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Eurovison 2010



  • The new voting system has clearly failed! I blame the Russians, nice to see a rather plump Mrs Doyle into the final for Ireland.
  • PeteF.........Now what is this eurovision drinking game all about,i feel like agood saturday night .
  • Ok Lewis, I guarantee you will be wasted by the end!

    In this drinking game, there are three sizes of drink; in ascending order: sip, slurp and chug. Please scale these to the drink you're having. For beer, they would be about a swig, a full mouthful, and three gulps respectively. For spirits, they would be about a quarter, a half and a whole shot glass respectively.
    Have fun, but know your limits!
    the game
    Unless stated otherwise, all events listed below deserve one sip.

    There are always two presenters on screen, a Host and a Hostess. Each broadcaster usually provides an additional Commentator to provide voice-over translations, background information and witty sarcasm.
    The Commentator makes a satirical comment that no-one laughs at
    The Host and Hostess try and fail to be funny
    The Host and Hostess sing
    The Host and Hostess speak in rhyme
    The Host and Hostess gaze into each others eyes
    The Host and Hostess kiss: chug
    The Hostess changes her dress
    The Host changes his outfit: slurp
    Presenters having a time-wasting conversation that no-one can follow, understand or care less about
    Performances — general points

    Song has a tacky or nonsensical title (shoo-wop etc.)
    Politically-related metaphor (e.g. breaking out of chains, shedding a black cloak to reveal white clothes)
    Lyrics are literally demonstrated in the performance
    Act steals ideas from Eurovision acts from previous years
    Use of props (e.g. candles, ribbons, dummies, mobile phones)
    Use of pyrotechnics or lasers; if they go wrong: chug
    Interaction with the audience; if the audience is unusually passive: slurp
    Any time the song goes up a key
    France conducts a musical experiment
    France sings in English: chug
    A country from Former Yugoslavia has a depressing song
    Germany's song mentions peace, harmony or love (one sip each)
    A country borrows any performer from another country
    if the borrowed performer is Irish: slurp
    if the country doing the borrowing is Ireland: chug
    For future reference (see Judging below), make a note of any:
    predictions that the Commentator makes about the song
    acts where the attractiveness of the performer(s) is the only thing going for it
    Appearance of performers

    Retro/out-of-date clothing and hairstyles
    Bad dress-sense; if utterly offensive: slurp
    Experimental make-up
    Indecently revealing or figure-hugging costumes: slurp
    Overt displays of cleavage
    Codpiece(s): chug
    Faked blond hair (East European countries only)
    Hat(s); if horned: chug
    Moustache(s); if female with moustache: chug
    Main singer is grossly overweight
    Malta: male singer does not have a hairy chest: slurp
    Mid-performance costume change
    Singers and back-up vocalists

    Sing in a language other than their native tongue, English or French
    Perform through the medium of rap: slurp
    Wink at camera
    Drop to their knees
    Flick their hair; if they flick non-existent hair: chug
    Make a victory/peace ‘V’ sign
    Wave their arms above their heads whilst singing
    Punch the air
    Put excessive emotion into their singing
    Sing out of tune
    Emit high and loud obnoxious noises
    Play or mime along with musicians during instrumentals; if they play badly: slurp
    Resemble someone you know
    Resemble another famous person
    if that person is present in the audience: slurp
    if the camera zooms in and lingers on that person: chug
    Flirt with the camera after finishing
    Dancers and musicians

    Play an ‘ethnic’ instrument (includes panpipes)
    Play piano while standing
    ‘Ethnic’ dancing
    Hip-hop style dancing: slurp
    Dancing that detracts from the performance
    Dancing that surpasses belief and credibility
    Pretend fighting: if martial arts, chug
    Contortionist: chug
    Television coverage and venue

    Transmission goes a bit wonky
    Preview video is completely pointless
    Preview video is full of gormless smiles
    National symbols are seen somewhere
    Helicopter shots
    Sped up or slowed down film
    Prolonged video mixes
    Colour replacement effects
    Any special effect better than the songs

