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2011 Charlton Life weight loss challenge



  • edited January 2011
    sorry, wrong thread.
  • Cardinal Sin - awesome effort so far, keep it up! :-)
  • yep, agree Johnboy

    having a good couple of days so far this week, got to keep it together over the weekend
  • down to 12st 13lbs thats 6lb loss since nye, i am due to go on all inclusive to egypt in 2 weeks, but then again if
    smash the country up i might not be.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]down to 12st 13lbs thats 6lb loss since nye, i am due to go on all inclusive to egypt in 2 weeks, but then again if
    smash the country up i might not be.[/quote]

    Bulk up mate just in case!lol
  • if things carry on the way they are it may 'include' some unexpected things Steve.

    Where are you going?
  • sharm el sheikh mate gotta say im nervous
  • i'd be more worried about the shark than the riots mate.

    Mind you the shark might help shed some weight ;-)

    Went to Sharm last year, pick albatros hotel, loved it.
  • Sorry, but only just joined this thread.

    I have just completed my 3rd week and have gone from 19st 3lb to 18st 4lb - so averaging just over 4lb a week. Weekend away with the lads now so I won't feel so guilty of my binge.

    17st target by April and 15st by Christmas.

    Even better - no fags for a week now.
  • been a slower process than expected for me due to visits to the in laws where my other mother always puts on a mass feed and the father in law always has a massive bar of whole nut or two on the go.

    Have hit the gym hard this week and stayed clear of the three bad things for me (bread , cheese and choc).

    I'm down to 14 st from 14 st 9 so still another 10 lbs or so to go but as long as the will power keeps up I'm confident I'll be able to fit into the fred perrys again
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  • Ok first month now 14st 12lb, a loss of 9lb. Getting there.
  • 15st 7lbs as of 7am this morning.

    After tonights hour turbo session, I would have done in excess of 450 miles on the road bike for January, burning in excess of 22,000 calories.
    Met up with a new Cycling club yesterday and done a 40 mile ride with them out to Tatsfield and back taking in two Cat 5 climbs in the process, just to keep things different.
  • 13st 6, need to try harder
  • Started last sunday, weighed in at 13st 3lb.
    Weighed myself at the same time last night 12st 4lb. Cut out snacking (especially late at night), got my calorie intake down to about 700 a day, stopped the beer and have drunk water and diet redbull (asda's own brand) which apparently helps speed up your metabolism. Will lose another half stone before starting to hit the gym and running. But so far so good.
  • [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Started last sunday, weighed in at 13st 3lb.
    Weighed myself at the same time last night 12st 4lb. Cut out snacking (especially late at night), got my calorie intake down to about 700 a day, stopped the beer and have drunk water and diet redbull (asda's own brand) which apparently helps speed up your metabolism. Will lose another half stone before starting to hit the gym and running. But so far so good.
    700 calories a day is too low for any lenghty period. Be careful.
  • [cite]Posted By: Alex Wright[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: uncle[/cite]Started last sunday, weighed in at 13st 3lb.
    Weighed myself at the same time last night 12st 4lb. Cut out snacking (especially late at night), got my calorie intake down to about 700 a day, stopped the beer and have drunk water and diet redbull (asda's own brand) which apparently helps speed up your metabolism. Will lose another half stone before starting to hit the gym and running. But so far so good.
    700 calories a day is too low for any lenghty period. Be careful.

    Yeah cheers mate will probably only stay like that for another week, will have more when i start burning more at the gym.
  • crikey uncle I thought you were on the wind up, as far as I know you could seriously damage your internal organs on that kind of routine.

    I've lost 6lb, 3lb a week since starting. Haven't managed to get to full cycling yet either, so far only 2 days per week (total 44 miles).
  • another 3 lbs off this week 6.25% in total so far.

    Almost worth the diet cokes in the liberal club yesterday :)
  • just over a stone for me in 3 weeks. Weekend was a disaster with around 12 pints, fish and chips, cooked breakfast and party food. Had dropped down by 16lbs, but put a few back. Will try to make sure no more than one lapse a month.
  • Great thread, very useful to see what experiences everyone else is going through and it was incredibly useful to read Harry Hutchen's comments, they were brilliant.

    Anyway, I have always struggled with my weight but last year from January 1st to May 24th I went from 18' 4" down to 16' 5" via a routine diet and exercise regime and I was basically feeling on top of the world.

    Well, I went on a work trip up to Seoul in late May and went a little too hard at it in the gym at the InterContinental and severely buggered up by left ankle (the medics diagnosed achilles tendonitis) and could not walk properly for months, let alone do serious exercise.

    Of course, it did not take long for the Devil's Diet to emerge and soon I was downing some beers and a bottle of wine most nights and accompanying that with huge portions, plenty of cheese, crisps and regular pies/sausage rolls/chips whilst out and about.

    In those situations I often feel like a truck that has lost its brakes and is rolling down hill, I know I am in trouble but I just can't stop!

    In the end though - when even my "larger" clothese were no longer fitting me - I decided I should get the situation sorted and hopped on the scales to see the damage.......which came in at a staggering 122.2Kgs (thats 19st 4lb in your money), which is the heaviest I have ever been.

    I am 6ft 2ins tall and well built so I am never going to look skinny but nearly 20 stones is taking the piss!!!!

    So, I got my arse into gear and got back to the Gym (my injury is 95% cured) and since starting the new regime on January 24th I have already lost exactly 13lb and am down to 18st 4lb.

    I am coming to the UK in late March for business and am hoping to be down to around 16' 8" by that stage and ultimately get down and stay around the 15st marker.
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  • Yippe!!! Hit the one stone loss this morning - no diet fads, just sensible food, without the chocolate, cheese and beer.

    Still not smoking as well - 10 days now.

    The only difference I feel is depravation :-)
  • tough weekend, barely on track, will have to do some serious work for the next three days
  • not lost any weight but my jeans are looser around the waist. Good signs....
  • Had a dreadful weekend food and booze wise. And last week I didnt lose any weight so got no chance this week.

    flops head on desk.
  • week 4 weigh in this morning - lost 19lbs so far, down to 16 st 5 lbs.

    I may be anorexic as every time I look in the mirror I see a fat bastard staring back at me!
  • well done Church Lane, great effort.

    Not had a great few weeks and diet & motivation have gone out the weekend. Probably back where i started now.

    Need to desperately get back on track, but just haven't really got any drive to sort myself out at the mo.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm taking it gently

    lost 9lb now over 3 weeks, despite having a few beers here and there

    expect to step it up a bit when I can manage 5 days a week cycle commute however, ww suggest you build up slowly - I can see why as I am knackered..

    have filled the fridge at work with suitably low points food, so I am popular with the other fridge users. WW worth a try if you are having problems since you can eat all you want of the right stuff. Also recommend low calorie soups as they tend to keep you from getting hungry for longer
  • Same weight as the start of January, but walking 2 miles to work in the morning,cut back on the wine & as a result trousers looser around waist & feel fitter.
  • i've had a 2lb setback this week. Like you AFKA, found lack of motivation a problem. still, two weeks before a holiday, two weeks of serious healthy eating and exercise, target another half a stone.
  • No loss this week. Still 15st 7lbs.
    A tad disappointing despite doing another 100 odd miles for the week but still heading in the right direction. However, I seem to have suddenly lost 2 inches around my waist in the space of 3 days and cant keep my jeans or trousers up on my normal belt hole, so thats a good sign.

    Have now signed up for the 83 mile Wiggle Sportive in the New Forest on 17 April too so will be upping my cycling in preparation for that.
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