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FIFA not allowing poppies



  • How can any citizen in the UK be against wearing a poppy. It is symolic to pay respect to our War Dead who sacrificed their lives for us. It's the very least you can do.

  • My take on this is that poppies have been around for years now, yet only recently been worn on football shirts. I don't think they should be, internationally or domestically. Regarding the Premier league, I'm sure there's some players of foreign nationality that would prefer not to have one on his shirt, and it's his right not to. However, the backlash he would incur if he voiced this would be horrendous. Can you imagine if every employer insisted that all members of staff wear one? Completely takes away the message they stand for.

    If a player wishes to wear a poppy, let him pin it on his jacket.

    I wear mine with immense pride as a former soldier but I won't scorn those I see in my local High St who choose not to wear one. It's down to personal choice.
  • FIFA's Jordanian vice-president pushing for a change, he is proposing FIFA move towards more inclusiveness to allow women to wear Islamic headscarves, even with neck warming apparel, during both domestic and international football games........... So what's wrong with a Poppy???

  • "[i]...i understand Fifa have rules, and even the fact that we initailly founded Fifa...[/i]" Who is 'we'?
    We meaning The royal 'We' , 'we' meaning England are one of the founders of Fifa.
    This just about sums up the little Englander mentality around these issues. The FA didn't join FIFA for a year or so after the French initiated it.
    errrrrr, not me who said this???
  • My take on this is that poppies have been around for years now, yet only recently been worn on football shirts. I don't think they should be, internationally or domestically. Regarding the Premier league, I'm sure there's some players of foreign nationality that would prefer not to have one on his shirt, and it's his right not to. However, the backlash he would incur if he voiced this would be horrendous. Can you imagine if every employer insisted that all members of staff wear one? Completely takes away the message they stand for.

    If a player wishes to wear a poppy, let him pin it on his jacket.

    I wear mine with immense pride as a former soldier but I won't scorn those I see in my local High St who choose not to wear one. It's down to personal choice.
    Respect what your saying there but you say it's down to Personal Choice. I'd imagine most of the players want to wear a Poppy but there not even being given a choice.
  • "FIFA Allow England players to wear Poppies on their Black Armbands against Spain".  SSN.
  • edited November 2011

    Not really any good then.

    Well done to the Edl for putting the pressure to try and force them to reverse their decision but imo the Fa need to carry on pushing.

  • I dread to think how much money the Legion miss out on (and all other box charity collections) due to not claiming the Gift Aid on all these donations
  • FIFA now allowing a poppy to be worn on the black armbands
  • FIFA's logic didnt add up - the precedents undermined their argument: Many Islamic countries have the star and cresant on their shirt badge (religious symbolism), the USA has the stars and stripes (political), England has three lions (historical), France has ....

    It's amazing how some people make it so far up the food chain. You'd get more common sense from Joe Bloggs

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  • Large is that true ? well done FIFA  must have been reading this thread and have agreed with my arm band suggestion on page one.

    PS usual suspects in "little endlander"   anti english racist crap
  • Yes, confirmed.
  • We're never going to win the World Cup in 2034 after all this furore.....

  • We're never going to win the World Cup in 2034 after all this furore.....

    Like we were anyway!  It'll be bought by Vanuatu or some other footballing superpower.....

    As the fella on R5L said: 'there has been an outbreak of common sense'.

    Maybe FIFA read this board and nicked GH's idea.....
  • Oh no!
    What will all those Irish who take offence (apparantly) to the wearing of the poppy feel like now.?
    Its them I feel sorry for.

    Seriously - great compromise.
  • I agree, good compromise.   And I have to say good debate on here too, for the most part good natured with people on both sides of the argument making good points.
  • What a shame, a compromise - this could have gone on right up to the kick off!
  • Oh no!
    What will all those Irish who take offence (apparantly) to the wearing of the poppy feel like now.?
    Its them I feel sorry for.

    Seriously - great compromise.
    Very mature. You asked for an example of a group or country and I offered you one. I didn't say I agree with the feelings of those that would be offended, I'm not by the way, but I'm not pig headed enough to ignore that it might cause offence given the turbulent past between our country/government/army and those that live across the water.
  • Could it have been that Blatter's main crooked flow of cash and backhanders is coming from middle eastern muslim countries at the moment mainly?
    A case perhaps of him not wanting to upset his cash cow?
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  • As the rule is for the players essential playing kit not to have the Poppy emblem on it why dont the FA let the players where black armbands with a poppy sewn onto that. That does not breach FIFA rules.... although it may piss them off a bit !

    Cant stand FIFA. this is so unneccessary !

  • Bit late with that one just seen largeaddicks comment.... teach me for not reading through !
  • PLC corporate brand names are alright and any other advertising they can squeeze on shirts. Money is God right now.

  • edited November 2011
    Could it have been that Blatter's main crooked flow of cash and backhanders is coming from middle eastern muslim countries at the moment mainly?
    A case perhaps of him not wanting to upset his cash cow?
    Oh FFS. Are you for real?
  • Oh no!
    What will all those Irish who take offence (apparantly) to the wearing of the poppy feel like now.?
    Its them I feel sorry for.

    Seriously - great compromise.
    Very mature. You asked for an example of a group or country and I offered you one. I didn't say I agree with the feelings of those that would be offended, I'm not by the way, but I'm not pig headed enough to ignore that it might cause offence given the turbulent past between our country/government/army and those that live across the water.
    You offered one or invented one on their behalf? Dig hard enough and you can always find someone you think might be offended by everything. As it is I've not seen the Irish FA complaining, or in fact any Irish groups piping up, and I'm sure in the interests of balance, the BBC has been out hunting for them.
  • edited November 2011
    Could it have been that Blatter's main crooked flow of cash and backhanders is coming from middle eastern muslim countries at the moment mainly?
    A case perhaps of him not wanting to upset his cash cow?
    Oh FFS. Are you for real?
    Thought you would pop up here.
  • Yes of course I invented it. I tell you what, go to google, type in some key words and see what comes up, you might be surprised but then again don't bother and just continue with your single minded view, must be right of course.
  • Blimey, did I say it was good natured.  That was fatal.
  • edited November 2011
    Yes of course I invented it. I tell you what, go to google, type in some key words and see what comes up, you might be surprised but then again don't bother and just continue with your single minded view, must be right of course.
    Tell you what, try doing this yourself rather than preaching.
    Type ''irish opposition to wearing the poppy'' like I did when you suggested it yesterday.
    You might be suprised yourself.
    Most entries date from 2008 2009, nothing from Irish FA and nothing that suggests anyone is offended by a bunch of English players asking to wear the poppy. But dont let that interfere with your own view.
  • This thread is so full of fail it deserves it's own razzie.
This discussion has been closed.

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