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What's better/worse now than 20-30 years ago?

What’s better?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

- Sport is at a higher standard – I saw a clip of Charlton v Everton from (1980’s Division 1) and it looked no better than League One

- Food – there is so much more choice

- Clothes – mostly better design but possibly less choice

- Medicine / surgery etc.

- Cars – no more unreliable rust buckets

- IT – but it is a double sword

- Ability to work some days from home – for a few


What’s worse?

- TV

- Music

- Cinema

- The world of work

- School exam standards

- University – what a crappy deal for today’s students

- Affordability of housing

- Pensions

- Roads and traffic

- People’s behaviour

- Loss of personal space

- Sundays – I actually preferred it when shops were closed

- Towns and shopping centres – all the same



  • Disagree with TV..............lots more choice today, 20 years ago you had 4 channels , now there are hundreds.


  • Nothing's better.

    Everything's worse.

    Simple lists there.
  • Price of a pint is worse today. That much I do know.
  • edited 2011 16
    The pace of life is much faster now than 30 years ago, probably because i'm middle aged rather than a kid.
  • Communication
  • Communication
    Agree - it's much much worse today.
  • porn is better

    single parent families worse

    that is all.

  • Football has caught the eye of too many business people and has become more of a business itself. Its arguably worse than 20/30 years ago.
  • I am guessing that the poster here is a younger gentleman.....

    I would love to see him tell some of the great players in that Charlton-Everton game in 1986 that they were "League One" standard!!!

    Everton went on to win the League that season and had in their side international players like Trevor Steven, Gary Stevens, Peter Reid, Neville Southall, Graeme Sharp, Kevin Sheedy and Dave Watson!!! All of whom would have played in the Premier League today with no problems at all.

    I strongly disagree that the football of the 80's was that much weaker than today, the best sides of that period like Liverpool, Forest and Arsenal would have done well today too.

  • Can music be worse? We still have all the music available that we had then plus what's been made in the meantime.

    Re TV Channels Golfie: Quantity not not equal quality
  • Sponsored links:

  • Worse

    Teenagers-the spoken English language-the atmosphere in town centres-pickled onion Monster Munch-automated call centres-my eyesight-Margate


    My sex life-the quality of pro football pitches-birds aged 19-25-Speedway-general tit size-haircuts 

  • Better - Karzi's at football grounds. Gone has the pleasure of have a jimmy in a concrete karzi with no roof, while it's raining.

  • edited 2011 16
    Better - my bank balance
    Worse - my joints
    Weirdly, my eyesight's about the same.
  • everything as i wasn't born 20 years ago.
  • Most stuff that you can buy is better than 30 years ago.
    Most stuff that you can't is worse.
  • Marriott

    Might be wrong but think you mentioned in another thread you are 19 yrs old.

    Can you at least comment on the quality of nappies & dummys back in the 90's & now ;)

  • you are wrong indeed, im 17 macro!
  • you are wrong indeed, im 17 macro!

    Apologies mate.

    What you doing indoors on a Saturday night?

  • football manager if im honest,

    no job so no money to spend on getting really really drunk :(
  • football manager if im honest,

    no job so no money to spend on getting really really drunk :(
    Heh , nothing wrong with Football Manager!
  • Sponsored links:

  • Both agree and disagree on TV. There is a lot more choice now and you can pretty much watch football whenever you want just as an example. On the other hand there is so much crap that out of 1000 odd channels there are still about 8 or 9 programmes I watch. 

    Other than that agree with all the ones listed in the OP. Music is definitely worse, and this is coming from a guy just into their twenties. 
  • edited 2011 17
    Capitalism and Globalism has got a lot worse. More wage slaves and people getting rich without making things. Also more people wanting as much money for something as they can get -it is now about how mauch you can get out of people than what is a fair price. The high street in terminal decline. British manufacturing is a shadow of its former proud self - Oh dear I'm getting depressed!

    Tvs have got betetr but the standard of programmes on them worse.
  • Better - technology ' (Internet , mobile phones.)
    Standard of living
    Politics- no Thatcher.
    Football. Footy violence gone.
    Prices - I remember our first video player back in 1980 costing a massive £200 !)
    Transport - better trains cheaper flights.

