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Next England Manager?



  • Player said
    Not really sure how people can slate Pearce.

    Took the U-21s to the semis of the 2007 Championship and to the Final in 2009 where they lost to an outstanding German team.

    Currently top of the qualifying table by 4 points after 5 games. Seems decent enough to me!
    Didn't really cut the mustard with two seasons of mediocrity at Man City and prior to that took Notts Forest down as caretaker. Has done ok with the U21s granted which probably got him the Olympics team manager's job and that may help his cause but at the present there are better candidates ahead of him. Not a slating just an opinion.
    To be fair Pearce now knows his way around International football management, I'd sooner someone with that knowledge than flavour of the month club wise. Club management to International is a different ball game altogether, the fact Pearce is used to only seeing his players every few months and putting a team out to go and be fairly successful with the added disappointment of players dropping out at the last minute makes him a top candidate.
  • Martin o'neill would be my choice. Take redknapp out of the equation and no english manager is up to the job.
  • Doesn't having betting markets on the first black England manager and people talking about who will be the first black England manager make a big issue of race again?

    Surely we need to be getting to a point where we aren't saying first black this, first white that, first asian whatever...cos all you're doing is making distinctions on colour.

    How about just having a bet on Chris Powell to be England manager one day for being the best candidate for the job, rather than being the first black one, so that race isn't even noticed.
    I think it's about role models and breaking down boundaries. Chris Powell should only get a job if he is the best man for it, but statistically there are fewer black managers than is proportionate to the numbers coming through the game. I think it is also statistically a fact that they are given less time in a job and are re-employed less quickly/frequently than other managers with comparable records. Therefore a black manager who rose to the highest position in the game (say England manager) would have had to overcome all of these obstacles and thus being the first to do so is a talking point. I didn't realise there was a betting market for it, not really sure how there could be when there are so few potential candidates at the moment - which is exactly the point I'm making.
    Be interesting to see those statistics. I would've thought over the next decade or so you'll see more getting jobs. & I understand the role model thing. Just I wonder when will everyone just be treated equal when distinctions are still made on colour.
  • "ShootersHillGuru">Can only be given to Bexley Dan.

    might as well - i'm sure any one of us could do it as well as Capello. I really hope Redknapp gets it.For once, can we just give it to the bloke who is most likely to put a winning team together - has to be Redknapp. It'll probably be a 'dream team' of Pearce, Wilkins and Platt - 3 cliche spouting FA friendly yes men without an ounce of managerial talent between them
  • My Choices

    1. Arry
    2. Mourinho
    3. Pearce

  • Dont you all think the England managers job is a poisoned chalice?

    The team isnt good enough because there overpaid layabouts and if you take the job well your going to ruin your credentials for a while.

    Mind you it is a good payout even if you fail.
  • Maybe I'm in a minority, but I think Redknapp would be a terrible England manager, back to Keegan days of just mindlessly running round after some bullshit patriotic speech
  • Shame O'Neill didn't wait a few months.

    Redknapp is the obvious choice really, at least he'd get the team playing good football I guess but yeah, I can't see him being in the job more than 2 year. I think Mourinho would be the only foreigner the public would accept but I think Benitez would be decent.

    Literally no one else I'd want, rather roll with Beckham than someone average like Hodgson.
  • Maybe I'm in a minority, but I think Redknapp would be a terrible England manager, back to Keegan days of just mindlessly running round after some bullshit patriotic speech
    I agree , i think Harry is more suited to the wheeler dealer of club management , unless we can bring a few Spaniards or Ivorians in as 'English' players we up the creek without a paddle, regardless of who is the manager.

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  • My bet is 'arry to england and Mourinho to Spurs all at the end of the season.............Pearce adn wilkins in charge till then.
  • edited February 2012
    Wenger just for the tourney :) him and jose are honorary english anyway..
  • Maybe I'm in a minority, but I think Redknapp would be a terrible England manager, back to Keegan days of just mindlessly running round after some bullshit patriotic speech
    I'm in that camp Rothko but I don't know why we are all stressing about it really.

    When you think about it, it should be the easiest job in the world really, these are all guys (allegedly) at the top of their game, playing against top class internationals week in-week out. You have a team of coaches, fitness specialists, medical experts, mind coaches, dieticians, statisticians, scouts, etc, etc plus a team to help with the media.

    Armed with that lot you have to pick the best team available to you, set out a formation, strategy, sort out some basic tactics and send out a team every few months to stuff some team from a country with nowhere near the resources, on or off the pitch. Yet we talk like it's the most difficult job on the planet and only a really "special" manager, who has to be English of course, is capable.

    The job doesn't need another manager like Redknapp, it needs someone who's preprared to ruffle a few feathers and break up the cliques. Someone who's prepared to knock a few egos down to size. Who that is I don't know but there must be someone out there capable of it. If it absolutely must be an Englishman then I'd go for Hodgson, who at least has got a decent club record to back him up and experience at international level.
  • I'm not sure anyone anywhere thinks its a difficult job, do they BA?
  • Well the FA thought it was so difficult that had to pay someone £6m a year to do it and can you imagine the media outcry if it went to someone outside the Premiership for example?
  • I reckon you and I could do it for half that, couldnt we?
  • At a push, obviously
  • I would love to see Martin O'Neil but i guess its not going to happen since he only just started at Sunderland.
    Redknapp is the best out of the obvious choices
    If they give it to Pardew I'm moving to Scotland
  • Hope it is not Pearce, really not a fan and don't see how he could move the England team forward. There needs to be a big overhaul from the management to the players imho.

    Harry Redknapp is my personal choice, certainly don't think he'd be an FA yes man and would not be afraid to shake things up.

  • After Curbs it would be Pearce for the euro's and then Redknapp after that or for the euro's but I can't see him leaving Spur's before then.
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  • Do we really want as England Manager, a man who confesses that he can't write, can't text & can't use e-mail ?? I would prefer someone who comes across as professional & articulate, not like a 5 year old kid in a sweet shop.
  • All I can say is that I don't think for moment that's it's a co-incidence that Capello went 2 hours after Harry was acquitted. And whilst I can understand the clamouring for an English Manager there are some interesting foreign candidates out there such as Hiddinck and possibly Mourinho.
  • We should bite Hiddincks hand off if he is putting himself forward.
  • Mourinho wants to manage in the Premier League. The media want Redknapp for the job. Stuart Pearce will get it. Or maybe a sensational return for Steve Mclaren after his triumphs at FC Twente?
  • Do we really want as England Manager, a man who confesses that he can't write, can't text & can't use e-mail ?? I would prefer someone who comes across as professional & articulate, not like a 5 year old kid in a sweet shop.
    None of those are essential for being a football manager.
  • John Terry has said there's one man for the job....... Ron Atkinson!
  • edited February 2012
    John Terry has said there's one man for the job....... Ron Atkinson!
    His second choice must be Alan Pardew they have alot in common too.
  • Stuart Pearce! Redknapps a crook guilty or not guilty. Pearce has the passion, love to see Becks with a role aswell
  • Sam Allardyce anyone?

    Very good record at Bolton, and look at what has happened to Blackburn since they sacked him.

    He would certainly restore the pride in playing for England
  • Maybe I'm in a minority, but I think Redknapp would be a terrible England manager, back to Keegan days of just mindlessly running round after some bullshit patriotic speech
    I agree. Plenty of brainless "passion" as usual.
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