they like his personality, the way he dresses etc etc, fall in love, move in together, do they then start trying to change everything about him, clothes, attitude, hair. I honestly believe that its a female conspiracy and passed on from mother to daughter in some sort of secret world wide female pact.
Another thing with the female pysche (sic), why, when they meet a bloke, they are attracted to him, they like his personality, the way he dresses etc etc, fall in love, move in together, do they then start trying to change everything about him, clothes, attitude, hair. I honestly believe that its a female conspiracy and passed on from mother to daughter in some sort of secret world wide female pact.
i'm glad its not just the women i date. I think it might be a self qualification thing, if she can see she's had an impact on your life then she feels like she's worth something.
Another thing with the female pysche (sic), why, when they meet a bloke, they are attracted to him, they like his personality, the way he dresses etc etc, fall in love, move in together, do they then start trying to change everything about him, clothes, attitude, hair. I honestly believe that its a female conspiracy and passed on from mother to daughter in some sort of secret world wide female pact.
When you get married (in a church), you walk down an AISLE, you stand at an ALTER and you sing a HYMN
Another thing with the female pysche (sic), why, when they meet a bloke, they are attracted to him, they like his personality, the way he dresses etc etc, fall in love, move in together, do they then start trying to change everything about him, clothes, attitude, hair. I honestly believe that its a female conspiracy and passed on from mother to daughter in some sort of secret world wide female pact.
When you get married (in a church), you walk down an AISLE, you stand at an ALTER and you sing a HYMN
She is thinking "I'll Alter Him"
And during a gay marriage, they are thinking "take Him up the Aisle"
She had also pointed out an expensive dress she liked, so as a surprise I got it for her to wear to this party (she said she wanted it for this party). I find out after we split up that she told my family at the party that I forced her to wear a dress she hated and always picked her cloths. You seriously could not make this up
I'm off now, have a nice weekend all.
Then want some of my chips, every time. So I started ordering extra chips for her which apparently was my way of making her fat.
(and now I'm wondering whether Billy Bragg went out with a Millwall fan at some point)
She's out for the next two nights so expecting some revenge. We're both very stubborn but we all know it'll be me who caves in first. I reckon this one could go on for a while!
Anyway after last night I reckon Tavern might be talking to me by Friday if im lucky...
She is thinking "I'll Alter Him"