Where was the picture above taken then because I'm pretty sure the Covered End never had windows / openings at the back of the stand? And the background in the corner where the old Courage sign used to be doesn't look familiar to me.
I still have that Butka kit from my teenage years. My son wore it to training the other week and when washed the CAFC came off. Pretty pissed off about that.
Where was the picture above taken then because I'm pretty sure the Covered End never had windows / openings at the back of the stand? And the background in the corner where the old Courage sign used to be doesn't look familiar to me.
I think they could be lights, rather than windows? It is definitely The Valley.
Ah good point, but still doesn't look quite right to me somehow mind you I was playing myself in those days and could only get along to midweek evening games. :-)
Where was the picture above taken then because I'm pretty sure the Covered End never had windows / openings at the back of the stand? And the background in the corner where the old Courage sign used to be doesn't look familiar to me.
Where was the picture above taken then because I'm pretty sure the Covered End never had windows / openings at the back of the stand? And the background in the corner where the old Courage sign used to be doesn't look familiar to me.
any ideas?
i think thats strip lighting ...soon to be destroyed by chelseas fans
Where was the picture above taken then because I'm pretty sure the Covered End never had windows / openings at the back of the stand? And the background in the corner where the old Courage sign used to be doesn't look familiar to me.
any ideas?
No mate but the fact that the stand had roof to floor supports at each end which you can't see because of Killer's 'barnet', wasn't helping my thought processes. :-)
The short stretch of terracing along the side to the north of the stand is distinctive, and beyond that the roof of the groundsman's house (since demolished) is clearly visible. The club shop is there now; in those days it was housed in a little wooden shed in the (pot-holed) car park...
ps Yes, I'm still fuming about the hours of my life I wasted on the Curbishley book.
This is not a would ya thread
He took a lot of abuse when he first played for us - Francessca, his wife was mortified by it.