    Bad time delays during video/audio link
    Host/Hostess overlap with voter during video/audio link because of the bad delay
    Host/Hostess have to hurry a voter for wasting time with pointless wittering
    The Commentator's predictions come true (one sip each)
    The Commentator is genuinely surprised by a decision
    Bad acts receive high (8+) points due to attractiveness of lead singer
    The Commentator makes a snide comment about regional voting (see below for the usual offenders). Bonus sips for any of the following phrases:
    block voting
    mutual voting society
    still getting used to democracy
    vote for your neighbour contest
    There's a discussion why Israel is involved
    Reference made to Norway having null points
    Norway gives points to Sweden but Sweden does not give any to Norway
    Norway does not give Sweden any points at all: chug
    Cyprus gives Greece 12 points or vice versa
    France does not give United Kingdom any points
    Monaco gives France 12 points
    Germany gives any points at all to Austria: chug
    Greece gives any points at all to Turkey: chug
    United Kingdom gives Ireland 12 points or vice versa
    United Kingdom comes second or last
    Ireland win yet again
    Acts are on their mobile phone to their family during voting
    If the winning country declines to hold the event for any or all of the following: chug
    Financial reasons
    Political reasons
    Personal reasons
    Moral reasons
    Optional extras

    Begin each act with a shot of a drink native to that country
    Choose a country to support and
    if it receives 1 to 7 points on any given vote: sip
    if it receives 8, 10 or 12 points: slurp
    if it wins: chug throughout the reprise
  • Is there any time to actually drink during this drinking game or do you spend all the time reading the rules?!
  • No Eurovision 2010 Would Ya?
    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Stuart the Red[/cite]No Eurovision 2010 Would Ya?

  • [cite]Posted By: PeteF[/cite]The new voting system has clearly failed! I blame the Russians, nice to see a rather plump Mrs Doyle into the final for Ireland.

    Go on.
  • Cheers for that PETE F i will have to have a drink after reading the rules.
    will give it ago if i get near a TV on saturday night.Will let you know how i get on.Then again i could be preoccupied with my own eurovision dutch girl this saturday.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: PeteF[/cite]The new voting system has clearly failed! I blame the Russians, nice to see a rather plump Mrs Doyle into the final for Ireland.

    Go on.

    It's got cocaine in it.
    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: windscreen[/cite]...lets pull out now!

    Why should we pull out? Because Pete Waterman and Mike Stock didn't want your version? Sorry but you really do have delusions of grandeur if you think those guys (multi million selling producers and writers) will take advice from you. It's like me telling Chris Evans Danny Baker how he should present a radio show.

    The song by Daz a few years ago was worse than this. Compared to some of the other stuff our entry isn't that bad. It wont win, it may come last as we're not very popular in europe.

    I really don't understand some people.

    (edited to the best Broadcaster on British Radio even if he dos support them !)
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  • Great rules Pete so it's basically drink throughout the whole show whatever happens :-)
    Will give it a go tomorrow night sounds a good game to me :-)
  • edited May 2010
    I see Cyprus are being represented by a Welshman that they found on the internet !!

    and Croatia's entry is sung by Feminnem, a female Eminen ??
  • Portuguese entry is sung by a girl from London.

    Just watched Justin Lee Collins on Fiver. He tried to represent Ireland. Had a great song written by the pub singer (Ronan Keating) but didn't make it through to their national final. It really is a great pop song and deserved to be heard. Ronan Keating told him that he knew Irish judges had already decided who their entry would be, he was right!
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]
    [cite aria-level=0 aria-posinset=0 aria-setsize=0]Posted By: windscreen[/cite]...lets pull out now!

    It's like me telling Chris Evans how he should present a radio show.

    I wished someone would.
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: windscreen[/cite]...lets pull out now!

    It's like me telling Chris Evans how he should present a radio show.

    I wished someone would.

    You'll have Barts jumping on us for going off topic!
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Ronan Keating told him that he knew Irish judges had already decided who their entry would be, he was right!

