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  • Thanks for the game Talal and very well played. I thought I had you in trouble a couple of times but you always found a way out...
  • Thanks was an interesting game and I thought the same early on!

  • edited September 2017
    Bollox, i've just accidently clicked the move button by mistake and now lost my queen to QBQBQB do be
  • Why can't you do that in our game?
  • Ok, I'll make it my next move, to hell with it. Let's live dangerously.
  • No don't! I want to win properly or not at all.

    Not at all, it seems.
  • Talal, I've offered you a draw, I think you'd be wise to take it;)
  • Gonna take my chances and play on :smile:
  • Ok but don't say I didn't give you a chance.

    The only trouble with online chess is, you can't accidentally knock the board over.
  • I cheekily offered AA a draw earlier but he declined... :lol:
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  • edited September 2017
    Well played Talal, said through gritted teeth but it's only a flesh wound.

    I'll bite yer legs off in the next game.
  • edited September 2017

    Well played Talal, said through gritted teeth but it's only a flesh wound.

    I'll bite yer legs off in the next game.

    Thanks. I'll try to play as poorly as my current game against Charente, but can't promise anything :smile:
  • Well played Charente, totally buggered that early on and u took full advantage.
  • Thanks Talal, yes move 20 wasn't your best leaving a choice of knight or bishop for a pawn. But the game was getting a tad complicated so a blunder was looming (believe me you don't have a monopoly on blunders :-()

    I've enjoyed our games and make us dead level after 6 - 2 wins, 2 draws, 2 defeats each. Until next time!
  • Well played acoleuthic
  • Well played QBCQBC do be do be do
  • Question: you're playing a game that you can't win.
    You're opponent isn't that much better off but has the pieces to potentially force a check mate.

    Do you resign or do you continue playing and force your opponent to achieve check mate?

    What is the chess etiquette?

  • edited September 2017

    Question: you're playing a game that you can't win.
    You're opponent isn't that much better off but has the pieces to potentially force a check mate.

    Do you resign or do you continue playing and force your opponent to achieve check mate?

    What is the chess etiquette?

    Most people will resign but if a checkmate is coming very soon there's not a lot wrong with letting it play out if that's what you want to do.
    It's those buggers that offer draws when they're well behind that need to take a look at themselves :wink:
  • Well played, Charente
  • Not going so well here. I've had to arrange a friendly against Bromley FC
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  • Well played Talal - another tight game but all about the margins

    And QBCQBC, sorry I didn't offer you much of a game, you are a fair bit better than me unfortunately
  • Folks - I'm going to have to duck out. I timed out against Martin earlier because I didn't have time to play my move - indicative if the fact it just isn't possible for me to play as I don't have the time. Sorry - fwiw I did enjoy it, maybe when I retire I'll have the hours in the day necessary to play again :lol:
  • Jints said:

    Well played Talal - another tight game but all about the margins

    And QBCQBC, sorry I didn't offer you much of a game, you are a fair bit better than me unfortunately

    Cheers. There was one move of yours near the end that surprised me as it kinda handed me the initiative, but that aside very close game.
  • Jints said:

    Well played Talal - another tight game but all about the margins

    And QBCQBC, sorry I didn't offer you much of a game, you are a fair bit better than me unfortunately

    Will you come and play in our next tournament?
  • Yep definitely be good to have Jints in the next one.
  • edited September 2017

    Folks - I'm going to have to duck out. I timed out against Martin earlier because I didn't have time to play my move - indicative if the fact it just isn't possible for me to play as I don't have the time. Sorry - fwiw I did enjoy it, maybe when I retire I'll have the hours in the day necessary to play again :lol:

    Rubbish Leroy, I had you on the ropes admit it, damn you!;)
  • Jints said:

    Well played Talal - another tight game but all about the margins

    And QBCQBC, sorry I didn't offer you much of a game, you are a fair bit better than me unfortunately

    Will you come and play in our next tournament?
    Please do invite me
  • Can I take that move back @Johnnysummers5 God knows what I did that for, clearly a senior moment:(
  • Can I take that move back @Johnnysummers5 God knows what I did that for, clearly a senior moment:(

    It was a shame, as you have given me a very good game, I think you are a stronger player than your rating
  • Can I take that move back @Johnnysummers5 God knows what I did that for, clearly a senior moment:(

    It was a shame, as you have given me a very good game, I think you are a stronger player than your rating
    Thanks for saying that @Johnnysummers5. As I said to Talal, shame I can't accidentally knock the board over.

    Despite the analysis button, still seem to have these blind moments. Just made a right gaff in my game with, real_idle_hans. Maybe that's just the intensity of playing so many games at once?

    I'm enjoying the games though and as you said, ours was a goodun, cheers.
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