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John Terry out of world cup

edited May 2010 in General Charlton
Broken foot according to Sky


  • edited May 2010
    Big big loss. Just as well we have Jamie Carragher! I'd call up Phil Jagielka for the squad though and tell Upson to go and learn how to defend.
  • edited May 2010
    Honestly do not care about Terry, he has not been in great form this season and would rather see Ledley King start. Also means Dawson and Carragher will go! I think Terry is over rated and has not been the same player he was a few years back, think all those injuries may have takent their toll.

    Also could not happen to a nicer guy!

    Wayne Bridge, would he come back in?
  • Can't say I'm too upset.

    Too late for Bridge?
  • Blessing in disguise.
  • Not that bothered if i'm honest.
  • my name is earl
  • won't be a huge loss....Dawson/King both had better seasons IMO

    Bridge might now get the call.
  • Not too bothered, we position England are blessed with plenty of talent is at centre back. Plenty of cover, bring big Big Sol I say after some of his displays for Arsenal this season. Terry not being there would probably help the dressing room as well after the Bridge incident, must have been some ill feeling there.
  • really the ONLY player we couldn't do without is Rooney
  • shame but we do have many centre backs, Rio & Ledley be good partnership i think but they are quite similar?? I wouldn't now call bridge up F**k him he missed the chance, we owe him nothing! Warnock deserves to go on form in my opinion and has been better then bridge this season
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  • Not sure i believe this yet, it is sky. I think it will be a loss if true, think people are letting his personal antics cloud their judgement of him as a footballer. Has had a couple of dodgy performances this year but nothing too criminal. Quality defender at International Level.....would rather have him than not.
    Plus Ferdinand & King fitness doubts as to whether they can play tournament football.
  • Not too fussed with this, I think the guy is overrated.
  • Kings chance to step in. Kings quality so im not to upset.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Not sure i believe this yet, it is sky. I think it will be a loss if true, think people are letting his personal antics cloud their judgement of him as a footballer. Has had a couple of dodgy performances this year but nothing too criminal. Quality defender at International Level.....would rather have him than not.
    Plus Ferdinand & King fitness doubts as to whether they can play tournament football.

    VG i do agree with you there matey do think he is still one of the best and i would still have him as England captain, but i'd rather him get injured then Wayne Rooney, i think that is probably the best position or CM if any get injured as we have many that can do the job. Also Terry forms a good partnership with Rio so that will be missed, The way Ledley has played this season if he can stay fit he could be excellent for us and to have 2 quick centre backs can only be a good thing
  • Sky have removed it from their Breaking News banner. In preperation for a full report or cos its not as bad as first believed to be?

    also, Makelele's wife, from the M&S adverts, has tried to commit suicide!
  • Chelsea say "left Cobham walking freely in a protective boot"

    Scan results tomorrow.
  • I dont think people can say over rated he has just won the league title!!
    Yes he may not be your cup of tea but he certainly is a decent centre back and we will be worse off without him.
    In terms of justice well what goes around comes around and when the bridge saga came up i felt that he should have been the one to miss out.
  • BBC Site:

    England and Chelsea defender John Terry going for scan on right foot after knock in training

    So not OUt of the world cup
  • He's not had a good season. Neither has Rio.

    Our defence is not looking the best but hopefully Ledley can be wheeled out and Carra can do a job.

    Our defence worries me though
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  • edited May 2010
    I dont see how people can not see this as making England weaker, JT is one of a view world class players England have.

    I think alot of people here are saying this as more of a dislike for JT then anything else.
  • [cite]Posted By: roseandcrown[/cite]
    I think alot of people here are saying this as more of a dislike for JT then anything else.

  • well most of the WAGS are reported to be staying at home.
    no smoke....
  • People keep saying he's not had a good season?????....opposed to who, Rio Ferdinand?!!!

    Terry has won the PL, favourites to win the FA Cup & appears in the OPTA team of the season (remember, the stats dont lie).
  • There are conflicting reports here. Some say he's definitely out, some say he's done his metatarsal, others say he's gone for a scan and we'll know tomorrow.

    I disagree with most of you though, him being ruled out would definitely be a loss. The captain of the English champions and a bloke who played in virtually every qualifier. With Rio looking suspect as well we could have a completely untried international partnership there.
  • From Curb_It's "Daily Hatemail" (lol) link:
    " .......was rushed to hospital having suffered a suspected broken metatarsal in training."

    Rushed to hospital ....????
    Must have been a life or death emergency situation for poor John Terry.

    He's only cracked a small bone in his foot, poor lamb.
    Nearly every footballer on the planet has done that!
  • That would be injury concerns over Rio, Terry and King.

    John Terry has lost a yard of pace and that has made him a lesser player. Still 1 of our best 2 centrebacks though.

    Bridge is not good enough.
  • All these comments stating no great loss etc is all well & good until we get some of the Third raters like Upson playing in their place instead, then we'll be out of the tournament much earlier than we should be. Cannot stand the likes of Ashley Cole or John Terry as people, England however are a much better side with them in the team rather than out.
  • [cite]Posted By: Ketman[/cite]All these comments stating no great loss etc is all well & good until we get some of the Third raters like Upson playing in their place instead, then we'll be out of the tournament much earlier than we should be. Cannot stand the likes of Ashley Cole or John Terry as people, England however are a much better side with them in the team rather than out.

    Kind of agree. I think Terry is great in a League like the Premiership but maybe gets found out a bit in Europe and at International level. That said, he is still better than the likes of Upson.

    Ashley Cole however is a top player at the top of his game. Along with Rooney and maybe Lumpard or Gerrard (although probably not both), he's one of the few England players who'd get into most other national teams. Shame he's such a knob.

    Ledley King is probably the best English centre back right now (on form at least) but there's no way his knees will be up to playing in every game at a World Cup.

    I'm afraid the rigours of a long and aggressive English season are coming home to roost in World Cup year again, but we can't have it both ways. Personally I'd rather the season long entertainment I get from the domestic calender than a stale and/or shortned season to accomodate a successful England team.
  • Ashley Cole ..... the player who displaced Chris Powell from the England team.

    Is that good enough reason to hate him?

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