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London Broncos

Did anybody ever to go to a London Broncos game when they at The Valley? I was rooting through some old programmes and found the programme of the one match I went to, purely for curiosity really. Afterwards I wished I hadn't bothered as there was thick fog, you couldn't see a thing and to cap it all the match was live on Sky anyway.


  • Got dragged to one once by my Dad. they won 75-10 or something stupid when martin offiah was playing for them. Rubbish sport though imo, rugby league.
  • Used to love it! League is far more physical than Union
  • I am a long suffering fan as well you know Dave.

    We're Quins now, playing at the Stoop  we've just been given another 3 year licence.


    Don't think we'll be Quins at the Stoop for long...........the Broncos could be back!!!!!!! Get in!!!!


    And anyone who thinks it's rubbish and that Union is better is just a ponce FACT :-D
  • what is it that is happening to the quins RL?


  • sent out a questionaire recently asking what we would think about change of name & venue...............again!!!

    they're just not getting the gates at the stoop, think they thought all the antipedians would rock up but they haven't

    so they're looking at all possibilities & if they move from the stoop the name will have to change..........think the overwhelming majority want to go back to being the Broncos............I suggested the Nomads lol!!!

    but we need our own venue!!!!
  • Went to few games, I have to say it was nice to be able to watch a game whilst having a beer.
  • Enjoyed a game earlier this season when the evening Standard did a free tickets offer,was a good game, weren't Broncos a reincarnation of Fulham?
  • RL damaged the Valley pitch
  • I went to one of the games but purely as a working role as I was working as a steward for CAFC (not gold range).

    The only time I worked at the Valley and didn't give a shit about what was happening on the pitch.

    Must say though, If on a rare ocassion I do watch Rugby, It's gotta be league. So much faster.
  • How weird - I too was thinking about the Broncos only 24 hours ago.

    I never went to a match but I remember the state of the pitch after they had played.

    Just been reading about the club's history on Wiki - it's quite interesting. Shame the game's not (in my opinion!)
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  • Went a few times and enjoyed it, but i wouldn't go out of my way for it.
    Remember Northern fans having chips on their shoulders and seemingly put out by the fact that anyone South of Manchester had the gaul to play the game. Strange, but some good banter without the stupidness you get at footie.
  • Went to a match. It confirmed I'm a ponce.
  • Absolutely love the game and always will. The Broncos at Chalton (and even at Brentford) was something's very special - real shame that it is just too far to go now.

    Just a shame that the Charlton ground staff were treated those poor kids from Halifax so badly - soured memories for a lot of people.
  • My brother was in the academy when they were playing at the Valley.

    Went a few times, just had no real affection for the Broncos when watching them 
  • Great sport and supreme athletes who would put most footballers to shame but never been able to get into it.

    (Alas i wasnt born in a whippet shed in Wigan and weaned on black pudding). 

  • Compared to Union, League is just a game of 11 flankers with 2 flyers on he wing and is nowhere near as technical a sport, just 'Bish Bosh' with no finesse.

    Have played Union to 1st 15 club level and dabled with League when it went to a summer sport so have a players view therefore I must also be a 'ponce'.

  • Yes, went to a few games at the Valley and enjoyed watching the sport.  Union might be "more technical" and thus more interesting to play.  But it's not really a spectator sport is it?  From the spectator's point of view it's always just a pile of fat blokes spending 15 minutes or so lying on top of each other as far away as possible from where you are sitting.  This often with both teams wearing the same colour shorts and socks, so you can't tell who is playing for which team.  I'd rather watch paint dry.

    Now here's the proof that Union is a rubbish sport.  The seats at "Twickers" are green!  Green for God's sake!  Does anybody know of any other sport/country/club not installing stadium seats the same colour(s) as they play in or the same colour(s) as their country's flag?

  • I play rugby union and I cannot stand rugby league.
  • Went to a match. It confirmed I'm a ponce.
    IIRC, didnt we go with Rodders and because he was wearing his Brisbane Bronco's shirt (he'd just come back from Oz), we got given free tickets for the directors box?
  • Compared to Union, League is just a game of 11 flankers with 2 flyers on he wing and is nowhere near as technical a sport, just 'Bish Bosh' with no finesse.

    Have played Union to 1st 15 club level and dabled with League when it went to a summer sport so have a players view therefore I must also be a 'ponce'.

    How are your ears!!! :-)
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  • Compared to Union, League is just a game of 11 flankers with 2 flyers on he wing and is nowhere near as technical a sport, just 'Bish Bosh' with no finesse.

