Anyone see it just now on C4?
Great watch.
Some might say extremely over the top with detail and effects just to make a point to some bloke that he should take life more seriously and get up off his arse.
It has a part 2 for next week, it's the real life 28 days later...
The alarm bell in my head would just say "this is bollocks" movie-like
Still enjoyed watching it but gets more fake the more I think about it.
so he is an actor, quelle surprise
Also I think a lot of Brown's things would seem more legitimate if he didn't go around randomly putting people to sleep all the time.
All it takes in his shows is one thing for you to go "bollocks that wouldn't happen" and then it's sorted.
As for the "I wouldn't buy it I would think it's a load of movie rubbish" if I was in that situation and not an actor I would be too wrapped up in the situation. They don't seem to give him much time to think on his own, and even if it all seemed fake you still wouldn't risk your life for the chance that it was real.
The mans got so much talent and his mind stuff is great, stick to that.
Derren should have got him to play it as a chinese Pakistani, that would have generated a bit of press for the Grade C drama graduate
Could be totally wrong but something about all this evidence feels a bit off.
Got the usual killers crowd down to a tee at the end. ;-)
@colthe3rd I see what your saying, there seem to be too many errors for them not to have realised people would dig. Surely they would check if the main guy has any actor info/pics online? The conspiracy theory is that they purposedly left this 'evidence' knowing some would find it but to see how many people they could fool into believing it to be true.
Personally reckon they've just cocked it up but I guess the 2nd show might answer it all.