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One play off legend fall from grace.

edited May 2010 in General Charlton
A good friend of mine just told me about Clive mendonca and how
his life has changed since leaving Charlton.

Gutted to hear it after everything he done for the club. A true legend of CAFC


  • I bet sky give him some pundit work for the playoffs.
  • I hope so would be nice. I would imagine Chrissy Powell or Curby
  • Think this was mentioned in another thread. Sad news, not sure what the club can do apart from maybe offering him a role as a matchday host, and even then if he's living oooop north he might not be able to do it.

    Did he sell his medal on ebay as it was mentioned he would be at one time?
  • edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: allez les addicks[/cite]Think this was mentioned in another thread. Sad news, not sure what the club can do apart from maybe offering him a role as a matchday host, and even then if he's living oooop north he might not be able to do it.

    Did he sell his medal on ebay as it was mentioned he would be at one time?

    Matchday host. Bring him back as a player, we need a goalscorer.
  • I sincerely hope this isn't true. Very sad news. All the best clive, I very much doubt you'll ever be surpassed by anyone that pulls the red shirt on.
  • Shame

    poor bloke living on a council estate how does he cope
  • Very sad indeed...... Hopefully when we reach the final playoffs the club could use his services for 'media work' and community projects...... could be a good way of using his services, and helping the guy out.

    Be good to hear from ' sir clive 'again hopefully the club can sort something out!. Make a great evening/night at the supporters club night eh guys! to rally the supporters before the big game... at the Valley with some of the other players as well.
  • We don't know if this is true.

    I don't think it's right to talk about anyone in this way, even if true, but especially someone like Clive who deserves more respect from us.

    This good friend Cray, where did s/he get the info from? From Clive or from someone who read the previous speculation on here and is now repeating it as fact.

    Rather poor IMHO
  • The information was from a pub owner who tried to get him down for a 'night with mendonca' he met him a hotel up north and clive told him i assume. He came down and done the night however i dont know whether it was a sucess or not.

    I would not write it if it wasnt true henry.
  • agreed with henry whatever is going on for clive lets not gossip about a real legend
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  • [cite]Posted By: CrayAddick[/cite]The information was from a pub owner who tried to get him down for a 'night with mendonca' he met him a hotel up north and clive told him i assume. He came down and done the night however i dont know whether it was a sucess or not.

    I would not write it if it wasnt true henry.

    slight contradiction there.

    Even if it is true, which it could be, not sure why it was necessary to spread it publicly.
  • Yeh i accept that, just all this play off talk makes me think how some people lives have changed since the golden days.
  • [cite]Posted By: CrayAddick[/cite]Yeh i accept that, just all this play off talk makes me think how some people lives have changed since the golden days.

    I wonder if Clive would see it that way if he read this.
  • we have plenty of silly legends,players who cant score a goal for love nor money,this man to me is in my top five.
  • edited May 2010
    I think he would respect the fact he is still in our thoughts.
  • [cite]Posted By: CrayAddick[/cite]I think he would respect the fact he is still in our thoughts.

    But maybe not that we are talking about his private life, true or not.
  • Yeh i appreciate that, but its just concern for a legend after hearing this awful news. It's not something i will continue to harp on about.

    Super Clive will always be a CAFC legend
  • Get off your high horse henry!
  • [cite]Posted By: lancashire lad[/cite]Get off your high horse henry!

    Get off yours.

    Hero or not I don't see why an individuals personal and private circumstances are a proper topic for speculation on here.
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  • Aside from Sir Clive, whose current circumstances I know nothing about, there are plenty more of these stories around.

    On the radio here the other day was a former Rugby League player, Robbie O'Davis, who played for Australia and several top NRL clubs and cashed in on the whole money explosion with Super League in the 1990's and admitted he signed three contracts in his career for over A$1.5 million for three-year deals.

    He said that those deals, signed between the ages of 22-32, earnt him a pre-tax income of A$4.5 million over the nine years (VERY big money for a Rugby League player), and that was before he earned a penny for sponsorship etc.

