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Little Hitlers!



  • so obstructive isn't it all of 6ft or so above the bloody sign!
  • thanks march i've got a crick in my neck now.

    Yes definitely blocking the road sign.
  • What does the sign say, I can't see with that flag in the way?

    Why don't you send this link to the Council? Call it a Petition against them wasting tax payers money.
  • Which sign are they talking about? The one on the side of the road, or the one that is already partially obscured by the wall?
  • On a releated (sort of) subject I was crawling down a very steep hill in Poole this week. When I came around a corner I came across what can only be described as the most stupid cycle lane I've ever seen which has just been put in...


    ...not unreasonably I was momentarily distracted trying to figure out how the hell cars coming the other way, as I shortly would have to do, are supposed to use the road without driving over the central line or into the cycle lane.

    Anyway, I turn my attention back to the road in front to be greeted by a speed trap. Would still only be doing 33,34 tops so got fingers crossed they've taken a sensible atitude bearing in mind the distraction that's been created on the other side of the road in the name of road safety.
  • Can you scan the letter on march or is that asking too much.... this is absolutely ridiculous.
  • [cite]Posted By: JollyRobin[/cite]Ahaha. That response is genius.

    Entertaining agreed but easily overcome I'm afraid...

    Dear Mr March,

    Thank you for your letter of whenever. In response I would point out there were two of us in the car.

    Yours in pedantry,

    Mr Jobsworth
  • [cite]Posted By: Bournemouth Addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: JollyRobin[/cite]Ahaha. That response is genius.

    Entertaining agreed but easily overcome I'm afraid...

    Dear Mr March,

    Thank you for your letter of whenever. In response I would point out there were two of us in the car.

    Yours in pedantry,

    Mr Jobsworth
    In which case, surely the counter-response would be to say that they couldn't therefore have replicated the 'problem' accurately - as surely having two people in the car would preclude the driver from becoming distracted because the passenger would be able to read the sign for the driver? (Unless he/she was blind of course, but that would just be ridiculous...)
  • Bit of confusion here: what you chaps think is a sign on the other side of the wall is actually the end gables of my neighbour's house: look closely. Dazzler is right though in that the flag is a few feet above the sign, though he has had the advantage of seeing it 'live'.

    Cheers, EG, but never see many goalposts up at the Grammer: all rugger and hockey by the look of it.

    Curbs, am working on a response with jnr. will incorporate comments from here, will keep you posted!

    Thanks again all, takes your mind of other things for a minute or two don't it.
  • No iwas taking the pee. Its nowhere near the sign!
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  • 'Entertaining agreed but easily overcome I'm afraid...

    Dear Mr March,

    Thank you for your letter of whenever. In response I would point out there were two of us in the car.

    Yours in pedantry,

    Mr Jobsworth '

    Brilliant :L
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