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Seriously.....WTF does someone get out of doing this......?



  • Attention deficient hyperactivity disorder
  • Of course it would work if it hurts their pockets - they clearly don't seem bothered that their kids are going around causing damage to other people's property so do need an incentive to care.
  • There you go I said someone would wife has just informed me that one of our friends son (adopted) suffers with this....I know little about it only that the lad when I last saw him seemed perfectly fine to me.
  • Of course it would work if it hurts their pockets - they clearly don't seem bothered that their kids are going around causing damage to other people's property so do need an incentive to care.

    All that would happen is the parents would refuse to pay so it would have to go through the courts, by the time the parents pay out it would have probably cost the tax payer a lot more to put them through the courts. Then I would guarantee a couple of months later you would see the same faces in the same situation
  • So what happens to us when we refuse to pay our taxes?
  • So what happens to us when we refuse to pay our taxes?</blockquote

    Someone from your local tax office will come round and key your car!

  • Ok so let's just say the people who commit keying your car are on benefits, they go to court the people's main argument is they can not afford to pay for the damage because they don't get enough money from the benefits. I doubt the courts would go tough pay your debt now. All they will do is set up agreement where the people pay off a certain amount every month, say one month they refuse to pay it all that happens is they end back at court which you guess it it costs the taxpayer money. I live near a council estate and I would say 90 percent of the people would fight the case and refuse to pay.
  • So what happens to us when we refuse to pay our taxes?

    We will have to start in the Scottish third division.
  • So what happens to us when we refuse to pay our taxes?

    We will have to start in the Scottish third division.
    Good one, made me roar!
  • Go round the house and key their windows. With a brick.
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  • What is ADHD please.

    An excuse for piss poor parenting!
  • What is ADHD please.

    An excuse for piss poor parenting!

    To be fair AuN, this is a very real disorder and an absolute nightmare for the victim and their family.
    However I think we can safely say that it's being used currently as a popular 'catch all phrase' for all sorts of other social problems to the point that confusion has set in regarding it's correct diagnosis.

  • Apologies SoundAs, wasn't trying to be controversial and I'm glad you sussed what I was implying. Some parents do pin a medical condition on their children because they can't accept that they lack the skills or even will to raise their offspring.
    Plus, slightly sceptical because the only winners with ADHD are the pharmaceutical companies who make billions pumping children full of mind altering drugs.
  • Thankfully this has only cost me just over a tenner. T-Cut and a decent polishing cloth have sorted it. Neighbours not so lucky as the scratch is right down to the metal. Police car was outside the scum house earlier today. From what I could see the door wasn't opened and they went away empty handed.
  • What is ADHD please.

    An excuse for piss poor parenting!
    Couldn't have put it better myself.

  • edited August 2012
    Yep...can't argue with any of that.
    I genuinely believe that I suffered from this way back in the late fifties early sixties....except then it was unheard of.
    I had the most loving kind parents anyone could ask for and I was an absolute nightmare. I live daily with the sadness and regrets of how I let them down so badly.
    My elder bother and sister were model kids....never a moments trouble.
  • I caught a teenager keying a neighbour's car once. Collared him and dragged him the neighbour's door and left him in his hands. Don't know what the result was after that but was pleased that I felt his bleedin collar. Scum bag.
  • Friend's daughter suffers with ADHD - they have a nightmare life and it wears the whole family down. No one seems to know why it affects only a few children.
  • What is ADHD please.

    An excuse for piss poor parenting!
    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    You live with it then poor fucking parenting who the fuck are you to call me that

    My son has it there are many facets of it some are extremely difficult to live with and manage and I would bet my house and my life the majority of the patents are ans always will be a better parent than you will ever be

    Apologies SoundAs, wasn't trying to be controversial and I'm glad you sussed what I was implying. Some parents do pin a medical condition on their children because they can't accept that they lack the skills or even will to raise their offspring.
    Plus, slightly sceptical because the only winners with ADHD are the pharmaceutical companies who make billions pumping children full of mind altering drugs.

