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Next England Manager?



  • edited February 2012
    Very funny, RCT.


    I honestly wasnt trying to be funny for a change ;-)

    Ive watched enough womens football in recent years to say it is no way that even at international standard that the level of football is as consistently at the same level of the level Charlton play at. Well certainly not England's team anyhow.
    That's understating it. The current women's world champions would get absolutely f***ing mullered by a BlueSquare side. It wouldn't even be close. You're talking double figures in each half. That's not a slur on women's football, by the way - just a simple fact.

  • Before Capello i was pro a foriegn manager as thought they would make it possible for me to support England again with his stance on not accepting players being known for there bad exploits off the pitch and still play for england but sadly that message dissapeared quickly once he was in the job, im also not sure if an english manager will take that stance so for me any manager from any nation who will really stick to that ideal and drop these players if they cant be proper role models, id rather watch slightly less talented players who i can respect and properly support in the next tournament, something i havnt done since i was a kid.
  • Get shot of Capello now, my choices
  • Smudge, I guess who's got the better record is up to interpretation - McClaren (apologies on the spelling, but no need to shout!) won the League Cup and the Dutch league, and got to a Europa Final. Hodgson has won foreign leagues as well, plus the UEFA with Inter and got to the final with less money with Fulham. At the time of getting it though McClaren hadn't won the Dutch League and if you remember, that Boro run in Europe involved a lot of luck. I think my point was fair that it made him flavour of the month (as did insisting on an England manager after Eriksson had gone and Big Phil turned us down).

    I for one think someone like Hiddink, for example, shouldn't be excluded because he's foreign.
  • Curbs for England.
  • Smudge, I guess who's got the better record is up to interpretation - McClaren (apologies on the spelling, but no need to shout!) won the League Cup and the Dutch league, and got to a Europa Final. Hodgson has won foreign leagues as well, plus the UEFA with Inter and got to the final with less money with Fulham. At the time of getting it though McClaren hadn't won the Dutch League and if you remember, that Boro run in Europe involved a lot of luck. I think my point was fair that it made him flavour of the month (as did insisting on an England manager after Eriksson had gone and Big Phil turned us down).

    I for one think someone like Hiddink, for example, shouldn't be excluded because he's foreign.
    I have posted this before, but the photo I took of 'Mac' a couple of years ago still makes me laugh, mainly from the 'gormless startled face of Chiles' He was talking about the pressures of the England job and how you had to be on guard about photographers, then 'snap'......
  • Hope it is Redknapp, none of the alternatives stand out imho.

    Pardew- the thought is horrible.
    Hodgson- not sure about the style of football, struggled with the pressure of Liverpool and may still take WBA down.
    Mourinho- excellent manager but maybe too early in his management career for an international role.
    Pearce- did not do much at City, u21s were a disaster last summer. Tactically inept.

    Outside bet: Holloway- would be great entertainment and has proved to ba a fine manager. Would the FA would agree?

  • Shame he is scottish but Paul Lambert would have been a contender.
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  • edited February 2012
    How about......David Beckham!

    With Curbs and Stuart Pearce as assistants

    Everything he touches turns to gold

    Passion in bundles, tactical nous, and respect from the young 'uns
  • plus Atkins, Allardyce, Mowbray and Hughton from the Championship.
    Just remembered that Hughton played for the Republic of Ireland so can't really qualify as English though a Londoner, I believe.

    Don't think Holloway has a chance of being England manager.
  • Unfortunately I could not see Curbs doing it as England manager, to sensitive to the press and infringement on his own privacy, not sure he has the ability to manage the ego's in the dressing room or get the respect from the top players. There are only so many players he could drop and freeze out before he was playing the Under 21's.
  • Smudge, I guess who's got the better record is up to interpretation - McClaren (apologies on the spelling, but no need to shout!) won the League Cup and the Dutch league, and got to a Europa Final. Hodgson has won foreign leagues as well, plus the UEFA with Inter and got to the final with less money with Fulham. At the time of getting it though McClaren hadn't won the Dutch League and if you remember, that Boro run in Europe involved a lot of luck. I think my point was fair that it made him flavour of the month (as did insisting on an England manager after Eriksson had gone and Big Phil turned us down).

    I for one think someone like Hiddink, for example, shouldn't be excluded because he's foreign.

    It was my mistake I didnt mean to write McClarens name in capitals, I just forgot to take the caps lock off.
  • I dont want much from an England manager.

    1. disciplined
    2. No favourites - you play on merit, not becuase you play for man u, chelski or the bin dippers.
    3. attacking football
    4. able to change formations when things are not working
    5. Build a team to peak at championships not qualification.

    Thats all i ask for, not much is it? Now SGE and Cappello I had high hope for both but they both failed on all these fronts.

    From what I have seen from SCP, I think he could do a great job in a few years.

  • If 'Arry blots his copy book, Ollie would be a good shout, especially with our ageing midfield and only Whiltshire coming through from the Prem (Jonjo needs starts). We may have to look at CCC. At least we'd play with style and he knows how to try and change a game. Doing well again with limited resources.

