Just how much higher will the unemployment figures get ? Given the economic outlook I can see them hitting at least 5 million. Lots of very knowledgable posters on here and I would be fascinated to read what CL thinks.
I'll qualify my reason for posting and its not to instigate another political slanging match as enjoyable as that is. I have living with me my newly married daughter and son in law both early twenties and currently both in employment with decent prospects. Given the latest figures and particularly unemployment in the under twenty fours I am worried that if things get a lot worst it could actually pull me under. My job is about as safe as it gets but my salary is already stretched and not getting better any time soon.
As for youth unemployment, and people without those commitments, I'm not convinced.
All Western economies are f***ed, but ours is especially vulnerable.
A well known bank which has an office near Manchester was recently trying to recruit people on a short term contract (my girlfriend is helping to manage the associated project). The pay is average and the work is basic clerical, so they lined up five people for interview - only ONE turned up and even she turned the job down. There are a lot more jobs out there than sections of the media will have us believe, but at the same time our welfare system makes it too easy for many people not to bother.
Also, when we hear these stories like '100 graduates for every graduate job', this does not mean that 99 out of every 100 grads are unemployed. The internet nowadays makes it very easy to apply for jobs, so for many of these jobs it's the same 100 graduates who are applying for all of the jobs, so if for example there are 95 jobs then it's effectively only 5 grads who are unemployed.
It will be Africa or South America's turn before it comes round to Europe.
Globalisation benefits only the greedy capitalist billionaire shareholders in the longterm. Moving manufacturing constantly east meansthat their wages will have to rise eventually to western levels to buy the goods that unemployed westerners can no longer afford. Western politicians need to stop pandering to the "markets" and show some interest in the poor sops that voted for the fuckers!
The older I become, the more I appreciate that I grew up in the late 1950's and 60's.
What a load of old bollocks. And you have a go at the 'Tory press' for peddling falsehoods and propoganda.
I'd guarantee you 1million of the unemployed figure, either don't want to work, can't be arsed to work when they can survive on benefits or are unemployable for various reasons from illeteracy through to criminal records.