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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I don't use "thinking outside the box" althugh I once said "we need to think outside the triangle" as a joke.

    I see you are keeping your namesakes Music Hall tradition alive and well!
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    I really don't use all that bollax with clients or normal people but sometimes you have to know what it all means for when you are talking to other consultants/trainers etc. Some arseholes play games with it to try and impress you and make themselves look big but I can bullshit back when needed. Things like cognitive dissonance are just technical terms and do make sense but I'd never use them with a client.

    In fact one of my clients said she liked my coaching as I spoke to her like she was a human being not a university lecture theatre.
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    [cite]Posted By: DJ Davey Dave[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]I don't use "thinking outside the box" althugh I once said "we need to think outside the triangle" as a joke.

    I see you are keeping your namesakes Music Hall tradition alive and well!

    Changing language and twisting common language patterns (cliches and pat phrases) is a good way of challenging thought process and so getting people to accept change or at least consider other idea. Can be useful in change management and innovation.
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    Changing language and twisting common language patterns (cliches and pat phrases) is a good way of challenging thought process and so getting people to accept change or at least consider other idea. Can be useful in change management and innovation.

    Yeah, Hilda Baker made a career out of it!!
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]quote]

    Double standards? Please do not bring your broadsheet/management consultancy jargon into our world.

    Double Standards is hardly management consultancy jargon - Dichotomy or if you want to be really flash cognitive dissonance is management speak. See I can talk like that if I need to but when conversing with the likes of you I have to dumb it down a bit, like, know whatta mean :-)

    christ, Henry I thought this was an interview with ZZ that hadn`t been translated/ it went that far over my head ; )
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    edited February 2007
    Cognitive dissonance is when a person attempts to hold two incompatible, or contradictory, thoughts at the same time even when there is evidence to the contrary.

    Those with strongly held prejudices such as racism, sexism, homophobia often have CD as when they meet a person of the hate group who does not fit their idea or stereotype eg they can not continue to hate blacks and like this man who is black. So to deal with this they then alter one or other of the thoughts that they have. Hopefully they would say "I was wrong to hate and fear black people" but more likely they will stick with their longer held and more ingrained thought and so say "he's OK, he's not like the others, he one of us, honorary white man". In this way they can still hold the two thoughts.
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    cheers mate, you explained it very well, whats more I understood it! if only I could say it, I`d try and get it into a conversation at work tomorrow ; )
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    [cite]Posted By: Mortain[/cite]Ormiston, complete and utter bollox I'm afraid, not one fan was calling for pardew to be sacked.
    In fact, he was very well supported vocally by the whole crowd when the takeover was complete.

    With regards to pardew, he clearly lost the dressing room. He should shoulder some of the blame for the mess that we are facing this season.

    Spector. One of the only players to show any desire for us this season. Always gives his all which is more preferable than some performances west ham players have put in this season.

    Now to Curbishley!!! GGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. *insert angry face here*.
    Some of his decisions are baffling. He is a stuborn b*stard ain't he.

    Funny that the guys I work with (all Bobby Moore Stand Lower ST holders) said that they were singing for Pards head earlier in the season and really regret it now!
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    Exactly BDL, some of the Spammers are now trying to run away from the fact that although they might not ALL have been calling for his head that they were not exactly 100% behind him either, were they?
    As for your so called inside information on Pardew's private life, we all know what the rumors are and I have no idea if they are true or not.
    What I DO know is that if you had been doing as well as you were last season then he would have been allowed to do what he liked in his personal life and no-one would have given a toss about it.
    Fact is you have just sacked your second quality manager in a couple of seasons for highly spurious reasons, following on from losing Redknapp a couple of years ago.
    I can barely wait for more self-serving pleadings from you justifying your club's decision to terminate a bloke who had taken you from nowhere to the FACF and top ten in the Prem after you had one dodgy spell.
    Come on then, let's get it over with, "He had lost the dresss...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...."
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    Henry - many years ago when I came across the CD term I thought it meant a person unable to accept positive criticism of your work because you allign your heart and soul with some analysis which turns out to be crap - Curbs would be a prime example since he appears to take any in-house criticism or statements of personal ambition very personally and makes it an issue of loyaty or trust (like Feruson) - getting back to the lead on this thread, it's a bit like West Ham and their academy being "too good to go down" lol
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    Ormiston, the truth as always is somewhere in the middle. 100% of Wham fans weren't fully backing Pardew, but the vast majority WERE. Mortain is not lying in that respect. I think if he had stayed, and they lost another two games, that may of changed a bit.

    Its all happened now and is all completely irrelevent. I'm pleased how we come out of it, and i think long-term West Ham will probably be pleased as well, if they can find a bit of patience.
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    I agree afka. i just cant see their chairman giving curbs much time to show his worth.
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