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Bradley wright Phillips - transformed?

Bwp was sensational tonight , IMO he scared the Leicester defence and worked his socks off, jermaine beckford who? What did anyone else at the game think ?


  • I agree. Ran his socks off and made plenty of challenges. Good on the boy!
  • Was bloody superb. Fuller is certainly going to have to fight for a spot.

    Bradley and yann again sat asking as their not too knackered
  • Glad others saw it !!
  • He's never been lazy
  • What WSS said. Have seen him do that many times.
  • WSS said:

    He's never been lazy

    Very true , Bradley doesn't waste his legs , uses his brain , was class tonight , stepped up to the plate and delivered with a quality finish.

  • Thought the one difference tonight was how often the ball went into him and he held it.
  • Comp

    WSS said:

    He's never been lazy

    Very true , Bradley doesn't waste his legs , uses his brain , was class tonight , stepped up to the plate and delivered with a quality finish.

    Compared to last year his work rate was much better
  • Maybe we should expect 35 goals then with that 'work rate' then...
  • edited August 2012
    Yes, he certainly worked very hard tonight chasing lot's of 'lost causes' on numerous occassions which didn't allow them to settle or build from the back.
    Well done Bradley and of course a really well taken goal to cap off a thoroughly pleasing performance.
    You did everything and more asked of you and have set yourself a new bench now you know what's expected from you from now on!
    Can you deliver?
    Well, I'm going to say that I think you can.
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  • Never been a lazy person, just never used to pointlessly run after lost causes. He also has a better understanding with Kermorgant now, which makes all the difference. He hasn't been transformed, you've just been enlightened ;-)
  • Top performance, I saw it last season too though to be fair
  • Him and kermo can't be replaced only by injury or tiredness
    Different gravy the lad although imo he was as good as he was tonight in 80% of games last year
  • sam3110 said:

    Never been a lazy person, just never used to pointlessly run after lost causes. He also has a better understanding with Kermorgant now, which makes all the difference. He hasn't been transformed, you've just been enlightened ;-)

    Not quite sure what you mean by that?
    Chasing lost causes most certainly isn't unsettles defenders and keeps them from bossing the back line and getting the upper hand....and from time to time it also creates an unexpected opportunity.

  • Have to agree with oohaah on that.
  • edited August 2012
    Transformed? What a load of balls.

    Worked his bollocks off all of last season just like he did tonight.

    The only thing that is lazy is the people who use that term when they can't see what a player does.
  • edited August 2012
    I mean balls that are going out of play or when players are offside, some people would rather see our players sprinting after them pointlessly, than conserving their energy for when they can actually get to the ball
  • Nothing new, he's always worked his arse off and runs the whole game, same tonight as he usually is in my eyes
  • He was brilliant tonight. Didn't stop. And some of his first touches and general play were top drawer.
  • Those that described Bwp as lazy know nothing about football. You can find instances when he could hold up the ball better, take his chances better, be more diagonal with his movements or use his body better, but not lazy.

    He was superb tonight, and I really hope that goal sets him on the way for a great season
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  • sam3110 said:

    I mean balls that are going out of play or when players are offside, some people would rather see our players sprinting after pointlessly them than conserving their energy for when they can actually get to the ball

    Ah right o sam.... got you!

  • Fantastic tonight.

    He seemed stronger and held the ball up better than I remember him doing last season.

    He's never been lazy.
  • Maybe I have been a bit harsh in this thread, I was just expressing how impressed I was , I liked what I saw
  • edited August 2012

    Nothing new, he's always worked his arse off and runs the whole game, same tonight as he usually is in my eyes

    I agree that he always has a pretty high work rate....but tonight he had just a bit of extra octaine in the fuel and was super active.... that's just what's going to be needed on an ongoing basis in this division.

  • Transformed? What a load of balls.

    Worked his bollocks off all of last season just like he did tonight.

    The only thing that is lazy is the people who use that term when they can't see what a player does.

  • Agree didn't stop running gave it his all.
  • Transformed? Hell no, same performance he always puts in... only stepped it up a level. Deserved at least one goal (and he took it superbly) and ran himself into the ground for the team. Man Of The Match by a considerable distance, and considering how well we defended that is saying something.
  • Maybe I have been a bit harsh in this thread, I was just expressing how impressed I was , I liked what I saw

    "A bit harsh" I would say "a bit stupid". Maybe you should edit your original post

  • We have had strikers in the past that run around a lot and look busy , but couldn't finish for toffee, i guess they keep the fans happy because it looks like their trying , i'd rather have striker with intelligence who know when and where to time their runs , hope Bradders and Yann will link up even better this season.
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