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  • Do you reckon there will be much swapping of seats?
    because me and my mates are all over the place in L block
  • [cite]Posted By: CAFCdamo[/cite]Do you reckon there will be much swapping of seats?
    because me and my mates are all over the place in L block

    Can't see how if it's sold out ? You could ask people to swap, but wouldn't expect any joy.
  • I expect we'll get a lot of people sitting in other people's seats which will result in a few people getting the hump!
  • Just been hearing about loads of people not being able to sit with mates in the north upper,
    the woman on the phone said that the tickets werent together but we could ask people to swap
    not so sure now though :S
  • been trying to book through the ruddy website. To no avail. Wanna get my dad and my little sister up for the game, don't seem to mind that much sitting next to each other or not, but it would be nice to sit close. Don't fancy sitting in the west or east stands, which doesn't really seem to matter since i can't press "reserve" after selecting how many seats i want in ANY stand >:|

    gonna have to phone up the ticket office 9am sharp with a killer hangover i'm sure :/
  • Just the one with me but will be a lot more before the end of the season.

    My Leeds mate has adopted us as his London side and comes quite regularly now...he's actually gutted he's on a stag do tomorrow as really wanted to come. Even a millwall season ticket holder pal said he would have come had he not been double booked to throw bricks at northerners tomorrow so really seems to have hit a good nerve with football fans.

    Superb effort by the club and supporters and regardless of what happens on the pitch after kick off, we have seen a real resurgence of pride about the club lately and tomorrow and the effort to make it such a high selling game really highlights that.

    Well done Charlton. Onwards and upwards.
  • Can't believe we have sold this much. Going to be so weird seeing a full valley tomorrow but i can't fricking wait
  • [cite]Posted By: kentaddick[/cite]gonna have to phone up the ticket office 9am sharp with a killer hangover i'm sure :/

    Opens up at 10am according to the OS. Still 3000 left. Lansdowne Muse ticket office cash only for home fans in Jimmy Seed.
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: kentaddick[/cite]gonna have to phone up the ticket office 9am sharp with a killer hangover i'm sure :/

    Opens up at 10am according to the OS. Still 3000 left. Lansdowne Muse ticket office cash only for home fans in Jimmy Seed.
    thanks mate, gives me another hour in bed at least...
  • [cite]Posted By: O-Randy-Hunt[/cite]Can't believe we have sold this much. Going to be so weird seeing a full valley tomorrow but i can't fricking wait

    You aint wrong! :-)
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  • This is just fantastic. Taking my son and 3 of his mates for a dealyed birthday treat.
  • [cite]Posted By: Jints[/cite]This is just fantastic. Taking my son and 3 of his mates for a dealyed birthday treat.

    Bit cheap

  • How about do a newcastle and put a cheap red and white scarf under every seat and wave it round your head like a

    Plus the fair weather fans would love that...............only a thought!!
  • Well done to all and everyone connected with the club. When i was at the Q&A with Slater and Powell when they were confident of getting about 20,000 I thought they were in cuckoo land. I have spoken to a spurs fan at work and his comment was "what a great idea" "if you can attract youngsters or people who can't get into other premier games they can see a live game of football at a very reasonable price. It's all about bums on seats. Another lady at work is working tw otherwise they would have gone.... A new member of my team (she is not really into football but her husband is albeit a chelsea fan and her son plays football as well) when i mentioned "oh they are doing £5 for a game on sat and we got a crowd for 21,000 her eyes lit up". And with that offer of a reduced season tickets next season.... you couldn't have made it up.... If a lof of them buy a program, enjoyed the atmosphere tempted to go again.... for the next few months..... Whats the worse thing can happen....? they adopt us as a second team... After all I was converted from a Liverpool fan to Charlton wen i was enjoying Dalglish, McDermott, Heighway and Co.
  • [cite]Posted By: kentaddick[/cite]been trying to book through the ruddy website. To no avail. Wanna get my dad and my little sister up for the game, don't seem to mind that much sitting next to each other or not, but it would be nice to sit close. Don't fancy sitting in the west or east stands, which doesn't really seem to matter since i can't press "reserve" after selecting how many seats i want in ANY stand >:|

    gonna have to phone up the ticket office 9am sharp with a killer hangover i'm sure :/

    I had the same issue. The site only worked using Internet Explorer so that should do it. I tried Firefox and Chrome but the reserve button wouldn't click.
  • Bringing 3 more tomorrow including my sons chelsea supporting girlfriend, hoping to convert her.
  • Putting scarfs under the seat would be unreal. Who knows that might be a little surprise when we turn up :D

    Bouncy will look quality tomorrow
  • 11,090 @ £5 - 1,233 sold on Friday

    Gate 22,100, including 500 Exeter. 3,000+ home and 1,200 Exeter to sell.

    I still believe . . .
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]11,090 @ £5 - 1,233 sold on Friday

    Gate 22,100, including 500 Exeter. 3,000+ home and 1,200 Exeter to sell.

    I still believe . . .

    This is brilliant AB. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  • Amazing...wish I could be there....Think I will go for a walk on the beach now...its 31C and too warm to be sitting here on the computer at 2.30 in the afternoon...only about 11 and a half hours to kick off...
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  • Congratulations Airman Brown. A superb effort, wonderfully organised . Excellent.

    Airman Brown, can you brief the stewards as to how to steward a large crowd ??
  • Poxy weather hope it doesn't put people off.
  • [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]Poxy weather hope it doesn't put people off.

    I was just thinking that. Hopefully it will all be dry come 12.
  • Well its here....the big day, I'm unfortunately not able to attend............but I'm so bloody excited...... like a little kid at the age of 55 unbelieveable!!!
    I cant wait to tune into CAFC player and hear the atmosphere........and hope that the beeb give us more than 20 secs on tonights FL show.
    Match thread will be up and running on here earlier than normal for others that cant attend or hear it!!
    Now all we need is a good game and a good win for the Reds and for everyone going to have a great day.....and well done Airman and everyone else for just a truley maginificent effort.....enjoy folks!!!

    Now where's me calming tablets??????
  • If Exeter have only sold 500, do they really need 1700?

    Dont think it will get to that stage but just wondering like.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: kingston[/cite]
    Airman Brown, can you brief the stewards as to how to steward a large crowd ??[/quote]

    Good point as we would like some of these people to come back again, so all the heavy handed stuff and OTT going in mob handed for having a lid onthere coke must be a no no, rememebr some of them are not Charlton and never been
  • All the twat stewards are probably there now getting issued with their riot gear just in case some 14 year old deliberately puts mustard on his burger!!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: E-cafc[/cite]All the twat stewards are probably there now getting issued with their riot gear just in case some 14 year old deliberately puts mustard on his burger!![/quote]

    TBH If its French Mustard they need a good kicking and a FBO ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: heavenSE7[/cite]Poxy weather hope it doesn't put people off.

    might affect the walk up today!, hopefully not too much....looking forward to this, pub at 12 for the Chelsea game
  • I am shaking with excitement.....and I cant even be there! Hearing the valley full and rocking again should we wonderful, now lets perfrom and smash exeter to give these 24000 something to really cheer about! COYR
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