Surely no politician is more punchable than Michael Gove? Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan who allegedly came to blows. I would pay good money to watch them fight to a state of near death
Yes have to admit to mild spasms of violent and irrational hatred of that Michael Gove.
Might be his totally misplaced arrogance. How can this pointless man who looks like failed IVF experiment look so pleased with himself?
Middle aged blokes in Chelsea shirts who obviously didn't support them when they were crap in the 80's. And Michael Gove defo and ditto anyother patronising tory.
Jim Beglin - probably the least interesting, least qualified and most inappropriate, annoying commentator on British sports tv. Don't you just want to switch off the moment you hear his voice. Gimme Andy Townsend any day of the week!
I've rethought my opinion on Mr Gove. Rather than just punching him in the face I would like to roll him in jam, tie him to a fire ant nest and let them gnaw at his exposed flesh before rolling him in marmalade so wasps can have a go.
David Haye
Might be his totally misplaced arrogance. How can this pointless man who looks like failed IVF experiment look so pleased with himself?
You hold him and I will deck the chinless twat.
i ate all your haribo you little shit, it was me.
How could i forget that
Palace Fans
Only then would I punch him in the face.
Good or Bad thing ?