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'27 dead' in Connecticut primary school shooting



  • The NRA will repeat what they always say when something like this happens: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
    What they always leave out is that people kill people WITH guns!

    Using that argument people should be allowed to own nuclear weapons and attack helicopters !
  • There are cranks all over the world but the US attitude to guns just makes things so much worse here. Until they learn this will just get worse I feel. This is a different world we live in nowadays.
  • se9addick said:

    The NRA will repeat what they always say when something like this happens: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
    What they always leave out is that people kill people WITH guns!

    Using that argument people should be allowed to own nuclear weapons and attack helicopters !
    Seriously you can probably buy an attack helicopter in some states but not nuclear weapons, that's a step too far even for them! They'll never learn UNTIL someone shoots up a s WASP school in say DC where th e politicians' kids go to, t hats a sad fact methinks...
  • edited December 2012
    The boy that did it was autistic.

    Really sad and unbelievable situation and one that may have been avoided if guns weren't so easily accessible.
  • Wouldn't be surprised if violent computer games had a part in this as well.
    Got shot down,no pun intended,last time I mentioned that the violence some kids adhere themselves to on these things possibly play a part in their thought processes in life. And I stand by it.
  • I was saying that to the missus VG last night i bet this kid had real issues prob diagnosed with a condition

    But that fukd up place will still sell him 4 weapons and enough ammunition to kill a town

    He killed his mum his dad last i heard his gf ismissing and her best pal

    On top of those poor poor babies

    I will never move to the us my missus says it she would love to move there but to me its too much to be able to buy a gun so easily
  • edited December 2012
    CNN was reporting that 22 more kids have been injured in practically the same thing but in china. Although this was with a knife, not a gun.

    Maniacs will still do it, whether or not you ban guns.
  • Of course they will Matt but the fact 27 have been killed with a gun and none with a knife says it all.

    Make the guns extremely difficult to obtain. It won't completely solve the problem, nothing ever will, but it will go a long way in helping.
  • edited December 2012
    "I think it's important on a day like today to view this as I know the president, as a father does and I as a father and others who are parents certainly do, which is to feel enormous sympathy for families that are affected and to do everything we can to support state and local law enforcement and support those who are enduring what appears to be a very tragic event. There is, I'm sure, will be, rather, a day for discussion of the usual Washington policy debates but I don't think today is that day."
    - Jay Carney
  • There are already an estimated 200 million firearms in circulation in the US, it's a bit late to start banning them now.

    Plus, they have a huge southern, and extremely porous, border with Mexico where guns could be brought in.

    If you have the first clue about how American politics works you will know that nobody is going to be bringing in serious gun control, the electoral backlash is too strong.
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  • edited December 2012
    Dunblane, Cumbria, Hungerford, Happens here and will happen again and thats with strict gun laws. Cannot imagine how many illegal guns are in the uk at present, sick world world im afraid.
  • I think drugs have to be looked at - and I mean those produced by pharmaceutical companies and not the kind sold on street corners.
  • Wouldn't be surprised if violent computer games had a part in this as well.
    Got shot down,no pun intended,last time I mentioned that the violence some kids adhere themselves to on these things possibly play a part in their thought processes in life. And I stand by it.

    The bit that worries me is my nephew has Aspergers (form of autism) and his parents let him play any games he want - most 18 rated games. He's 12 or 13 I think and worry about this
    His parents refuse to be told

    As much as I hate the fact that games always get the blame - there are times when you do have to wonder

  • Terrible news but until the Yanks realise there ain't no injuns or outlaws any more, their stupid gun laws will remain.
  • MattD said:

    CNN was reporting that 22 more kids have been injured in practically the same thing but in china. Although this was with a knife, not a gun.

    Maniacs will still do it, whether or not you ban guns.

    Bare in mind there is almost no mental health treatment here, it's still much, much safer than the uk/us.
  • edited December 2012
    dont like Obama he is a con man end of. However there is no doubt that his speech last night came from the core of him as a dad. have to say had a lump in my throat.

    There are no words that can describe something (they are not human beings) that decide to plan and do something this horrific.
    No punishment fits the crime
  • Beyond words.
    The yanks will wring their hands, the NRA will spew their filth, and it'll all go round again, forever doomed to recur periodically.

  • Dunblane, Cumbria, Hungerford, Happens here and will happen again and thats with strict gun laws. Cannot imagine how many illegal guns are in the uk at present, sick world world im afraid.

    But that's three in the last, what, 25 years? And the rules on gun ownership here were tightened up after Dunblane. The US has had 6 this year.

    I'm trying to remember where I read it, but as someone said "If you live in a country where it's far easier to get hold of a gun than it is to get mental healthcare, then what do you expect?"
  • Sadly, this news actually didn't shock me - at least not as much as it should. Of course it made me feel sick in the pit of my stomach, but I'm almost resigned to reading about this sort of stuff these days.

    Just how many of these incidents have happened now in the past 5 years, or the past 10 years? Far too many, that's for sure.

    If things were going to change over there then they would have done by now. Alas, I suspect these lives will join the long list of otherss that have been lost for no good reason.
  • "Guns dont kill people, people do"

    Thats disgusting for many reasons and just plain stupid.

    If guns are more worthy than a persons life something is seriously fucked up. Its an obsession.

    I dont know the ins and outs of the killer but its likely he had mental problems.

    Imagine someone off there nut on drugs in the UK found it as easily accessible to get hold of a gun, for everyone surrounding that person, their life would be under threat. You could say thats the same with knifes, but it isnt, they are significantly different.
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  • GH

    I will admit it mate Obama had tears rolling down my face it is the age of these children that has done me

    The response to this will be to put armed guards in these schools instead of changing law
  • There was an attempted massacre in china by a guy using a knife. Tragic, but no one actually died. I think a whole cultural shift is required, gun control isn't the magic answer - even after dunblane gun crime has gone up and not down in the UK. I wish I knew what the answer was
  • It must be about mentality...I've been to Alaska and never been worried about gun crime. This state has the highest gun possesions but the lowest gun crime. When you ask Alaskans why they moved there, the majority reason is always the get away from the lower 49!
  • Alaska has some serious drug issues though and domestic violence
  • I live here in Connecticut and have been in shock for the last day. Newtown is a pretty quintessential new England miiddle class town so it can happen anywhere Why didn't the sad fcuker just shoot himself and not take out 5 year old kids but who knows what mentally ill people will do. Great place to live but gun control is a very serious problem. Saying that I have always felt safer going out to bars and clubs than when I was living in London.
  • Nothing will change. These idiots view guns as part of their culture because it is written in their constitution which is even more of a close held religion than Christianity in that nation. A bunch of lunatics who will never see the light and society pays the price. Tragic.
  • Does anyone else other than me have absolutely no surprise at the latest "mass shooting in the USA" it's just part of our life now.
  • Until they introduce gun controls, this will happen with a sickening frequency.

    When will they decide that enough is enough?

  • Until they introduce gun controls, this will happen with a sickening frequency.

    When will they decide that enough is enough?


    never ...the right to bear arms seems more important to them than the massacre of children ...very sad
  • edited December 2012
    Seen quite a few comments from NRA sympathisers like "why weren't the teachers armed so they could have shot the gunman?" !!!

    Great idea.

    However you'd need to arm all the kids as well just in case one of the teachers goes beserk.

    On the plus side gun sales would go through the roof & the NRA sponsors would be delighted.

    Unbelievable state of affairs & with the scrapping of the long gun registry up here in Canada land, one that our vile prime minister H**per is keen to emulate.
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