That reminded me of the Frank Skinner gag, "Arsenal have signed Arsene Wenger because his name sounds a bit like the club. How long before Man Utd sign Stefan Kuntz?"
That reminded me of the Frank Skinner gag, "Arsenal have signed Arsene Wenger because his name sounds a bit like the club. How long before Man Utd sign Stefan Kuntz?"
Once interviewed someone called Boadecia Booyake for an IT job (she got through the sift purely because of her name, and she turned out to be utter shit at interview)
Used to be a bloke I who worked on a contract before me whose name was Mandalei Fuchs
There's a fella in our US office right now with the surname 'Quattrocchi' (Italian translated as 'four eyes')
Worked with Anita Harris
Only this morning, I left a message for Kok
Karen Gotobed - her eyes were amazing.
We also had a an insurance man called Alan Pratt
I used to work with a Paul Newman...
I used to work with him as well, he lived in Church Rd, Bexleyheath way back then.
Met a good guy on holiday called Mike, swapped bus. cards at end of hols - yep, Michael Hunt
Used to be a bloke I who worked on a contract before me whose name was Mandalei Fuchs
There's a fella in our US office right now with the surname 'Quattrocchi' (Italian translated as 'four eyes')
Currently i know a Dr Love. Ex-wife had an old lady in the old people's home called Fanny Hole
Paul Dickov