    Most parents don't follow that rte and what you said was ignorant
  • edited August 2012

    Apologies SoundAs, wasn't trying to be controversial and I'm glad you sussed what I was implying. Some parents do pin a medical condition on their children because they can't accept that they lack the skills or even will to raise their offspring.
    Plus, slightly sceptical because the only winners with ADHD are the pharmaceutical companies who make billions pumping children full of mind altering drugs.

    Before you make these kind of sweeping generalisations, get your facts right please. ADHD is a recognised serious brain/behavioural condition and if you have ever seen a child with this condition and the impact the drugs have within half an hour of taking them you wouldn't be so smug.

    I have two friends who have children with this condition and bad parents they certainly aren't. My son has been diagnosed with it as well as an attachment disorder. If you want to read the kind of issues which he has, check out the following thread to see the impact living with a child with this kind of issue can have:

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  • some of the posts on here are shocking
  • too much crea....
  • Some dickhead overtook me earlier and chucked a glass bottle out his window right in front of me. So lucky all 4 of my tyres are still working. Don't understand some people.
  • Last year I was walking home along Trafalgar Road with a mate at about 23:30. Some guys driving by in a Merc threw a glass bottle at us that landed about 2 feet in front of us... Absolutely crazy how little regard some people have for other people's property and wellbeing when they know in most likelihood they will not be able to be held accountable.

    Interesting view on Education and ADHD
  • I believe there are real cases of adhd but i do believe some use it as an excuse had real issues with a nebours son(adhd) got so bad he was threatning my son(20) and i with a knife was getting dangerous old bill round etc(in the end got 1pound a week fine) untill we couldnt take no more i had him over back fence with iron bar afterr he was abusing my missis next day he was gone never seen him since

  • What is ADHD please.

    An excuse for piss poor parenting!
    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    You live with it then poor fucking parenting who the fuck are you to call me that

    My son has it there are many facets of it some are extremely difficult to live with and manage and I would bet my house and my life the majority of the patents are ans always will be a better parent than you will ever be

    Apologies SoundAs, wasn't trying to be controversial and I'm glad you sussed what I was implying. Some parents do pin a medical condition on their children because they can't accept that they lack the skills or even will to raise their offspring.
    Plus, slightly sceptical because the only winners with ADHD are the pharmaceutical companies who make billions pumping children full of mind altering drugs.

    Most parents don't follow that rte and what you said was ignorant
    Agree NLA, totally ignorant.

    I teach kids and some have ADHD, years ago they would have been called 'problem kids' by the ignorant and uneducated.

    Kids with ADHD dont always need drugs, a kids attention span can be increased with a better diet, no E numbers, no colourings etc. Most food packaging states the amount of the aforementioned. Yes in some cases Parents do not help. When we have a drink/water break in my kids classes I have had parents give their kids Coke, Fruit shoots even blue slush puppies and then they wonder why their child is bouncing of the walls and cant concentrate. So now its water only, no 'fitness' drinks. So parent education is also required in some cases. Incidentally the best supermarket for non additive food, is ASDA.
    The training we do helps kids focus their attention and builds confidence, the child increases his/her concentration which helps increase their confidence and self esteem, which snowballs into their school education as well, coupled with a correct diet it all goes to help them get through to their twentys when it becomes easier for them to manage.
  • Clem and others. I don't think the people that keyed your vehicle realised the mayhem they have caused on this site. Pitching fan against fan. Up until recently I have been a support worker to young adults with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour. Although I loved and enjoyed the work - long shifts etc. I could go home and get away. The strain on the families and the 'victim' is enormous. These parents usually have a lot of good qualities. Having said that I enjoyed my work in this field and hope to return to it after a sabatical. Thanks for listening!
  • Taking the discussion back to mindless vandalism...

    There's a car parked near my flat in Hither Green with a for sale poster in the window. I know nothing about cars, but it had caught my eye as the poster was quite amusing - can't rmember exactly what it said now though!

    Anyway, I walked past it one morning last week and someone had poured paint all over the windscreen of it and the car next to it! Why would you do that?!

    Keying a car might be something you do when you're drunk and not thinking straight, pouring paint over TWO cars is something you put a bit more thought into. W@nkers...
  • Sorry to hear that mate, w nkers as you say.
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