Working today with guy whose daughter goes to same school, I presume, in Maze Hill. Pupil wrote to him abd he turned up with 10 mins notice with five other pirates in full gear. Meant to be on youtube
Working today with guy whose daughter goes to same school, I presume, in Maze Hill. Pupil wrote to him abd he turned up with 10 mins notice with five other pirates in full gear. Meant to be on youtube
He was very good in the Libertine, the film about the Earl of Richmond, also good in Sweent Todd. So he does do more than just pirates of the Caribean, though they are fun movies.
nice to see someone like him doing something like that. Doesn't take much to make a few kids very happy but I'd imagine that most other stars would need 12 months notice, a police escort, a dressing room with puppies and rose petals etc etc and a small fee. Well done Johnny.
What an absolutely lovely gesture. Ah would like a bit of Johnny Depp. He’s stated in the past that he alternates between films his kids can watch and the darker more adult ones.
Michael Gambon mentioned during an interview (Top Gear maybe?) that Johnny and him had a bet on who could mention their co stars knickers the most during press interviews and promoting one of the films they were in. Thought it was brilliant he'd begged to be on The Fast Show. I think he moves to the top of the list even with his very skinny leggies.
[cite]Posted By: Red Fraggle[/cite]Ah would like a bit of Johnny Depp.
Excuse me ....?
I think most red blooded ladies would. He's got oodles of charisma sighs happily. He's actually on my wall in all his pirate get up. My bloke bought it for me but its not on the ceiling alas. He disapproved of that suggestion strangely he hee
Is he a porn star ?
yeah, he's in Pirates of the Carribean: Ja'maican me horny
The mums are jealous!
Think we could get him down to the Valley seeing as he's a (temporary) local??
Come on then, who knows anyone in the club or his agent??!
Agreed. Great actor wasted by crap cooky character films. Whatever happened to roles like Donnie Brasco?
And I cant believe a superstar actor luvvy type person is on the manor and AFKA hasn't got him involved in the Upbeats Raffle : (
Excuse me ....?
No your shallow.
I think most red blooded ladies would. He's got oodles of charisma sighs happily. He's actually on my wall in all his pirate get up. My bloke bought it for me but its not on the ceiling alas. He disapproved of that suggestion strangely he hee