I simply don't understand that. The outcome of the match is pre-determined long before the bell rings.
I guess the thing is that only a very small amount of people (in the US) are privy to the outcome and are unlikely to be placing bets in the UK anyway. And it's no different really from say, a manager (let's say Redknapp) lumping on himself to move to his next club when he already knows the outcome. (which may or may not have happened when he returned to Pompey!) But yeah, I do agree, if I were a bookies it's not something I would be taking bets on!
I simply don't understand that. The outcome of the match is pre-determined long before the bell rings.
The outcome is only ever known by a handful of people within the organisation, it's not common knowledge and the general public can only guess.
But for the reason that the outcome is known, bookies will only ever let you stake a few quid. You certainly couldn't go in and ask for £5k on something, these 'novelty' markets are restricted to something between £25-50 maximum bet.
I simply don't understand that. The outcome of the match is pre-determined long before the bell rings.
I guess the thing is that only a very small amount of people (in the US) are privy to the outcome and are unlikely to be placing bets in the UK anyway.
Exactly, if a Mr V McMahon logs on and wants to bet on it the bookie might suspect something but your average punter in the UK is only ever going to be guessing. Bookies are not stupid.
I simply don't understand that. The outcome of the match is pre-determined long before the bell rings.
I guess the thing is that only a very small amount of people (in the US) are privy to the outcome and are unlikely to be placing bets in the UK anyway.
Exactly, if a Mr V McMahon logs on and wants to bet on it the bookie might suspect something but your average punter in the UK is only ever going to be guessing. Bookies are not stupid.
And of course the outcome can and often does change right up until the last minute going into a match. Now in play betting would be an interesting idea for Wrestling!
I simply don't understand that. The outcome of the match is pre-determined long before the bell rings.
You could bet on Eastenders, how derek branning died. Thats scripted.
VG I respect your rounded and unbiased views but if that were the case the scriptwriter of East Enders could write that Stacey died wrestling a Gorrilla in custard...can you imagine the odds youd get on that...at a guess 1,000,000 / 1 Nice retiremeant for a quid!
Watched a lot when I was a teenager. Yes it is scripted but these guys do feel pain and do suffer. The amount of young deaths in the industry speaks volumes.
This clip will absolutely blow your mind, I'm telling you.
I simply don't understand that. The outcome of the match is pre-determined long before the bell rings.
You could bet on Eastenders, how derek branning died. Thats scripted.
VG I respect your rounded and unbiased views but if that were the case the scriptwriter of East Enders could write that Stacey died wrestling a Gorrilla in custard...can you imagine the odds youd get on that...at a guess 1,000,000 / 1 Nice retiremeant for a quid!
Watched a lot when I was a teenager. Yes it is scripted but these guys do feel pain and do suffer. The amount of young deaths in the industry speaks volumes.
This clip will absolutely blow your mind, I'm telling you.
The list of guys who have died since I used to watch avidly in the late 90's - early 00's is frightening. Big Bossman British Bulldog Crash Holly Test Eddie Guerrero Chris Benoit (exception in that it was a murder/suicide) Chris Candido Umaga Mike Awesome Kanyon Curt Henning Bam Bam Biggalow Hawk (Road warrior)
In saying its faked I dont think anyone has said it wasnt dangerous. I dont not watch it because its boring, I dont watch it because its violent and for me that doesnt equate to entertainment...but each to their own.
The list of guys who have died since I used to watch avidly in the late 90's - early 00's is frightening. Big Bossman British Bulldog Crash Holly Test Eddie Guerrero Chris Benoit (exception in that it was a murder/suicide) Chris Candido Umaga Mike Awesome Kanyon Curt Henning Bam Bam Biggalow Hawk (Road warrior)
All relatively young guys. Scary
You forgot the tragic death of Owen Hart during his ring entrance.
Used to watch a lot in my younger days, seen a little bit over the last few years and it just seems everyone is a body builder type and no characters about.
And everyone saying it's not real etc. I think 99% of the people who watch it know that the matches are all pre-determined but it can be good fun and you have to respect the amount of skill and athleticism involved.
Its not a sport its theater, but there is no doubting the strength, agility and bravery of some of them, the moves are real and some look incredible when they come off.
Anyway, predictions are:
Del Rio, Ziggler cashes in Team Hell No! (what have they done to poor Kane? He used to be a demonic beast) The Rock (loses to Cena at Wrestlemania in a long overdue heel turn for Cena) Rumble winner: Orton, getting a renewed push into the big leagues after a couple of years jobbing in the mid card and getting injured
I was watching the 'over the edge' pay per view live when Owen hart died it was tense, they never showed it going on they were filming the crowd only but they all looked shell shocked and JR kept saying that there has been a tragic accident and it was not part of the nights entertainment.
Like they say on the show all the time 'yes ladies and gentleman this is entertainment but the hazards are real, the dangers are real...'
It was a fantastic night of entertainment I watch it live and then watched it again on recording before finally hitting a wall. Just rocked up to work to find not too many watched it.
Perhaps this should be on a different thread but speaking to Ben in the Lib saturday he admitted to missing an incident at the VIP meeting out of his report, apparently when SCP was talking about potential signings the lights went out, there was confusion and when they came on again "the Shield" had done him! I dont mind admitting I watch this light entertainment with my son who loves it, too much history channel makes for a dull life especially in my line of work. I have convinced my son that Big Show would loose a TLC match against Catweazle as well....
I'm being serious.
But yeah, I do agree, if I were a bookies it's not something I would be taking bets on!
The outcome is only ever known by a handful of people within the organisation, it's not common knowledge and the general public can only guess.
But for the reason that the outcome is known, bookies will only ever let you stake a few quid. You certainly couldn't go in and ask for £5k on something, these 'novelty' markets are restricted to something between £25-50 maximum bet.
lost the lot.
Exactly, if a Mr V McMahon logs on and wants to bet on it the bookie might suspect something but your average punter in the UK is only ever going to be guessing. Bookies are not stupid.
Now in play betting would be an interesting idea for Wrestling!
This clip will absolutely blow your mind, I'm telling you.
WSS, Bret screwed Bret.
Big Bossman
British Bulldog
Crash Holly
Eddie Guerrero
Chris Benoit (exception in that it was a murder/suicide)
Chris Candido
Mike Awesome
Curt Henning
Bam Bam Biggalow
Hawk (Road warrior)
All relatively young guys. Scary
And everyone saying it's not real etc. I think 99% of the people who watch it know that the matches are all pre-determined but it can be good fun and you have to respect the amount of skill and athleticism involved.
Anyway, predictions are:
Del Rio, Ziggler cashes in
Team Hell No! (what have they done to poor Kane? He used to be a demonic beast)
The Rock (loses to Cena at Wrestlemania in a long overdue heel turn for Cena)
Rumble winner: Orton, getting a renewed push into the big leagues after a couple of years jobbing in the mid card and getting injured
Like they say on the show all the time 'yes ladies and gentleman this is entertainment but the hazards are real, the dangers are real...'
Del Rio won
The Rock won
and Cena won the Rumble
for what it's worth I used to watch it in the 80's and thought it was brilliant