    Pardew would be good amusement value with the press chasing up his cast-off women, and I wouldn't be surprised if sex wasn't his only high.
  • Unfortunately I could not see Curbs doing it as England manager, to sensitive to the press and infringement on his own privacy, not sure he has the ability to manage the ego's in the dressing room or get the respect from the top players. There are only so many players he could drop and freeze out before he was playing the Under 21's.
    What about Becks fronting it, with Curbs and Pearce as joint assistants?
  • I struggle to associate with a lot of the recent crop of England players, but if Pardew got the job I think I would then have zero interest in the England team for a couple of years.

    I'm not a hater, and hate very few people, but I make an exception with Pardew.

    Hope Harry gets it regardless.
    Harry will divide opinion .. on the one hand a shrewd man manager and football tactician, on the other a coniving ducker and diver, a person all too symptomatic of what has gone wrong with English society in that he appears to be prepared to forget all scruples and morals in the quest to make a few quid. Still, I suppose in that he is not too dissimilar from aristocrats, bankers, royals, politicians and 'businessman'. After all then, perhaps he is a model Englishman and just the chap/geezer for the job.
  • I thought Stuart Pearce was being groomed for the job
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  • edited February 2012
    I thought Stuart Pearce was being groomed for the job
    excuse me, but, he does seem to have the brain of a well groomed rocking horse ... Pearce is yet another FA careerist, why not give the job to Sir (or is he a Lord yet?) Twevor Bwooking? .. there is really only one man for the job.. Chris Powell.
  • Not really sure how people can slate Pearce.

    Took the U-21s to the semis of the 2007 Championship and to the Final in 2009 where they lost to an outstanding German team.

    Currently top of the qualifying table by 4 points after 5 games. Seems decent enough to me!
  • Not really sure how people can slate Pearce.

    Took the U-21s to the semis of the 2007 Championship and to the Final in 2009 where they lost to an outstanding German team.

    Currently top of the qualifying table by 4 points after 5 games. Seems decent enough to me!
    it seems to me that Pearce is a decent 'headmaster' but not cut out to be a 'business manager', if that makes sense .. I could see him being a moderate success if perhaps the under 21 side was promoted en bloc to the full international squad, but that is not going to happen
  • I struggle to associate with a lot of the recent crop of England players, but if Pardew got the job I think I would then have zero interest in the England team for a couple of years.

    I'm not a hater, and hate very few people, but I make an exception with Pardew.

    Hope Harry gets it regardless.
    Harry will divide opinion .. on the one hand a shrewd man manager and football tactician
    He really isn't a tactician, bloke can't even read or write
  • edited February 2012
    Player said
    Not really sure how people can slate Pearce.

    Took the U-21s to the semis of the 2007 Championship and to the Final in 2009 where they lost to an outstanding German team.

    Currently top of the qualifying table by 4 points after 5 games. Seems decent enough to me!
    Didn't really cut the mustard with two seasons of mediocrity at Man City and prior to that took Notts Forest down as caretaker. Has done ok with the U21s granted which probably got him the Olympics team manager's job and that may help his cause but at the present there are better candidates ahead of him. Not a slating just an opinion.
  • My choices would be Martin O'Neill, Jose Mourinho or Roy Hodgson
  • Rafa Benitez - not the best league manager, but always did well in the cups with his approach to matches so seems ideal for international management
  • English - Check
    Proven record of peaking a team at a major finals - check
    Willing to drop big name players - check

    The last man standing... Mick McCarthy.

    Worked wonders in 2002 with that Ireland team. Drew against Germany and took Spain to penalties. Dropped Roy Keane for being bigger than himself.
    And considering this is Wolves 3rd season in the prem he still has a winning record of 104/66/99.
  • Doesn't having betting markets on the first black England manager and people talking about who will be the first black England manager make a big issue of race again?

    Surely we need to be getting to a point where we aren't saying first black this, first white that, first asian whatever...cos all you're doing is making distinctions on colour.

    How about just having a bet on Chris Powell to be England manager one day for being the best candidate for the job, rather than being the first black one, so that race isn't even noticed.
  • edited February 2012
    Doesn't having betting markets on the first black England manager and people talking about who will be the first black England manager make a big issue of race again?

    Surely we need to be getting to a point where we aren't saying first black this, first white that, first asian whatever...cos all you're doing is making distinctions on colour.

    How about just having a bet on Chris Powell to be England manager one day for being the best candidate for the job, rather than being the first black one, so that race isn't even noticed.
    I think it's about role models and breaking down boundaries. Chris Powell should only get a job if he is the best man for it, but statistically there are fewer black managers than is proportionate to the numbers coming through the game. I think it is also statistically a fact that they are given less time in a job and are re-employed less quickly/frequently than other managers with comparable records. Therefore a black manager who rose to the highest position in the game (say England manager) would have had to overcome all of these obstacles and thus being the first to do so is a talking point. I didn't realise there was a betting market for it, not really sure how there could be when there are so few potential candidates at the moment - which is exactly the point I'm making.
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