    Songwriter believes his song is the best and was cheated out of winning songwriting competition. Stop the press!

    People looking for a bet, my tip is a double: Belgium to finish in the top 4 and UK to finish last. It's really got that quality all rubbish commercial British songs have of getting in your head and making you angrier. Like Cheryl Cole's first song. Grrrrr. Only possibility is that the French song will flop, but I think it's much much better than that Josh bloke. That's got to count for something, right?

    By the way, that's my tip, not my favourite or least favourite. I think the Russian song is awful, and my favourite is Armenia. They're dancing around a massive apricot stone, what's not to like?
  • [cite]Posted By: Mister Windscreen[/cite]Blimey shouldnt really get that angry over a fun post. And I'm guessing you dont think my songs are as good as Stock Aitken & Watermans?

    They may not be up with stuff written by the likes of messrs Lennon and McCartney, but they know how to write a pop song. So, sorry, no I don't think yours are as good as SAW
  • Am confused. How can he name your pop songs if your name isnt credited to them? Let us know which ones.
  • [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Pete and I used to do the eurovision special on Millennium FM, trust me he knows his stuff!

    I had delusions of a glorious 100 quid from my 2 quid 50/1 Holland to finish top 10!

    Peanuts Molloy you guys are not ;-)
  • Aggressive, Me??? Sorry AFKA I might have to swear out loud whilst laughing very loudly!

    MisterW - Just because I question you over sending your version to the writers of a song, their song. That's not aggression. That's just pointing out my point of view. If I were aggressive I wouldn't be entering into a conversation with you.

    I have an opinion like most other people, for once I am expressing it on here. For the record I have listened to some of your stuff, some of it's OK, some of it's not.
    [cite]Posted By: Sussex_Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Pete and I used to do the eurovision special on Millennium FM, trust me he knows his stuff!

    I had delusions of a glorious 100 quid from my 2 quid 50/1 Holland to finish top 10!

    Peanuts Molloy you guys are not ;-)

    But the new voting system didn't work - I had a fiver on it!
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  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: windscreen[/cite]...lets pull out now!

    It's like me telling Chris Evans how he should present a radio show.

    I wished someone would.

    I guess the ginger one will look at the other 1.4 million listners he has gained, and not worry too much about you switching off Bournemouth... LOL
  • I might call Ronan Keating the Pub Singer - A joke that goes back many years. But he is a very talented person who has had a fair bit of success.

    My post was certainly not aggressive, it was quite restrained in fact. Like you I'm entitled to an opinion. If you don't like it - well, ignore it.
    edited May 2010
  • Actually I am laughing, quite a lot.

    As a few people have only just recently told me, I am the least aggressive person you could wish to meet.
  • IAIA
    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Mister Windscreen[/cite]I dont know anything about betting or odds, but it seems Betfair are offering 400/1 on the UK entry. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but maybe the votes from yesterday were leaked somehow. Ok, its a crap song, but those odds seem way too generous to me.

    The main thing that moves bookies' odds is who people put their money on.

    The 20 qualifiers from the semi-finals already have supporters who voted for them during the week. The other big countries all have better songs this year. Germany's song wouldn't sound out of place on commercial radio, for example.

    The standard is pretty good this year on the whole. As far as I can see, there is zero chance of the UK winning Eurovision.
  • edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Mister Windscreen[/cite]From a songwriters perspective...Portugals entry was clever and not overdone...highs in the right place, lows delicately handled.
    But sounds like a rip-off of one of the songs from "Beauty and the Beast"
  • I think i've worked it out. We've deliberately put forward a dreadful song so the other countries have a reason not to vote for us other than they hate us......clever.
  • [cite]Posted By: IA[/cite] my favourite is Armenia. They're dancing around a massive apricot stone, what's not to like?

    that allied to the fact that the bird is fit makes it my favourite too :p
  • It's so painfully horrific but I can't turn it off.
  • And we're last. That was set up beautifully - we get some unexpected points from one of the Eastern European countries, who then proceed to give Belarus 12 to leave us bottom.
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