    Well, within five years of retiring poor old Robbie was brassic and earning A$400 (UK240) per week selling insurance and was divorced and living in a friends spare room.

    As Garry Nelson said in his brilliant book "Left Foot Forward" football is almost unique in that it spits people out in their early to mid 30's and they can go from being top-earners to earning nothing in the space of a season.
  • You dont have to read it Henry if you dont like the topic. Its only out of respect for the guy. To remind people of how sometimes it dont work out.
  • [cite]Posted By: CrayAddick[/cite] Its only out of respect for the guy.

    Strange way of showing respect for someone IMHO
  • Henry - I fell off mine years ago!

    I understand your point of view but the majority of this site involves speculation, it is right to ask Cray for the authenticity of his source but you should respect the right of the rest of us to be interested in the well being of one of our heroes. By discussing it here maybe some good will come from it. Unfortunately we live in a celebrity culture and Clive is a Charlton Celebrity.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: lancashire lad[/cite]Henry - I fell off mine years ago!

    I understand your point of view but the majority of this site involves speculation, it is right to ask Cray for the authenticity of his source but you should respect the right of the rest of us to be interested in the well being of one of our heroes. By discussing it here maybe some good will come from it. Unfortunately we live in a celebrity culture and Clive is a Charlton Celebrity.[/quote]

    Very true.

    I know what saying Henry. Just wanted to make people aware.
  • [cite]Posted By: lancashire lad[/cite]Henry - I fell off mine years ago!

    I understand your point of view but the majority of this site involves speculation, it is right to ask Cray for the authenticity of his source but you should respect the right of the rest of us to be interested in the well being of one of our heroes. By discussing it here maybe some good will come from it. Unfortunately we live in a celebrity culture and Clive is a Charlton Celebrity.

    There's is a difference between speculation on a player signing for this or that club and speculation on a persons marital or financial status IMHO

    I'm not saying people shouldn't be interested, I am. But when I saw on ebay that he was selling his medals sometime ago I made a decision not to put it on here as I felt it would lead to just this type of speculation and invasion of privacy.

    as you say unfortunately we live in a celebrity culture, one which justifies any invasion of privacy on the basis of the victim being or once having been famous in someway.

    I dislike that celebrity culture. I don't think "celebrity" is an excuse for disrespect, public speculation or invasions of privacy for their own sake. So I try not to take part in speculation or passing on of those types of rumours.
  • Well this is not a rumour, and i respect your opionion and its down to the individual to what there beliefs are.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    I'm not saying people shouldn't be interested, I am. But when I saw on ebay that he was selling his medals sometime ago I made a decision not to put it on here as I felt it would lead to just this type of speculation and invasion of privacy.

    Did he sell them in the end?

    also seems a strange thing that you wouldn't publicise it for his own wellbeing. Surely the more people that know it's up for the sale, should mean that more people bid on it, raising the price, getting Sir Clive a few more pennies.
  • Regardless of the specualtion I've always thought the club should have offered some kind of role, maybe even as an ambassador or something. I think Curbs offered him a coaching role after he retired but he turned it down. My favourtie ever Charlton player and a nice bloke too.
  • [cite]Posted By: allez les addicks[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]

    I'm not saying people shouldn't be interested, I am. But when I saw on ebay that he was selling his medals sometime ago I made a decision not to put it on here as I felt it would lead to just this type of speculation and invasion of privacy.

    Did he sell them in the end?

    also seems a strange thing that you wouldn't publicise it for his own wellbeing. Surely the more people that know it's up for the sale, should mean that more people bid on it, raising the price, getting Sir Clive a few more pennies.

    As far as I know not.

    And no I didn't publicise it. Rather than do that I contacted the club in the hope that they could buy the medals as that would both help Clive get a fair price and give the medals/shirt/boots a proper home at the Valley.

    I know the Club spoke to Clive and asked that he give them the chance to make an offer but I've not heard that it's progressed since then.
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