    Have played Union to 1st 15 club level and dabled with League when it went to a summer sport so have a players view therefore I must also be a 'ponce'.

    How are your ears!!! :-)

    Unsurprisingly not my best feature !

    Is a good job I'm reading this and not hearing it. LOL

  • Watched the Challenge Cup today, and although in my opinion, not the best game of League I've ever seen. What it did remind me was two players carried on playing to the end after one dislocated his fingers and the other dislocated his shoulder (after missing the grand final last year with a shoulder injury) & then had it 'popped ' back in to continue & help his team win the cup.
    It never ceases to amaze me how tough the players are.
    I can always watch a League game & enjoy no matter who is playing or in what league, it's that entertaining. That from someone who loved Union, til they ruined it with too many rule changes and being allowed to cheat in the line out cos players refused to obey the rules!!!!!

    And I'm not even northern!!!!!! ;)
  • Ive played both,Union to a relatively good standard and I like both codes,referring to an earlier post I am a back row forward so that could be why.The problem for me is the reffing of the breakdown and as I slide down the teams due to age,the reffing is worse and I feel that that is what is holding back Union from really taking off big style.Every ref has a different idea of what you can compete for when a tackle is becoming a ruck or maul.I am surprised that League hasn't caught on out side the M62 corridor like the Celtic Warriors going belly up after trying South then North Wales, because its fast and skillful not bogged down with loads of complicated rules!

    What sort of crowds are they getting at the Stoop and what do they charge? 

  • Went to the Wigan game at The Valley with Crispy's dad one very hot summers day, surprising how steep the East stand stairs after several beers in the sunshine.
  • The big thing with Union is that there are really two different forms of the game; the southern hemisphere version which is fast and exciting and the northern hemisphere version which is very often turgid, boring and dominated by the forwards.

    The Rugby in the Super 14 down here this year - especially from the eventual winners the Queensland Reds - was brilliantly entertaining and was much closer to the "Spirit of Rugby" than anything I had seen in a long, long time.

    Watching players like Quade Cooper and Will Genia play off-the-cuff Rugby and actually run the ball rather than just kick the bloody ball downfield or into touch was so refreshing.

    What's more, the fans thought so too! For the second half of the season the Reds were averaging around 40,000 for every home game.

  • The big thing with Union is that there are really two different forms of the game; the southern hemisphere version which is fast and exciting and the northern hemisphere version which is very often turgid, boring and dominated by the forwards.

    The Rugby in the Super 14 down here this year - especially from the eventual winners the Queensland Reds - was brilliantly entertaining and was much closer to the "Spirit of Rugby" than anything I had seen in a long, long time.

    Watching players like Quade Cooper and Will Genia play off-the-cuff Rugby and actually run the ball rather than just kick the bloody ball downfield or into touch was so refreshing.

    What's more, the fans thought so too! For the second half of the season the Reds were averaging around 40,000 for every home game.

    Australia only play that way because they've had no decent forwards for the last few years. Sheridan destroyed their scrum the last few times he's come up against them.

  • Went once. Sat with the Wigan fans. Utter shite. I am a ponce I assume.
  • The big thing with Union is that there are really two different forms of the game; the southern hemisphere version which is fast and exciting and the northern hemisphere version which is very often turgid, boring and dominated by the forwards.

    The Rugby in the Super 14 down here this year - especially from the eventual winners the Queensland Reds - was brilliantly entertaining and was much closer to the "Spirit of Rugby" than anything I had seen in a long, long time.

    Watching players like Quade Cooper and Will Genia play off-the-cuff Rugby and actually run the ball rather than just kick the bloody ball downfield or into touch was so refreshing.

    What's more, the fans thought so too! For the second half of the season the Reds were averaging around 40,000 for every home game.

    Australia only play that way because they've had no decent forwards for the last few years. Sheridan destroyed their scrum the last few times he's come up against them.

    Very true BFR, but the truth is that 90% of the fans are not going to get excited about what happens in the scrum, they want to see the ball tossed around and see some real running rugby.
  • What code is most popular in Australia ?
  • Ritchie, only been getting 3k but only charge bout a tenner tbh, so no excuses.
    When we go, still see peeps with Fulham & Charlton colours who still follow.
    Makes me realise the new ground has to have good transport links or be as near central London as poss.

    I am surprised more people don't appreciate the code down Sauf as it's fast & furious. Certainly more exciting than the kicking game that seems to have taken over our Union these days :-/
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