I can recommend Brett "The Hitman" Hart's autobiography to all wrestling fans, explains alot about how wrestling works, the risks, tragedy etc. Also, alot of nostalgia for those who watched it in the late 80's
No-one thinks the results or most of the contact is real but you can't say it's not athletic to do a triple back flip off of the top of a steel cage. The gymnastics, the mixed martial arts and the physical risks are real it's just choreographed to be turned into entertainment.
Has any wrestler ever gone 'off script' and won a fight he should have lost?
I've not heard of that. Basically they would have to actually knock their opponent out, as in unconscious, in order to do that. Even when severely injured the wrestlers tend to stick to the script. HHH tore his quadrucep clean off the bone in the middle of a match and he still 'won' despite not being able to use that leg at all.
What is sad is the muppets who think its real sporting combat! That is a worry!
I don't know anyone who thinks its real sporting combat. That includes my 6 and 9 year old boys.
Indeed, a 7 year old can tell it's not real. No idea why people think it's some big secret. No one suggests that Rocky is real for example.
The video I posted isn't real either. :-)
Its actually aimed at an adult audience. Remember watching it when i was younger and seeing a lot of full grown men in the front rows getting really worked up about it all.
What is sad is the muppets who think its real sporting combat! That is a worry!
I don't know anyone who thinks its real sporting combat. That includes my 6 and 9 year old boys.
Indeed, a 7 year old can tell it's not real. No idea why people think it's some big secret. No one suggests that Rocky is real for example.
The video I posted isn't real either. :-)
Its actually aimed at an adult audience. Remember watching it when i was younger and seeing a lot of full grown men in the front rows getting really worked up about it all.
It was aimed at adults in the 90s but has become more child friendly/shit.
Has any wrestler ever gone 'off script' and won a fight he should have lost?
I've not heard of that. Basically they would have to actually knock their opponent out, as in unconscious, in order to do that. Even when severely injured the wrestlers tend to stick to the script. HHH tore his quadrucep clean off the bone in the middle of a match and he still 'won' despite not being able to use that leg at all.
Dont forget Stone Cold broke his neck and still beat Owen Hart.
If something like that did happen, the off script wrestler would never be in another match. People would refuse to work with him.
As the saying goes, you dont cross the boss, and the boss in Wrestling is the booker. He decided who wins and loses and you do what he says or you dont work.
Hulk Hogan didnt like dropping the belt to Jeff Jeret in WCW, so he refused to have a match and instead just laid down and let double JJ pin him, but he still dropped it like the boss wanted.
Has any wrestler ever gone 'off script' and won a fight he should have lost?
I've not heard of that. Basically they would have to actually knock their opponent out, as in unconscious, in order to do that. Even when severely injured the wrestlers tend to stick to the script. HHH tore his quadrucep clean off the bone in the middle of a match and he still 'won' despite not being able to use that leg at all.
Dont forget Stone Cold broke his neck and still beat Owen Hart.
If something like that did happen, the off script wrestler would never be in another match. People would refuse to work with him.
As the saying goes, you dont cross the boss, and the boss in Wrestling is the booker. He decided who wins and loses and you do what he says or you dont work.
Hulk Hogan didnt like dropping the belt to Jeff Jeret in WCW, so he refused to have a match and instead just laid down and let double JJ pin him, but he still dropped it like the boss wanted.
Has any wrestler ever gone 'off script' and won a fight he should have lost?
I've not heard of that. Basically they would have to actually knock their opponent out, as in unconscious, in order to do that. Even when severely injured the wrestlers tend to stick to the script. HHH tore his quadrucep clean off the bone in the middle of a match and he still 'won' despite not being able to use that leg at all.
Dont forget Stone Cold broke his neck and still beat Owen Hart.
If something like that did happen, the off script wrestler would never be in another match. People would refuse to work with him.
As the saying goes, you dont cross the boss, and the boss in Wrestling is the booker. He decided who wins and loses and you do what he says or you dont work.
Hulk Hogan didnt like dropping the belt to Jeff Jeret in WCW, so he refused to have a match and instead just laid down and let double JJ pin him, but he still dropped it like the boss wanted.
It worked the other way, bret hart didn't want to lose the title in his home town and Vince agreed to let him win his match against Shawn michaels only to ring the bell and claim a submission by the hitman halfway through match.
Do you think it ever happens another way, like Ryback maybe was meant to hold on when Cena clotheslined him over the top rope, but his grip slipped? I'm not saying Ryback was meant to win or anything, but it was a really naff end to the Rumble.
Same as things like someone is meant to kick out of a count at the last second but don't kick out in time? Or maybe a superstar falling through the table in a Tables match, but they were meant to win
Randy Savage and Rick Rude too. Not a great fan, but my younger brother was and now my son. Took him to see TNA at Wembley on Saturday (after the Wednesday match). He used to be into WWE but says it has got silly and TNA wipes the floor with it. I must admit, for somebody who isn't really into it, it was entertaining and there was real danger in some of the moves they performed.
Some real sad people in the audience though! I'm not including myself in that btw!
WWE sports entertainment
It's theatre it's banter in the words of the Mizz
It's Awsome
Pretty average IMO. Cena and Ryback as the last two? Horrible.
The video I posted isn't real either. :-)
My boy loved going with me when he was about 6 till he was 10
On the subject of grown men getting worked up...
If something like that did happen, the off script wrestler would never be in another match. People would refuse to work with him.
As the saying goes, you dont cross the boss, and the boss in Wrestling is the booker. He decided who wins and loses and you do what he says or you dont work.
Hulk Hogan didnt like dropping the belt to Jeff Jeret in WCW, so he refused to have a match and instead just laid down and let double JJ pin him, but he still dropped it like the boss wanted.
Same as things like someone is meant to kick out of a count at the last second but don't kick out in time? Or maybe a superstar falling through the table in a Tables match, but they were meant to win
Didn't JJ lie down for Hogan?Yep.
So he did
EDIT - Worth noting that I don't watch much these days so things might have changed since I was a regular viewer.
Some real sad people in the audience though! I'm not including myself in that btw!