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  • H is always louder than J.
  • [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]I'm in I'm in H block. Don't be clogging in up!

    I just know i'm going to end up next to you or something!
  • L block is the loudest!
  • What row?
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Macronate[/cite]H is always louder than J.[/quote]

    Make you right
  • Can't actually wait if I'm honest, first game at the Valley should be rocking in a long while.. will try find someone to tag along, although may have trouble sitting with them as I've got a single ST and very packed where I am I can imagine.
  • Exeter fan says 1,700 tickets for them that can't be right?.
  • [cite]Posted By: Plaaayer[/cite]What row?

    Don't know mate. I said as far back as possible, but there wa only about 7 seats left I think
  • Valley 27000 - they only have 700 at the moment (unless that's changed since yesterday?).

    The way we're selling our tickets that's all they'll be getting unless they request some more sharpish !!
  • Could we actually see a packed Valley once again?
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  • CommentAuthorPL54CommentTime3 hours ago quote# 320
    What's the betting it snows and the game is called off - I may have £5 on it

    Andy D'Urso doing pitch inspection on Sat morning
  • [cite]Posted By: east terrace peanuts[/cite]CommentAuthorPL54CommentTime3 hours ago quote# 320
    What's the betting it snows and the game is called off - I may have £5 on it

    Andy D'Urso doing pitch inspection on Sat morning

    Ill kill him myself!
  • Thats what i thought Se9 but one of there fans say they have sold 700 now? with another 1000 promised.


    Good reason to turn up after 2.40 then.
  • [cite]Posted By: se9addick[/cite]No matter what the price, only a big club can get 20,000 plus in this division. Certain local rivals wouldn’t get that if they charged £1 a ticket for a game against Exeter. Very proud Addick right now.

    spot on
  • Any update on the gate so far?.Plus how many Exeter sold?, a 8pm ish update would also be good great if we sell more then 1,500 today.
  • All good stuff

    Doesnt take into the fact that actual otherwise empty season tickets like my daughters will now be filled

    Opera Singer however means that we will spend our beer money outside The Valley
  • [cite]Posted By: Valley27000[/cite]Any update on the gate so far?.

    Don't take this the wrong way. You're obsessed ! Why the need for so many updates ?

    You can see from the pattern that Airman gives them out eod or when a milestone has been hit. Just wait a few hours and i'm sure he'll update tonight if he gets a chance.
  • Ok I will calm down and wait lol.
  • whats the likely takeup now Airman, will we be near sell out of the home ends? I assume JS will be away only
  • Sponsored links:

  • Great effort from all involved.I too was at the Halifax game,perhaps the club fiddled the attendance the wrong way.
  • For the record, airman you are barred from the guess the crowd thread... Inside information will not be tolerated... ;-)
  • edited February 2011
    "Over 24000 expected"

    Latest OS article.
  • Looking forward to hearing the Opera singer again. Absolutely brilliant.
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Valley27000[/cite]Any update on the gate so far?.

    Don't take this the wrong way. You're obsessed ! Why the need for so many updates ?

    You can see from the pattern that Airman gives them out eod or when a milestone has been hit. Just wait a few hours and i'm sure he'll update tonight if he gets a chance.

    lol - not the only one who had noticed.
  • My friend and I have convinced 6 more people to come.
    Every little helps :)
    Come on boys, We can do this! 27,111 here we come!
  • Going up there tomorrow for my mate, that will be two extra!
  • 9,876 @ £5 - gate 20,650 or thereabouts including 348 known Exeter sales

    Exeter have 1,695 seats in the Jimmy Seed Stand.

    There are about 4,000 home tickets still up for grabs, maybe a few more; if we sell another 1,000 tomorrow there will still be 3,000 on Saturday. That's double the normal walk-up.

    I still believe . . .
  • Airman, this is fantastic, fair play to you and everyone involved.

    I expected a crowd of 19kish which would still have been enough to stop the valley feeling like a half empty ghost town.

    Momentum is massively important to any football club and i honestly think we have arrested the slow steady decline into oblivion and have started to regain some of the forward momentum that carried the club forward during the curbs/return to the valley years.

    Onwards and upwards.
  • [cite]Posted By: Airman Brown[/cite]9,876 @ £5 - gate 20,650 or thereabouts including 348 known Exeter sales

    Exeter have 1,695 seats in the Jimmy Seed Stand.

    There are about 4,000 home tickets still up for grabs, maybe a few more; if we sell another 1,000 tomorrow there will still be 3,000 on Saturday. That's double the normal walk-up.

    I still believe . . .

    Wow! This is impressive stuff, should make for a great atomoshere!
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