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'27 dead' in Connecticut primary school shooting

20 year old American gets hold of a gun and kills kids at a school.


When will Americans learn?



  • Just glad we have some semblance of gun control.
    Sadly to many sceptics love their guns more than their kids.
  • One day the yanks will realise that they need to control guns.
  • edited December 2012
    Oh dear, sadly these incidents are becoming way too common. RIP.
  • Depressing, nothing changes , no matter how technologically advanced we become , people still kill people , can't believe this ones a primary school , sick , sick , sick.
  • Truly sad news, heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims.

    Unfortunately the NRA will be out blaming everything except the gun for this latest tragedy.
  • They will never change their gun laws because of their precious constitution and their right to bare arms.
    It's quite obscene .

  • Aparently 18 students and 8 staff dead. Sick. RIP
  • U.S. school shootings since Columbine: 31

    School shootings in every other country in the world combined since that time: 14.
  • Terrible. Extremely sad.
  • if anything shootings also strengthen the idea that there should laxer laws on gun control. The logic being that you are just as armed as a criminal like this. That's how Fox news will probably spin this anyway.
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  • Connecticut is not actually the worse state of gun control but it was still easy enough. The laws of other US states to obtain firearms is frightening.
  • Tragic news this, the yanks could do no worse than look at our licensing system in the UK.

  • Bad news but the yanks wasn't in Norway it will happen here one day there seems to be more and more cranks out there gagging for some kind of stardom
  • How very sad I don't know if it is when you have kids yourself you feel so sick to the pit of your stomach and so sympathetic

    I don't remember feeling as horrified as I do now when I hear these stories now

    It used to always make me look up and think shit what would make someone do that like dunblane but now it's so shocking I can't watch without feeling physically sick
  • One of the dead was the gunmans parent.
  • Read about this early, then the next article I read was this. What a country.
  • As much as the easy access to guns is a factor the people doing this have to be seriously disturbed to even think about it.

    The US has to ask why it produces people capable of such acts
  • Absolutely shocking. 5-10 year old kiddies, dear God. Just saying on Channel 4 news his attention seeking facebook page he's dressed in black. Says it all really. Trouble is, this will go off the radar in a week or two before the next one happens. Sad world we live in.
  • edited December 2012
    No president will have the balls to ever do anything about this, the whole issue on gun control will be political suicide over there. For gun control to be even considered I actually think it'll need to take something similar but to the children of the president, vice, his cabinet staff, etc.

    Shocking news once again.
  • As much as the easy access to guns is a factor the people doing this have to be seriously disturbed to even think about it.

    The US has to ask why it produces people capable of such acts

    All countries produce "people capable of such acts". The issue is what does a country do to deal with/help those people. Do those countries have the economic will to fund and maintain a proper system to address mental health issues and do they have the political will to ensure that there is not easy access to guns?

    As the father of two girls around the ages of the dead who lives a 45 minute drive from the United States, and with family who live there, I am beyond angry right now.
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  • edited December 2012
    There was a tweet going around (quote from one of the kids/parents i guess) saying that police with 'big guns' had to ask the kids to close there eyes whilst they escorted them outside..
  • Just spoke to a few guys I work with who are in New England. Its at a point now where this sort of news doesn't even come across as a 'shock' to them, which I think really goes to show how bad it has got when primary school children are massacred and it doesn't even surpass expectation...
  • How very sad I don't know if it is when you have kids yourself you feel so sick to the pit of your stomach and so sympathetic

    I don't remember feeling as horrified as I do now when I hear these stories now

    It used to always make me look up and think shit what would make someone do that like dunblane but now it's so shocking I can't watch without feeling physically sick

    I completely agree. Reading this news devastated me.
  • How very sad I don't know if it is when you have kids yourself you feel so sick to the pit of your stomach and so sympathetic

    I don't remember feeling as horrified as I do now when I hear these storie now

    It used to always make me look up and think shit what would make someone do that like dunblane but now it's so shocking I can't watch without feeling physically sick

    Totally agree. Always used to feel sad watching children in need, comic relief etc but since having a kid i find them far more upsetting.
  • I don't have a child, never will but still feel sick at this.

    God bless all the poor children.
  • America need an anti gun policy and they need it now, for to long they have blamed incidents such as this on video games gangs, and rock music and tried to shift the blame. I seem to remember after the columbine shootings Marylin Manson was to blame as the gun men listened to his music. They now need to focus on repairing their own country before they try to fix anyone else's. I'm absolutely shocked at what has happened here it just shows as bad as we may think the U.K is with knife crime ect we are blessed to have nothing on the scale of this recent times. God Help that town and may they Rest in Peace
  • Whilst I agree the gun situation in America is quite frankly ludicrous, surely you cannot just ban guns, otherwise all the criminals have them and nobody else will (to defend themselves).

    If anything, guns would have to be phased out over the course of decades
  • Of course they will

    But for the western world America is far and away by thousands the worst for gun deaths

    Rest in peace them poor children

    Anyone who lives in the US or has had a proper nose around the states will know how easy it is to get your paws on a firearm. Not just a six shot pistol or hunting rifle or shotgun but hand guns that hold 20 plus rounds to a magazine or even an (albeit not standard military issue) assault rifle. You pay the money you fill in a form, wait a week and pick up your new pride and joy for about 500US dollars.

    Americans, in the whole, are blinded by this right to bear arms nonsense. In the UK we managed to gradually stop people from wandering around with and keeping swords and cross bows.

    I have various implements and objects you could class as weapons in my home in case some loony breaks in and is daft enough to hang around once they would have heard me picking up said implement and making my way to their location to beat the living shote out of them. These items could be tools, sporting equipment or domestic household bits, fact is you can be pretty confident in this country that the smackhead who is after your blu-ray player won't have a firearm. In America I'm confident that burglars probably carry firearms because they know if they get caught by a homeowner, they may well have one too. So it ain't gonna happen overnight and I doubt very much any American politician who had desires on going places would encourage or back any sort of firearm amnesty.

    Sad, but that is the blinkered, stupid way the US see it
  • edited December 2012
    Three letters why there will never be gun control in the US: NRA.
  • The NRA will repeat what they always say when something like this happens: "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."
    What they always leave out is that people kill people WITH guns!
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