Need some inspriation my good people, so what should go on the 6 banners at the back of the North Stand, and which ones should stay?
I'm tempted to replace the 'C'mon you addicks' one with 'This is The Covered End'
What about the rest? One for Pards?
other ideas....erm.....
'Pride of South London'
'Jimmy Seed - 1895 - 1966'
How about 'Covered End Ultras'?
Bring Yellow with black letters?
"Live, love, laugh and be happy"
"My other end is a Jimmy Seed"
We aren't Italian.
Pride of South London is a good one.
Agree on the Ultras. Too many nazi/violence connations that it could be taken the wrong way.
How about 'On Loan'
Oops, spot on, Pride of Sauf East Landan it is ;-)
"SE7, I'm in Heaven"?
"Raise the Ruf"?
"Is that all you take away?" ?
John 3:16
Killer, Mendonca, Kins, Leaburn etc
A legends type banner
Kiglelia, don't you think Walsh 3:07 does that already?
There was talk of a big hanging flag-type "Che-Hales" using the Burro image....
i like that idea westside doodman
and if Burro would return there sodding phone calls we might get it done, got the printers ready to go, just need the frigging artwork
from a jimmy seed grew this ???????
i was gonna put mighty oak, but as a bugler it would be almost blasphamous (sp).
I REALLY like that one!!!!
Work on the principle that it's 6 meters wide by 2 meters high, can carry images, and needs to be ready for when we start the Premiership next season