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2011 Charlton Life weight loss challenge

Inspired by Chizz's amazing efforts in 2010, i'm kick-starting this off for the new year in an attempt that publicly shaming myself and evoking a bit of friendly competition will spur me on.

Any other post-Christmas porkers up for a three month challenge to the end of March ? Winner gets a pork pie and a deep fried mars bar.

Three months to the biggest percentage weight loss. Can provide irregular updates on how you are going, what changes you've made etc.

So i'm starting the ball rolling having tipped the scales at a pathetic 13st 9 last night. Might not sound much to some, but considering i'm only 4ft 10 is ridiculous. Had the trauma of trying to squeeze a 42 inch gut into a pair of 36 inch trousers this morning.

Target is to lose 2 stone by end-March. Going to be difficult as i've still got about 2 months worth of cheese and junk food indoors still.

Anyone else looking for a challenge ?


  • Aye, i'll have some of that.

    A mere 16st 2 this morning............ouch.
  • I tried this before Christmas - lost a stone and have now put it back on (and some).

    I am up for the challenge. I will weigh myself when I get home and post tomorrow, thats if the scales can take the strain!!
  • yeah, started my fitness plan today.

    im a hefty 14st 10lbs, the plan is to get down to 12st by April.
  • Yeah, starting today.

    15st 7lbs this morning ffs.
  • edited January 2011
    I started 30 Dec. Weighed in at a hefty 16st 11lbs and am already as of this morning 16st dead. Have cycled 100 odd miles in that time though. Am aiming to be down to 14st by June 30.
    Have cut the booze, have given up chocolate and am aiming at cycling a minimum 300 miles a month to get myself in some sort of shape before taking on some sportives later in the year.

    I've also invested in some fabulous scales which allows me to upload my weight data to my pc so I'll be able to put up some evidence too.

    Bring it on AFKA ;-)
  • 15 stone bang on, nowhere near as big as I've been but could still do with losing some of it.
  • edited January 2011
    duplicate mobile post
  • edited January 2011
    duplicate mobile post
  • I'm in...haven't weight myself yet but will post it up first thing in the morning
  • 20st 3lb trying to get to 18st by the end of March knocking wine on the head and going to start walking fom the station to work (2 miles) in the morning.
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  • AFKA - count me in. I was 19st 2lbs on New Years Eve and am aiming for 16st although my annual showing means the willpower disappears once I hit 17st. In my defence, I am 6ft 4in but am a pig and beer monster like most others joining by the sounds of it.
  • weighed myself this morning for the first time in a month and at my heaviest for about four years at 14st 9lbs.

    This is due to me scoffing loads and not exercising over Christmas and the fact that the wife is pregnant so there is loads od "bad" food in the flat.

    I'll be down to 14st by the weekend but the Spurs drink up won't help keep that off. I aim to be back to my fighting weight of just over 13st by the end of the month .
  • Count me in, was 19, 6" this morning.

    We could combine the flab we lose and mould it into a new management team.....
  • I'm in. Weighed in at 16stone (OUCH) heaviest EVER. Diet on. Would like to be 13 by the end of March !
  • Ok- count me in too- 16 stone 6 this morning and my first British Military Fitness training session on Thursday but I'm actually much lighter now than I have been.

    Target 15 stone 6 by August, which was the weight I ran a 4 hour 10 min London Marathon in 1999.

    How about a weekly weight check in??
  • I'll have to weigh myself tomorrow and then decide what the aim is.
  • Im up for this!,

    Im looking to lose about 2 stone

    14 stone 9,

    6ft 4,
  • Got serious about this at end of last year. Im 5ft 8, first week of September i was up to 13 stone (heaviest ever). Managed to get down to my target weight of 10st 10lb by the end of November...but then christmas happened. Made up for my 3 months of healthy eating in a big way and now im 11st 4, so got a bit to lose. Was insipired by reading this thread last year. Good job to everyone that gives this a shot.
  • I'm definitely in. Will weigh in prob tomorrow. Around 18st 10 area and looking to get 3 stone off

    Wish me luck - I'm gonna need it
  • I'm in

    15st 4lbs

    I should lose a Sharon in about a month, but that will probably be my limit!
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  • I'm in but will opt out of the competition as don't want to broadcast my weight online on a weekly basis,those who know me know I'm a big unit. Going to give it both barrels this year to lose weight. Cutting down on booze big time only going to drink at football no midweek sessions no takeaways no coke no White bread. Want to get back to a 34 waist and xl shirts instead of my johnny Vegas gowns. Family laughed and said yeah yeah ad,but by god I'm gona show them and when I'm down to 14 stone I'm gona be one handsome 6 foot 3 son of a bitch ;-)
  • Put my new Charlton away shirt on that the kids got me for Christmas and my 7 year said i had boobies..................

    Time to lose the weight i think......
  • I'm in.
    Well I will give it a go but I don't think I will be able to stick to it at all.
    Tell me if you think i'm wrong or slightly mad but 13st 4 and 6ft 2 is a bit heavy as i'm only 15? My aim by March would be to get down to about 12st, maybe a bit less. That would be fantastic. I'll start going to the gym and improving my diet as personally I feel I need to do this because I am very uncomfortable and unhappy with myself. I will try and keep it up and as well as that updates, however I can't promise anything.
  • Im in too...will weigh myself (dreading it) and set some sort of target. Put on loads since I gave up smoking two years ago, but not looking to lose anything like I did before when I got down to 10stone 10lbs....far too skinny.
  • I'll have some of this, I've been progressively getting fat and lazy since I've been off the tools

    I have no idea what I weigh but I am pretty sure I am a long way off my fighting weight of 12 stone 11lbs!!

    I am 5ft 10

    Sage, you just need to make use of your youth and exersize mate, don't stress out
  • Currently at 12st 12. Happy to stay at that weight but wanna replace the beer belly and man boobs with a bit of muscle, for my holiday in may.

    Remember fellas, its not just what the scale says, its the percentage body fat you should be looking at.

    Good luck everyone
  • Weighed in at 16s5 this morning. Want to lose 2lb a week.
  • edited January 2011
    yet another duplicate mobile post. WTF???
  • I'm in too, trouble is i'm in Oz, Is that ok?
    I'm weiging in at 107kg, I'll do the conversion later, been ere to long to be an Imperial man!
  • yep im in weighing my heaviest at 13st 5, im now on the wagon, cutting out chocoalate,crisps and cheese.Eating lot's of fruit and breakfast
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