Sorry if this has been done elsewhere but I can't find a link.
I've never understood why when he have a "high-risk" game, we don't hold away fans back in the Jimmy Seed stand for say 20 minutes after the game so the home fans can disperse without having to come into contact with the away muppets. Whilst I've got no problems walking up Floyd Road when the Palace pratts are on the other side of the riot police line - actually quite enjoy it, to be honest - doing it with the Millwall lot on Saturday is another kettle of fish. Frankly, I think I might park "up the top" to avoid having to be anywhere near them.
Appreciate that for 98% of our home games holding away fans back is totally unnecessary but for certain games like Saturday I'm all in favour of it.
Anyone know why we don't do it? I can only assume that the club is maybe afraid of the damage that might be done to the ground whilst holding the away fans in.
Chase me, chase me!
The Police have this one planned, so that Millwall and Charlton will not cross paths after the game.
They should also let the coaches go straight down the lower road so that these 'sitting targets' are well away and not stuck in the one way system. The fact that I know that they will not be doing this is why I will be driving to the game with my son
If it does kick off and someone gets really hurt or worse then they will be spouting out about lessons to be learn't etc. Pathetic, but hey ho, more overtime next match.
If so, how the hell do Charlton fans get back to the station or all the roads around the station?
How many CSE's do you need to run a police force nowadays?
From my experience from the Safety Advisory Group and from meeting with the Palace police ours are a lot better than theirs.
Not saying I always agreed with their decisions or do now but I don't think the officers I've met were thick or thoughtless. Quite often they have to deal with conflicting demands from within the police service as well as from the public.
I really hope the Supporters' Trust can build a relationship with the police.
I really hope this is someone's idea of a joke.
Not 16,000 as plenty don't go towards the station.
Anyway, I'm not part of the SAG anymore so I'm not in a position to explain the what and why.
Serious and polite suggestion Redman or anyone else.
If you think it is a poor idea then email
and ask them to explain their reasoning.
We can all moan on here but that won't change anything. Speaking to those who are involved just might.
(agree with OP - back in the day it was quite normal for ANY oppo fans to be held for 20-30 mins, why not now?)
And what exactly is the police's plan for when we've got to the station and have to join the same platform to get on the same trains.
kna what i mean bruv?
Thanks for the email,
I can advise you that the Police meeting for the Millwall game has not yet taken place, so no decisions have been made regarding the post-match operation.
Once we are aware of the details, the club will advise supporters accordingly.
Kind Regards
Mick Everett
If they do all of this and there is no trouble, the police have done their job well.
I would say just swallow it for this game, it'll all be back to normal against Bolton.
Having said this, I see from the response by CatAddick that no decisions have yet been taken on the post-match operation. So maybe they will be locked in. But either way, isn't it a little late in the day to be taking these decisions?