    Worse : Music. ( rap , lady gaga etc...)
    Shops - the death of the high St.
    Armed forces - no investment
    Teenagers - white teenagers who think they are black.
    TV. Reality tv and wall to wall soaps .
    Football - all seating quite stadiums.
    Movies- 3D Michael Bay action shite .
    Where is Stanley Kubrik when you need him?
    Transport - expensive trains , risking getting stabbed if getting on a bus.

  • edited 2011 17
    Just like your namesake in the film 'Oliver'........ never before has a boy wanted more!
    Food: More choice for those that can afford it
    Clothes: Take out the third world/China situation, and the dubious explotation  the design style was pretty grim, with some very dodgy haircuts!
    ( of course some of us still had some hair in those days, I have the photos to prove it, but my memory is not that good!)
    Medicine: If you can get on the waiting lists, from the closed district hospitals, and be in the right postal code, yes big advances, not sure about the cradle to the grave philosophy though of the NHS. 
    Cars: reliable,  yes, but generally boring and the advent of poor  road maintenace, and jams takes the pleasure out of driving, better not mention petrol and Insurance 
    So we can eventually get there more safely, take longer, for more money,.
    Peoples behaviour: I do not think things really change, we are generally apethetic and self centered, rude and  intollerant.
    IT: Communication has seen a big advance to assist people, but not always a good thing.
    Homeworking: Again  the  preserve of a few. 

    Frankly I do not hark back on the good old day's, and anyway music died in the  mid 70s.  As any old git on here will bang on about from now to eternity ends, myself being  at the front of that particular club?

  • edited 2011 17
     Teenagers - white teenagers who think they are black.
    In some ways I think this is a good thing.  In the past teenage gangs were mainly white or black; there was little integration or mixing but frequently there was fear violence and misunderstanding.   The fact that white teenagers now think they are black is a sign that some of the old racist undercurrent has gone.  The trouble with it for me, is that the aspects of black culture which have been appropriated by white kids tend to be the worst aspects:  macho, sexist gangstaism.  So we now have a whole generation of kids who endlessly bleat on about "respect", without having the slightest clue what the word means.   
  • I have only been around since 1996 so I don't really know what changed apart from the fact football is about money more than anything else these days.
      So we now have a whole generation of kids who endlessly bleat on about "respect", without having the slightest clue what the word means.   
    I am 14 and do not do this
  • The football was far more enjoyable because on the whole, players stayed for much longer at clubs and you had a chance to feel a real affinity with them (and they towards their clubs). Plus there were far less of them in a squad so you really got to know them as footballers. There weren't too many who just stayed for a season and there were nowhere near as many loans.

    Other things that I miss from football in those days....muddy goalmouths, terraces, floodlight pylons, proper goal nets, the lack of replica shirts, the Mitre Multiplex ball, long-serving goalkeepers at almost every club and managers/trainers being allowed to smoke in the dug-out. 

    The natural ability of the players was no different but the training methods and facilities of today have made the current players supremely fit (although in some cases, far too delicate). With the same training etc those players of the 80's would be as good as the players today....without question. Even without it some of them would have few problems today, especially with the laws of the game offering so much protection to everyone.
  • I have only been around since 1996 so I don't really know what changed apart from the fact football is about money more than anything else these days.
      So we now have a whole generation of kids who endlessly bleat on about "respect", without having the slightest clue what the word means.   
    I am 14 and do not do this
    Good for you :-)
  • Sometimes you think not much has changed then you read this thread...

    Another big change is 20-30 years ago the only black Irishman anyone had heard of was Phil Lynott, now we've got a black Irish US President!

  • 30 years ago some people looked back and said "it was better 30 years ago"

    In the 1950s some people looked back 30 or so years to "between the wars" and said it was better then.

    Between the wars some people looked back, well you get the picture.

    Of course the biggest change is that we are 30 years older and see the world differently. We have different perspective now due to being older, being parents and not being the fit care free young men and women we were. Such is life.
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