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Saturday 5pm - The Netherlands v Denmark - Preview / Match Thread



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    Rommedahl has definitely still got pace!

    And still fires crosses straight at the keeper
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    See that Dennis still has his pace and his lack of crossing ability
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    Double Charlton reference! A million points
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    Charlton getting mentioned alot. : )

    Holland are going to win this, they should be 2 - 0 up already.
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    edited June 2012
    Ooh, that should make this a good game now!

    Good goal, that.
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    I'm supporting Denmark because Widex are a customer of ours and Morten Olsen advertises (and, I presume, uses) their hearing aids. It makes commercial sense.

    And I notice Krohn-Dehli has just scored
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    YES COME ON DENMARK!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good goal, even better nut meg.
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    I think that's what you call 'against the run of play'.

    C'mon Denmark!
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    Got away with a clear handball there.
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    Isn't Van der Wiel one Chelsea are supposedly looking at? He was nowhere to be seen for that goal
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    Cheering on Denmark. Purely for the fact that Andersen played in that game v Chelsea in 2005 where he saved a penalty that never should have stood, although Makalele scored from the rebound. The penalty was awarded because Fortune ran within a foot of Lampard's air space and he fell over outside the area. We did vodka shots in the pub to numb the frustration of seeing Parker get a medal. hated Lampard ever since.
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    uuh Stephan, phew....
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    Suzi, I never did tell you that I found the Sticks & Sushi in Lyngby. It turns out I new exactly where it was but hadn't connected it with the name and was misled by the web-site, which gave the address of the department store (Magasin) it is located in rather than the address of the restaurant.

    I think Andersen just had a lucky escape
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    did you go in?
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    good save Stephan, luckily Van Persie didn't make a perfect first touch
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    I eat pickled herrings. I eat gravad lax. I don't eat plain raw dead fish.

    It's been there for 3-4 years at guess. I know my partner Monica has been dragged in there by her daughter.
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    The Dutch are so laid back they are horizontal. Very frustrating.
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    Cheering on Denmark. Purely for the fact that Andersen played in that game v Chelsea in 2005 where he saved a penalty that never should have stood, although Makalele scored from the rebound. The penalty was awarded because Fortune ran within a foot of Lampard's air space and he fell over outside the area. We did vodka shots in the pub to numb the frustration of seeing Parker get a medal. hated Lampard ever since.
    I remember that. I was utterly furious when he scored the rebound. My mum's a Chelsea fan and I still haven't forgiven her for that
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    Are the corner flags extra long? Or are the players taking them extra short?
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    Looking good going forward as ever, but Hollands defence does not look great. Danes came back into it much more later, hopefully we can see more goals!
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    Cheering on Denmark. Purely for the fact that Andersen played in that game v Chelsea in 2005 where he saved a penalty that never should have stood, although Makalele scored from the rebound. The penalty was awarded because Fortune ran within a foot of Lampard's air space and he fell over outside the area. We did vodka shots in the pub to numb the frustration of seeing Parker get a medal. hated Lampard ever since.
    Andersen had a cracking game at Stamford Bridge in the League Cup aswell.

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    RVP is having a shocker
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    RVP is having a shocker
    You wouldn't believe it's the same bloke that scored for fun last season.
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    edited June 2012
    How did England lose to this bunch of prima donnas! The Dutch look knackered and they haven't even broken into a sweat so far.
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    Do the Dutch think this is a training match.?
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    There goes my double on Germany and holland
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